AKo situation in middle of Sunday 300k tourney help
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 1,420
average stack is 9k, blinds are 150/300 and I have 13500. Active player with 14k whose probably playing 2nd most amount of hands at table, not to many overall, raises in MP to 999 and a 2k shortstack goes all in next to him, i'm in CO with ak and raise to 3k, MP then goes all in, I have 10k left. What's standard here ? I play mostly cash games and am most comfortable post flop and hate all in PF stuff, but in a tournament is this a standard call to try and get chips to start taking control ? 1600 hundred players, 800 left or so and this pot would put me 5th - 7th in chips. Decision ?
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 1,660
I would just shove the first time around and wouldn't come to this decision. As played I would still call pretty fast.