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Ept Wien Main event hand! Ept Wien Main event hand!

02-25-2011 , 11:51 PM
hello again,

here i have another hand it is from the ept Wien main event ,its the first day the table is soft with 2 italians and some random players from local that i know mostly.
I was pretty active at the table with a lot of 3bets and some plays but with zero showdown..the hand in question happens at level 200/400 ante 50.Stack 25k

Italian opens Utg -1k
3 callers behind some italian wannabe dario mineri to my right 3bets to 6k(a lot of histroy with him and he did some crazy 4bets and stupid bluffs )60k behind..

pot is like 11k now

what is my squezz range here ?

i obv belive the limpers are just wanting to see the flop and the utg reiser has open a lot utg..

do i just jamm or 4bet?
with 77+ a10+
02-26-2011 , 06:02 PM
88+,AQ+ for me I think maybe.... 4 betting here would be putting in 1/2 your stack so I think you might have to jam, the 1/2 stack 4 bet might look like a gimmick to "dario" idk id jam that range anyways
02-26-2011 , 06:16 PM
yur squeezing range should be a value range at this point in an MTT. UNless you have a good deal of equity with your hand, and limpers are likely to fold, I think people can relax in these spots and not try to force anything. But I would jame here TT+ - AQo+

I think jamming hands like T9hh and QJss is a bit spewy this early. A lot of poker to play and if you are good enough you can exploit them all day. Especially IP.
02-27-2011 , 03:10 PM
77+ AJ+ IMO
02-27-2011 , 04:50 PM
Need informations about utg style and stack
02-28-2011 , 12:17 PM
pretty active at the table but folds a lot to 3bet/35k behind...

at the moment i didnt calculate my FE and i jamm AJ ...and after 2 min of thinking he calls telling me he is commited.....
02-28-2011 , 01:33 PM
R there a lot of ppl left to act etc that's def a factor
His sizing is quite large
Lightest id jam seems lke aq and 99 maybe 88
02-28-2011 , 09:53 PM
Originally Posted by Dana Gordon
R there a lot of ppl left to act etc that's def a factor
His sizing is quite large
Lightest id jam seems lke aq and 99 maybe 88
ur def right didnt thought to much at the moment i had a tell with his bet sezing,and was a very marginal spot....he calls with kq doesnt metter the result
