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EPT snowfest - do I vbet AA  here? EPT snowfest - do I vbet AA  here?

03-22-2010 , 06:02 AM
Pretty sick table, on my left I have a very good american guy (HS cash player) and next to him a very aggro finnish dude.

One of them is always opening and either the american or myself are 3betting fairly often.
In some cases pot were being 4betted pre and even 5betted light (sick pot where the american 6betted all-in to eventually show 74s).

effective stack 70k

Finnish dude open from UTG 750
I make 2100 from UTG+2 with AhAd, he calls

FLOP 8s7d4s

He checks and I bet 3k, he calls


he checks and again I fire, this time I miscalculated the size and I make 4500, he calls

he checks, Hero?
03-22-2010 , 07:00 AM
I might consider it if we held the As.

This seems like a pretty easy check back, especially if we think villian is capable of c/r bluffing.
03-22-2010 , 11:44 AM
I'd check it back. I mean, what are we betting to get value from? QQ or KK? I mean, thats like almost it, so i jsut check it back
03-22-2010 , 11:44 AM
what hawksta said

I'd also 3bet a bit bigger pre, like 3kish, since he is not capable of folding pre.
03-22-2010 , 12:10 PM
id prob bet/fold this river for value
he opened utg and called ur utg+2 3 bet, i think he does have a pair a decent amt of the time
he might call with worse pairs if u bet and if he check raises he pretty much always has u crushed (unless u think he is the type to cr bluff u on river here..)
03-22-2010 , 03:03 PM
vbet /soul read the river imo
03-22-2010 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by Dana Gordon
id prob bet/fold this river for value
he opened utg and called ur utg+2 3 bet, i think he does have a pair a decent amt of the time
he might call with worse pairs if u bet and if he check raises he pretty much always has u crushed (unless u think he is the type to cr bluff u on river here..)
Agree with Dana. Let him figure out what to call with, I don't think he c/r bluffs enough to make it a bad bet.
03-22-2010 , 04:15 PM
Check back, you have either won enough or lost enough here imo.
03-22-2010 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by TEKEE
Check back, you have either won enough or lost enough here imo.
how do u determine if you've "won enough" here?

you can't really make a statement like that without showing some hands that would have called vbets here on non-spade rivers vs hands that will now call vbets here.

villain prob never is full here, unless he has exactly 99 or 88 he never gets to the river this way without having a mid PP or a flush draw. i think given that he raised utg and called a 3bet, he likely has like 88+ here a lot. obv we don't like 88 or 99 but everything else we can get value from. we've also 3bet a lot, and unless we have played really passive and/or never bluffed, i assume we can get the majority of those hands like TT-KK to always call here.

really think we should bet 10-12k, whatever like exactly 50% pot is. i would always fold to raises, unless the guy is a psycho and is capable of checkraise bluffing here, in which case i might even bet more like 7-8k to induce.
03-22-2010 , 05:34 PM
i think his range is 88-QQ here and some FD, i check back beacuse there are only 3 maybe 4 hands that we beat
03-22-2010 , 05:38 PM
This seems like a pretty bad spot for him to ch/r bluff. That said I still think it's a check back he can have 8x a good amount here and depending on how wide his 3-bet calling range is (from my experience mostly no one folded to 3-bets ever) he can actually have quite a few flushes as well. I think bet/calling here would be super terrible though unless you think he's just bad/aggro and doesn't understand hand-reading. But if he's in super hero call mode against you especially since you probably would be bluffing here a bit and he probably knows that bet/fold isn't too bad.
03-22-2010 , 06:58 PM
I'd bet/fold, pretty hard for you to be behind here
03-22-2010 , 06:59 PM
3-bet more pre. This hand is only interesting because of the messed up turn bet sizing. I'd still bet/decide, if you read him as spazzy aggro then bet to induce I guess.
03-22-2010 , 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by NeverScaredB
3-bet more pre. This hand is only interesting because of the messed up turn bet sizing. I'd still bet/decide, if you read him as spazzy aggro then bet to induce I guess.

dont 3bet more pre, def bet river
03-22-2010 , 08:14 PM
get more value pre since we know villain is never folding make it 3kish.

I also like bet/fold. a player that is as aggressive as the one you described does not go check/call, check/call on at least two streets with his Kxss and Axss hands.
03-22-2010 , 09:02 PM
considering aces is the worst hand you'll value bet, i dont think you have to worry about being vulnerable to bluff raises.
03-22-2010 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by sketchy1
how do u determine if you've "won enough" here?

you can't really make a statement like that without showing some hands that would have called vbets here on non-spade rivers vs hands that will now call vbets here.

villain prob never is full here, unless he has exactly 99 or 88 he never gets to the river this way without having a mid PP or a flush draw. i think given that he raised utg and called a 3bet, he likely has like 88+ here a lot. obv we don't like 88 or 99 but everything else we can get value from. we've also 3bet a lot, and unless we have played really passive and/or never bluffed, i assume we can get the majority of those hands like TT-KK to always call here.

really think we should bet 10-12k, whatever like exactly 50% pot is. i would always fold to raises, unless the guy is a psycho and is capable of checkraise bluffing here, in which case i might even bet more like 7-8k to induce.
If he's so 4 bet happy, can we really give him that strong of a range 10s-Ks? Isn't he always raising the flop or our turn bet? By the way, not saying that vb is wrong here.
03-22-2010 , 11:50 PM
why would he check the river with a flush here? I'd bet like all the time

Last edited by Kramerica; 03-22-2010 at 11:51 PM. Reason: we have ACES
03-23-2010 , 12:27 AM
Originally Posted by Kramerica
why would he check the river with a flush here? I'd bet like all the time
Because hero will likely bluff a lot here and his betting range probably > call a river donk bet range.
03-23-2010 , 12:29 AM
Originally Posted by eugener
If he's so 4 bet happy, can we really give him that strong of a range 10s-Ks? Isn't he always raising the flop or our turn bet? By the way, not saying that vb is wrong here.
ppl don't 4bet QQ/JJ/TT in these spots, like, ever, unless they're just terrible. in which case, OP should known and should 3bet larger and obv try to get him to spaz-get-it-in pre
03-23-2010 , 09:45 AM
Originally Posted by zachvac
Because hero will likely bluff a lot here and his betting range probably > call a river donk bet range.
have you ever played with an aggro person from finland? flush draws = flopped nuts i can't believe he would go c/c, c/c c/?
03-23-2010 , 09:55 AM
betfold 16k or so
