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Bluff donkbet versus bluff checkraise versus float OOP Bluff donkbet versus bluff checkraise versus float OOP

01-02-2008 , 07:37 PM
Say you call a raise in the the BB or limp/call HU and the flop comes Kxx,r, Qxx,r, Jxx,r, or xxx,r. You miss the flop, but you think your opponent did too. Which is the better approach: checkraise, donkbet, or float? I realize this is dependent on stack sizes, hand, etc. I think most people here prefer the checkraise, but should you mix in some donkbets and floats? Obviously, check/fold is also an alternative.
01-02-2008 , 07:56 PM
I recently started incorporating the oop donkbet into my game and I've found it to be successful a lot more often than I expected. I also will have to take a look at what my image looks like to this player before I decide to make a move or just check/fold but against standard abc players, I like making the donkbet into dry flops that likely missed them.
