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06-29-2010 , 05:27 AM
Originally Posted by mement_mori
I just don't think there is any benefit to having a flattingrange on this flop at this depth given the dynamics you described. Id just make it 12800 and call it off I think. Not thrilled about it but can't see a better alternative
Mement_Mori on trying to bluff 99 with set blockers.

Stick to online, fish.

I think call turn in this hand might be optimal but I'd have to be at table to really get the dynamic.
06-29-2010 , 07:27 AM
Why are we assuming that she's aware of her image and not bluffing very often? Think we beat enough of her value/semibluff range not to consider folding, think jamming is better than calling
06-29-2010 , 10:56 AM
Call flop for sure.
06-29-2010 , 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by wazz
Why are we assuming that she's aware of her image and not bluffing very often?
Originally Posted by Tiltyjoker
Villain in hand is a young female. She has some game tho; and is aware of the stereotypical women reads guys tend to have. And she uses this to her advantage.
she could be bluffing I guess, but this does not seem like "random" agression to me.
06-29-2010 , 11:03 AM
usually when there is no general agreement... it's gonna be super close either way.

i jammed on turn, and she went deep into the tank with 99 before calling. just felt kinda gross shoving

think she checks behind big combo draws on turn often..........
06-29-2010 , 11:04 AM
Tilty: Was this the "goth" girl who had the jet black hair and was loaded with jewlery?
06-29-2010 , 11:35 AM

more importantly was she cute? ;p
06-29-2010 , 12:03 PM
Why are you calling the flop and then fold on the turn?
What did you put her on and how did her cards change with the turn?

I like the call on the flop but do not agree with the fold on the turn. I would get it all in right there.
06-29-2010 , 12:23 PM
Originally Posted by taaemt
Why are you calling the flop and then fold on the turn?
What did you put her on and how did her cards change with the turn?

I like the call on the flop but do not agree with the fold on the turn. I would get it all in right there.
That's a pretty poor logic (specifically in east coast live poker). A lot of people will just randomly c/r boards but never fire multiple barrels w/o the stone cold nuts (how many times have I seen that happen with a hand like AQ here?). My 1st instinct in this hand is to call turn and fold river, figuring villain will never bluff once u call twice and live players are too passive to jam T9 or a set.

Originally Posted by Tiltyjoker

more importantly was she cute? ;p
If you're into the whole biker chick/System of a Down look, she's not bad. If you're into ummm "normal" (for lack of a better term) girls, you're sol. But she was aggro as ****, which is why I asked. If it's just some random old woman with occasional bouts of spaziness, that would make the river ever more of a fold.
06-29-2010 , 01:04 PM
^ haha. yah im not into the system of a down look lol. she wasn't old, prob 25-35 years old.

how about this. If villain is changed to east coast nitty 45 year old woman. Do we have to insta fold to flop raise?
06-29-2010 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by Tiltyjoker
^ haha. yah im not into the system of a down look lol. she wasn't old, prob 25-35 years old.

how about this. If villain is changed to east coast nitty 45 year old woman. Do we have to insta fold to flop raise?
Was it that girl Joanne (sort of Spanish looking girl from NYC; not Joanne Dorin)? She's a mega nit if it was.

I honestly stand by what I originally said if the villain is some 45 year old woman. I'd expect her to never have a draw, but to still have a lot of T9/AQ/99 hands (obv we don't beat 99) that are protecting. However, given the passive nature of east coast live players, I'd never expect them to shove river with a worse hand than QT. I'd have no problem calling turn/folding river. I may even just fold turn if I was in the zone that day.
06-29-2010 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by mkind0516
Was it that girl Joanne (sort of Spanish looking girl from NYC; not Joanne Dorin)? She's a mega nit if it was.

I honestly stand by what I originally said if the villain is some 45 year old woman. I'd expect her to never have a draw, but to still have a lot of T9/AQ/99 hands (obv we don't beat 99) that are protecting. However, given the passive nature of east coast live players, I'd never expect them to shove river with a worse hand than QT. I'd have no problem calling turn/folding river. I may even just fold turn if I was in the zone that day.
I cosign with fellow east coast live pro Jason Laso.
06-29-2010 , 03:22 PM
I like flatting the flop and check folding the turn for many reasons, if nothing more than the equity in your left in your stack.

