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Biloxi 0: EP Shove - Quick sanity check Biloxi 0: EP Shove - Quick sanity check

09-11-2009 , 07:25 AM
300/600 + 75 so 1650 in the middle. There were two Day 1s and 35 make it to day 2 with 65 left.

I have been very active over the last few orbits with my short stack shoving probably 5 times in the last 2-3 orbits. Once I shove AK for almost 8K and people were starting to comment "Do you know how much you have?" (lol @ live nits).

The table has been tightening up and the BB is a really bad player who doesn't understand stack sizes and likes to see the flop regardless of if it's raised or not.

I now pick up TT utg+1 with about 10K and shove.

Standard or any arguments for raise/calling?
09-11-2009 , 10:23 AM
Completely standard, who can also raise/call. What are you trying to check exactly since you are aware of ranges to shove etc.
09-11-2009 , 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by PokerThun
What are you trying to check
he lost to QQ and got berated by the nits for risking his tournament life with shoveling dem all in with a hand as weak as TT despite having an enormous stack
09-11-2009 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by sickofitall
he lost to QQ and got berated by the nits for risking his tournament life with shoveling dem all in with a hand as weak as TT despite having an enormous stack Results are irrelevant. FWIW I lost a flip with KQs with the BB.

I had a few friends suggest raising 2.5x. If the antes weren't in play I can see that, but with my image my shove can get calls from lower pairs a lot. I know shoving is best, but just wanted some feedback from others to make sure I'm not crazy.
09-11-2009 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by DP388 Results are irrelevant. FWIW I lost a flip with KQs with the BB.

I had a few friends suggest raising 2.5x. If the antes weren't in play I can see that, but with my image my shove can get calls from lower pairs a lot. I know shoving is best, but just wanted some feedback from others to make sure I'm not crazy.
Yeah man, dont listen to those idiots, post more here
09-11-2009 , 02:03 PM
crazy for what?
09-11-2009 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by DrewTheHead
crazy for what?
Crazy for thinking that shoving was the only/best play here.
09-11-2009 , 03:52 PM
meh, im such a live donk i'd just open normal here, unless you really think people are gonna call this shove with 66-99, because people in this tournament will call yer raise with like 56s and A8o, so you get a lot more value this way

EDIT: oh yeah also forgot to mention the other aspect that makes raising better which is you can fold if 2 people get it in behind you, and possibly to 1 shover if its a really tight guy which there are certainly people in these touranemnts I would fold TT to here if they looked really strong/comfortable
09-11-2009 , 04:38 PM
meh, im such a live donk i'd just open normal here, unless you really think people are gonna call this shove with 66-99, because people in this tournament will call yer raise with like 56s and A8o, so you get a lot more value this way

oh yeah also forgot to mention the other aspect that makes raising better which is you can fold if 2 people get it in behind you, and possibly to 1 shover if its a really tight guy which there are certainly people in these touranemnts I would fold TT to here if they looked really strong/comfortable
09-11-2009 , 08:03 PM
Think raise/call is a little better. BB's call with KQs is bad. Guess he couldn't fold the pretty cards.
