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Folding AK off pre in Sunday Million Folding AK off pre in Sunday Million

04-15-2014 , 01:00 PM
Hello guys
First of all would all TROLLS refrain from answering this thread please, I am enquiring about a hand that I played a couple of weeks ago in the Sunday Million and I am still wondering about my play. Getting a dozen people saying you should have called you pr**k is not going to help me.

First of all maybe it is important to mention that my usual buy in amount is $11 - $27 but I quite often satellite into larger tourneys, My bankroll does not allow me to play in the Million but I think I have it in me to take down a big tourney but as this hand shows maybe I need some help/guidance on the way to that big score

The hand occurred about 2 hrs into the tourney
Blinds are 200/400 with a 40 ante
I had been moved to a new table and had folded every hand for 2 orbits
during that time all but 3 of the hands were won with a bet preflop 2 were won with a bet on the flop and only 1 hand went to showdown, that hand was won by villain who doubled up with KK vs QQ

Average chips at the table is 18k
I have 16k
Villain is table chip lead with 22k

I am dealt Ad Ks utg and raise to 1500
mp raises to 3500 (stack is 17k ish )
Villain raises all in from the small blind

I let my time bank run while I figure things through
On one hand I am thinking get it in but I am also aware I only have Ace high

I must be behind to at least 1 player but if I am up against TT and QQ should I be calling
Both players have me covered but not by so much that they can afford to lose the hand plus this is the first hand I have played so they have to put me on something
I just don't want to fold and mp to call and I see AQ vs AJ or something similar
I fold and then after using his time bank mp folds and obviously Villain doesn't show

I convinced myself it was a good fold but then 40 mins later I am knocked out in a similar situation this time I am holding QQ and the Villain (different villain,same table) obviously had AK Since then I have been thinking I should have just got it in with the AK but I need to know why which is why I am here asking for help

Thank you for your time and good luck at the tables
04-15-2014 , 01:42 PM
First of all, you are attracting trolls with this thread. Second. You almost 4x raised pre. Not good and looks like you have exactly 1010, JJ, or AK and are probably folding to a shove always.

Originally Posted by JP9562
Since then I have been thinking I should have just got it in with the AK but I need to know why which is why I am here asking for help
I know why you are thinking you should've got it in. Because you lost later and are completely affected by results. smaller and if he 3bet jams 40 bigs probably fold, if he 3 bets normal size, 4bet jam.
04-15-2014 , 01:56 PM
04-15-2014 , 02:05 PM
I would normally have raised to around 1000 (2 1/2 bb ) but since landing at the table all raises were between 1400 and 2000 and I felt I should stay within those boundries opting for the lower end

If mp had raised to 3500 and it folded to me I would have shoved but the 4bet shove from sb slowed me down and I felt I had to fold

Obviously to an extent I am results orientated but would still like to know the reasons for/against calling

Thank you and good luck at the tables
04-16-2014 , 06:04 PM
It's too early to get all in w/ AKo pre in that situation. Fold.
04-17-2014 , 04:28 PM
Fold to cold 4b. Everyone's ranges are stronger since you 3.75x it UTG.
04-17-2014 , 05:08 PM
This seems like a very easy fold.
04-17-2014 , 05:24 PM
interesting, 3-bet was probably with 99-JJ, all-in hard to say, maybe quens or AK as well
04-17-2014 , 05:25 PM
also the very early phase to flip
04-17-2014 , 06:27 PM
raise 2x to 2.5x pre, snap fold to shove. raise this same amount with your entire UTG raising range and only call KK+ in this spot if he still decides to shove despite your smaller sizing
04-17-2014 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by OnTilt24/7
raise 2x to 2.5x pre, snap fold to shove. raise this same amount with your entire UTG raising range and only call KK+ in this spot if he still decides to shove despite your smaller sizing
If you raise 2-2.5xBB, then you should get it in with a looser range if cold 4-bet. It might effect the size of bets and so on making it smaller. However, when you make it 3.75x you usually have premium hand and the 3-bettor is almost never light. So he needs a stronger hand to cold 4-bet with. Plus more chance the 3-bettor has you dominated.

If you open raised normally UTG and got cold 4-bet, your range should probably be a little looser than KK+.
04-17-2014 , 06:46 PM
04-17-2014 , 10:25 PM
Definitely open smaller sizing, snap fold.
04-18-2014 , 03:05 AM
Originally Posted by betgo
If you raise 2-2.5xBB, then you should get it in with a looser range if cold 4-bet. It might effect the size of bets and so on making it smaller. However, when you make it 3.75x you usually have premium hand and the 3-bettor is almost never light. So he needs a stronger hand to cold 4-bet with. Plus more chance the 3-bettor has you dominated.

If you open raised normally UTG and got cold 4-bet, your range should probably be a little looser than KK+.
I really just meant that this would be my default sizing, and if villain shoved I'd snap fold. If you raise 2 to 2.5x, V1 makes a normal 3bet, and V2 shoves and has you covered, given the info provided and your table image I don't think you should be calling wider than KK+. This is different from normal cold 4bet sizing(given a 2 to 2.5x open) in which case I could see this potentially being a 5bet jam.
04-19-2014 , 02:21 PM
unreg pre
04-20-2014 , 12:03 AM
unreg pre
04-20-2014 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by +rep_lol
unreg pre
How do you know he is eROI- in the Sunday Million? His sizing gave a lot of correct information about his hand, but he made a correct fold.

Originally Posted by OnTilt24/7
I really just meant that this would be my default sizing, and if villain shoved I'd snap fold. If you raise 2 to 2.5x, V1 makes a normal 3bet, and V2 shoves and has you covered, given the info provided and your table image I don't think you should be calling wider than KK+. This is different from normal cold 4bet sizing(given a 2 to 2.5x open) in which case I could see this potentially being a 5bet jam.
If OP opens normally and there is a 3-bet and standard sized cold 4-bet, without reads, AKo is probably a push, but it depends on the players

If OP opens normally and there is a 3-bet and a cold 4-bet shove, then the shover is not bluffing, but probably doesn't have the top of his range. So I would think QQ is a call and JJ/AK are read-dependent.