I would probably ask something silly on the turn after she bet, like "Are 4s good here?" Gauge her reaction and then fold.
06-29-2010 , 03:28 PM
c'mon how can described villain ever be joanne mr laso
06-29-2010 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by taaemt
Why are you calling the flop and then fold on the turn?
What did you put her on and how did her cards change with the turn?

I like the call on the flop but do not agree with the fold on the turn. I would get it all in right there.
[QUOTE=mkind0516;19905488]That's a pretty poor logic (specifically in east coast live poker). A lot of people will just randomly c/r boards but never fire multiple barrels w/o the stone cold nuts (how many times have I seen that happen with a hand like AQ here?). My 1st instinct in this hand is to call turn and fold river, figuring villain will never bluff once u call twice and live players are too passive to jam T9 or a set. [QUOTE]

I will give you that I should have been more specific when I said that I would go all in but did not want to be long winded.

The point that I tried to make is that that if you call the flop then you have to at least call the turn based on the turn card not changing the board. If it were a diamond I would fold. Did you call the flop thinking that you were beat and drawing to a 4 outer?

I would have reraised and been willing to commit all my chips or I might have just flat called. It would depend on the dynamics of the table which specific action I would have done but folding was not an option IMO.

It was not pretty poor logic esspecially since you agreed with the point I was trying to make - if you call the flop you should as a minimum call the turn.
06-29-2010 , 05:10 PM
lol... i didn't get c/r'ed
06-29-2010 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by taaemt
It was not pretty poor logic esspecially since you agreed with the point I was trying to make - if you call the flop you should as a minimum call the turn.
Originally Posted by mkind0516
I may even just fold turn if I was in the zone that day.
In addition, you were saying that since the turn is a brick and "didn't change anything" he has to call again. That's the precise reason I gave towards folding.
06-29-2010 , 07:34 PM
i think of lot of players were saying "as played, fold turn"

yes we all may have played the hand differently across the board, but i stand with fold turn, as played. especially now that i see she had 99 and i put her on 99 days ago and suggested fold.

Last edited by ADHDeezNUTZ; 06-29-2010 at 07:58 PM.
06-29-2010 , 10:03 PM
yeah i think calling turn or folding are both better than shoving... bleh wutta stupid hand

i played another neat street hand vs her:

300/600 75a I have ~46k... she has ~75k

Last level of day 1

Loose older guy limps mp... I limp Ah2h from CO (i usually iso here... but i just threw in the limp w/e)... She raises to 2100 total from SB. We both obv Call

Flop (532
She bets out 4100, MP: folds, I: Call

Turn Q
She looks a little uncomfortable and bets 7500, I raise to 18.5k, She thinks for a little bit rechecks her cards eyes my stack and just calls.

I tell myself **** that didnt work heh

River 5
She jams fairly quickly, enough to put me in (Little over 21k)...............
06-30-2010 , 12:54 AM
Originally Posted by Tiltyjoker
yeah i think calling turn or folding are both better than shoving... bleh wutta stupid hand

i played another neat street hand vs her:

300/600 75a I have ~46k... she has ~75k

Last level of day 1

Loose older guy limps mp... I limp Ah2h from CO (i usually iso here... but i just threw in the limp w/e)... She raises to 2100 total from SB. We both obv Call

Flop (532
She bets out 4100, MP: folds, I: Call

Turn Q
She looks a little uncomfortable and bets 7500, I raise to 18.5k, She thinks for a little bit rechecks her cards eyes my stack and just calls.

I tell myself **** that didnt work heh

River 5
She jams fairly quickly, enough to put me in (Little over 21k)...............
If you are confident in your live reads I'd call river here a decent amount, but I can see her turn "discomfort" being feigned weakness with a big hand, or just her actually being uncomfortable with a set when the flush comes (even though its pretty wierd for her to have a set here other than QQ, which is why I'd really want to call river).
I think its probably pretty bad to get involved in street wars in a tournament like this, but if you gonna start a riot, you prolly best go hard.
08-10-2010 , 01:24 AM
good read ^
