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ANZPT 2,5k, turn plan with double gutter vs 2p2er? ANZPT 2,5k, turn plan with double gutter vs 2p2er?

03-23-2011 , 09:32 AM
Villain is a 2+2er who I don't know very much about. He's active in the marketplace and plays HUSNGs and has 2k+ posts and I think he plays MTTs too. I don't know what his buy-in range is but based on my idea I think it's similar to mine. Anyway he's definitely hand reading capable. He knows who I am, and he's bought action from me so I think he's done some research and I probably have a similar image in his eyes than I have in the eyes of you guys.

I've been in the table for a few orbits, I've been caught bluffing big once, I've 3bet a couple of times with no showdown, but I haven't been overly aggro. He's been pretty quiet from EP and opening standardly from LP, nothing special.

So 300/600/75, last level of the day and I have 23k, he covers by 5k or so.

I raise 75h to 1275 from EP, he considers his options and calls on the button, heads up. I think he realises this is a decent 3bet spot so I think his range is mainly the type of hands that play well post flop and set mining hands, like suited connector type of stuff and 22-88, maybe broadway stuff. (I think 99+ he'll 3bet call against me)

Flop 9 6 2 (4k-ish)
I cbet 1825 and he calls.

Turn 3 (7650) what's our plan?

I think he expects me to check the turn a fair bit with good holdings, because he's expected to float a lot. Then again I know he knows I know this, so actually I kinda like betting out again, and would've done so with made hands too. I mean, the way I see it, we both know he's on a float a lot, so me barreling there doesn't make a lot of sense if I like my hand. That might induce raises, in which case I can shove, and I'm getting a lot of value from his turn bluffs and I get to commit first. If he calls it's not a nightmare because at least I'm getting a low price. Thoughts on this? What I decided to do is to bet 2450, kinda inducey-ish, and if he raises get it in.

River Q (12500ish), I think he can well have double floats and I'm stuck between 3barreling (I don't think he'll fold a pair) and check-shoving. I think check-shoving is better because he should be able to value bet against me pretty thin (if I were him I'd vbet 6x+ for sure) so I'll get him to fold most of his range which should consist of more double floats and thin values than sets obviously. Again, thoughts?
03-23-2011 , 11:58 AM
Make a real bet on the turn so you can fold out a bunch of his floats and set up a river shove. Also I am pretty sure this guy is like never r/f the turn when you bet 1/3rd pot OTT.
Betting 6x (especially the type of 6x's he will have) on this river is suicide unless you are raising like 40% utg.
03-23-2011 , 12:22 PM
I agree with Pudge. His pf flatting range doesn't have that many 6x and the ones that are are weak 6x. If you guys have that sick history I don't think he'll think you're barreling twice and just c/f the river often. He'll prob assume you have some type of sd value and knows your capable of c/cramming as a bluff so why would he vbet super thin like 6x?

Regs aren't double floating you every single hand although he's probably more likely to this hand given your small turn sizing
03-23-2011 , 01:52 PM
This is prob the 100bb cash game player in me saying this but is this really a good hand to open in ep with your less than 40bb stack?
03-23-2011 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by mic_check12
This is prob the 100bb cash game player in me saying this but is this really a good hand to open in ep with your less than 40bb stack?
7 handed with high antes against various notsogood players I would say it's pretty standard if you've got post-flop skills and most of them don't (true in this case). Would fold without antes. My stack is what makes it good too because it's hard for them to 3bet bluff as they don't really leave room to 3bet/fold.
03-23-2011 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by Chuck Bass
7 handed with high antes against various notsogood players I would say it's pretty standard if you've got post-flop skills and most of them don't (true in this case). Would fold without antes. My stack is what makes it good too because it's hard for them to 3bet bluff as they don't really leave room to 3bet/fold.
Don't you have 40 bbs? They could easily 3b fold to you, you even said in OP that it was a good spot for villain to 3b button. Up to you whether or not you think the open is good depending on table conditions, I think it's probably okay though
03-24-2011 , 01:53 AM
Originally Posted by mullen
Don't you have 40 bbs? They could easily 3b fold to you, you even said in OP that it was a good spot for villain to 3b button. Up to you whether or not you think the open is good depending on table conditions, I think it's probably okay though
Oops lol I was so tired yesterday, I should've saved all these hh posts until today but I just wanted to get them off my belt. I have no idea why I managed to think in my reply I had 30BBs, sorry. Anyway, I don't think getting 3bet by him frequently would've been very likely, because it's kind of an "obvious" spot and I think he would've been expecting a 4bet shove from me quite often because of the "perfect" 4betting size. So I don't think he was going to 3bet bluff there a ton but rather 3bet get it in lighter than usual. It's not like this opponent was some maniac who was going to rape on the button enough to make the open -ev, and the other seemingly good players were in the blinds.
03-24-2011 , 12:40 PM
I would just bet a normal turn size and triple barrel all rivers. As played it just looks like a c/f on river.
