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CALL or FOLD an overpair here? CALL or FOLD an overpair here?

07-13-2008 , 07:05 PM
WSOP Main Event

Day 3
1st level of the day: 800/1600/200

I have approx 27K

Table is playing pretty standard, with only one donk who just overcalled the river with A3 on a A-K-8-J-4 board that was raised pre, bet on the flop and called by both preflop callers, checked around on the turn, then bet and called in from of him on the river.

That said:

I raise to 4500 with JJ UTG.
Folds to DONK mentioned above on the button who calls with a stack of approx 30K.

Flop 9c 8c 4h

I bet 6K
DONK shoves

Whats your play?

Do you like the bet/bet size on the flop?
07-13-2008 , 10:26 PM
overpair + donk villain + less than 20 BB = snap snap snap snap

i like the bet sizing generally, i don't see how you can have a question about the decision tho
07-13-2008 , 11:38 PM
i really instaturbosnap with the Jc.
07-14-2008 , 07:43 AM
How on earth could you put well over 1/3 of your stack in and then fold based upon your read and situation? Easy easy easy call.
07-14-2008 , 08:21 AM
I would do a little shimmy and yell, Whooooo! Then I would call.

- Bitterness is joy with a bad attitude
07-14-2008 , 09:24 AM
Originally Posted by MrBeeks
Whats your play?
Insta-call. We're getting 3 to 1 on a call, it's a no-brainer...

Originally Posted by MrBeeks
Do you like the bet/bet size on the flop?
You're betting less than half pot. Why? Is that some WSOP ME standard? Do you know why you choose that amount? If the purpose was to give yourself FE in case he shoves, you failed. If the purpose was to trick him into thinking he has FE, well, you managed to do that, so just call.
07-14-2008 , 11:44 AM
Yeah, it was a pretty obv call. Sorry for the lame post. I just ran so bad on Day 2 I started questioning everything and needed a reality check. Anyway, DONK had AA and the board bricked out. nh gg.
07-14-2008 , 11:48 AM
i like the 1/2 pot c-bet, donks love to jam over 1/2 pot c-bets on raggedy boards so's you can fold your AK.

OP, in your shoes, my only regrets about this hand would have been my mild embarassment after I do the Phil Hellmuth spaz-instacall when donk shoves and then I see his idiot aces. Also I would probably try to slice his retina with one of my jacks. Also it is too bad it wasn't me against you holding the aces, def turn Q river T if so. Or perhaps running clubs should you happen to hold Jc and me not Ac.
07-14-2008 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by Rocco
Insta-call. We're getting 3 to 1 on a call, it's a no-brainer...

You're betting less than half pot. Why? Is that some WSOP ME standard? Do you know why you choose that amount? If the purpose was to give yourself FE in case he shoves, you failed. If the purpose was to trick him into thinking he has FE, well, you managed to do that, so just call.
I actually like the bet sizing a lot for this reason and because it looks like a weak c bet.
07-14-2008 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by Black Aces 518
overpair + donk villain + less than 20 BB = snap snap snap snap

i like the bet sizing generally, i don't see how you can have a question about the decision tho
Great formula for all the overthinkers in this forum.
07-14-2008 , 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by Assani Fisher
I actually like the bet sizing a lot for this reason and because it looks like a weak c bet.
My flop bet sizing of slightly less than half the pot was to EXCACTLY to try to induce a weak shove from mr donk. The play in the WSOP main event can be really bad at times, so given my chip count I wanted to try to induce a spaz shov by him. I'd already seen, on several occasions, players shove an AK or 66 type hand in situations like these.
