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Early in MTT Hand Question Early in MTT Hand Question

11-03-2011 , 03:49 AM
This hand actually happened to me a couple of months ago and it's been bugging me ever since.

Scenario: $300 Buy in, 160 entries top 18 get paid, 40 minute levels. 20K Starting stack.

There's a guy at my table that I've played many times before and although I've never seen him outside the casino and only know his first name, we're very friendly. He's also a very good player.This is relevant because he ends up being the villain in the hand.

It's an hour into the tourney, Blinds are 100-200. I have 26k, and get JJ in middle position. Only 3 or 4 people have been knocked out at this point

I raise to 650
Villain calls
Everyone else folds

Flop is J-10-9 rainbow

I bet 1000
Villain raises to 2000
I make it 5000
Villain goes all in

I tank for a few seconds and he says "My bet should tell you what to do." I am 100% certain that he has KQ for the nut straight. I know this leaves me with a 35% chance to win the hand. If I fold I still have what I started with. If I call and lose I have 3k. In spite of the fact that I am the underdog does the chance to double up early, and knock out the person I view as the toughest competition at the table make it worth a call?

I folded and we both showed. Also, I know it would have been better to just call his raise and hope the turn paired the board.
11-03-2011 , 04:14 AM
lol come on, fold
11-03-2011 , 04:36 AM
guru that's such a fail to patronize this guy look at how neatly he wrote the op out

Last edited by skater3598; 11-03-2011 at 04:39 AM. Reason: too much "young weezy" imo
11-03-2011 , 05:12 AM
Are you really folding top set after you 3-bet flop?
11-03-2011 , 05:48 AM
Don't CIB if you ain'tz gonna call imo. Flat the flop raise. As played fold, especially with your reads, your history, and what he said.
11-03-2011 , 10:23 PM
No, you 3-betting 5k and bloating the pot is why you should prolly call...I assume Villain started the hand w/ 23k since you said you would have 3k left if you called his allin. which would mean there is 1,600 in the pot pf, since he is on the button,and the blinds fold, you bet 1k, he makes it 2k,you make it 5k...he shoves for 20,350, correct? which means there is 29,950 in the pot, and you have to call 15,350...your a 1.87-1 dog, and you getting 1.95-1 pot odds,which means your getting the right price to call and you commited yourself to the pot if you consider the pot odds...I , But I can see folding since it's so early..The biggest thing is learning not to 3-bet if you can't call a 4-bet!
11-03-2011 , 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by BrantleyN
No, you 3-betting 5k and bloating the pot is why you should prolly call...I assume Villain started the hand w/ 23k since you said you would have 3k left if you called his allin. which would mean there is 1,600 in the pot pf, since he is on the button,and the blinds fold, you bet 1k, he makes it 2k,you make it 5k...he shoves for 20,350, correct?
Correct, sorry for not being as clear as I could have been.

The biggest thing is learning not to 3-bet if you can't call a 4-bet!
Lesson learned. Thanks.
11-03-2011 , 11:48 PM
Knocking out the only good player or folding to stay alive to play pots with fish, kinda works both ways so that can't really affect your decision.
11-05-2011 , 04:35 PM
call the flop raise, re evaluate turn (or fill up) played I would fold bc he basically told you he had a straight (and you said you're 100% certain he has kq)
