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AhQs bb defense AhQs bb defense

02-12-2010 , 05:38 AM
Villain in hand is capable of laying down big hands, he just c/r me when I raised his blind and c-bet on a K high board, now the tables are turned...

I defend sb w/ AhQs vs 550 open at 100/200/25 lvl vs HJ open.

Hero: 50k
Villain: 35k


villain c-bets for 1000
I c/r to 2500
villain reraises to 7500
hero calls 5000

Turn: Ts


Do I shove here? My thinking for calling the flop is that villain never has a FD after 3betting the flop and he is often 3betting flop with a king he can laydown given how deep he is playing. Should I be shoving this turn? Is it better to check and see what he does on the turn? If he checks through the turn, should I be shoving most rivers? Is the flop call ok if I am correct that he is folding when a heart comes and I bluff shove? Pretty sik spot, but I feel like I might have been too much of a LAGtard here... any input would be much appreciated.

Last edited by Adrenal Story; 02-12-2010 at 05:41 AM. Reason: obv title misleading... i'm in sb for this hand
02-12-2010 , 06:20 AM
a shove cannot possibly be good here...goodluck if u r trying to make villain fold AK/KQ they rarely do withou reads!! aprt from that not many comments I would have chosen a totally different line as played I start by checking
02-12-2010 , 06:25 AM
Originally Posted by J0hnny_Dr@m@
a shove cannot possibly be good here...goodluck if u r trying to make villain fold AK/KQ they rarely do withou reads!! aprt from that not many comments I would have chosen a totally different line as played I start by checking
seriously? you would call KQ on the turn here? Like i said, villain is capable of laying down big hands. As for taking a totally different line, I DID start by checking.
02-12-2010 , 06:29 AM
i m just saying few players fold KQ to a jam here and i am probably not one of for the different line i meant smthing like c/c or c/f flop so cant really comment on turn action as i feel kind of helpless here but i surely like check/shove turn more than just shove....or maybe i m jusy too drunk to talk poker right now
02-12-2010 , 10:01 AM
3 bet pre. me no likey, he isn't folding unless he can soulread you for Tx, which you can't have given action.

Dr@m@, go snowboarding already!
02-12-2010 , 11:26 AM
Preflop is OK, but you could also 3-bet.

This is an action flop. I would not bluff at it. c/c or c/f. I probably c/c with ace high, gutshot, and bdfd, and reevaluate based on turn card and action.
As played, fold the the 3-bet.

When villain 3-bets the flop, there is a good chance he has 2-pair, a set, or a strong draw.

I would not push the turn. If you had a T, would you play it this way on the flop or turn. Also, the T could easily give him a boat.

You need to pick your situations to be aggressive and this isn't one of them. Think maybe you are overplaying because you had a good starting hand.
02-12-2010 , 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by betgo
Preflop is OK, but you could also 3-bet.

This is an action flop. I would not bluff at it. c/c or c/f. I probably c/c with ace high, gutshot, and bdfd, and reevaluate based on turn card and action.
As played, fold the the 3-bet.

When villain 3-bets the flop, there is a good chance he has 2-pair, a set, or a strong draw.

I would not push the turn. If you had a T, would you play it this way on the flop or turn. Also, the T could easily give him a boat.

You need to pick your situations to be aggressive and this isn't one of them. Think maybe you are overplaying because you had a good starting hand.

Yeah this bluff is looking like a complete disaster imo, it is never good for basically the reasons that betgo explained. Just c/f the turn and try not to tilt off your remaining chips.
02-12-2010 , 11:44 AM
This hand is just ridiculous spew. This deep, this early, why are you doing this? C/C the flop because you might have the best hand and you have outs to the nuts. As played snap fold to the flop 3bet. On the turn please don't try to bluff the villain off of kings full.
02-12-2010 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by Pghfan987
This hand is just ridiculous spew. This deep, this early, why are you doing this? C/C the flop because you might have the best hand and you have outs to the nuts. As played snap fold to the flop 3bet. On the turn please don't try to bluff the villain off of kings full.
+1 to all of this. When you c/r the flop you are turning your hand into a bluff, so when he reraises your bluff you should def fold.
02-12-2010 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by betgo
When villain 3-bets the flop, there is a good chance he has 2-pair, a set, or a strong draw.
This is where I disagree. I think villain's 3-bet gives him a range of exactly AK,KQ,KJ. This is why I think calling the 3-bet is fine. On the other hand, I could definitely be wrong about my read of the villain and the situation. If I'm right about this, however, do you still hate a call of the 3-bet?
02-12-2010 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by Pghfan987
This hand is just ridiculous spew. This deep, this early, why are you doing this? C/C the flop because you might have the best hand and you have outs to the nuts. As played snap fold to the flop 3bet. On the turn please don't try to bluff the villain off of kings full.
Kings full huh? Doubtful. Given my play with villain for last 5 hours, I would expect villain to 3bet much larger or flat and fade a card IP with a set. But in general, I agree with your point
02-12-2010 , 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by Adrenal Story
This is where I disagree. I think villain's 3-bet gives him a range of exactly AK,KQ,KJ. This is why I think calling the 3-bet is fine. On the other hand, I could definitely be wrong about my read of the villain and the situation. If I'm right about this, however, do you still hate a call of the 3-bet?
He could have top pair, but I think the 3-bet on the flop looks more like KT/KK/TT/44, all of which fill up on the turn, or a combo draw. Why would you 3-bet top pair on a drawy flop? It is more likely he has a hand he is willing to get his money in with. I also think a pure bluff is very unlikely.

Think you are looking at the fact that you are defending your BB with a strong hand, and don't want to fold. Also, this is a wet flop, and very bad to bluff at with a weak made hand and thin draw.
02-12-2010 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by betgo
He could have top pair, but I think the 3-bet on the flop looks more like KT/KK/TT/44, all of which fill up on the turn, or a combo draw. Why would you 3-bet top pair on a drawy flop? It is more likely he has a hand he is willing to get his money in with. I also think a pure bluff is very unlikely.

Think you are looking at the fact that you are defending your BB with a strong hand, and don't want to fold. Also, this is a wet flop, and very bad to bluff at with a weak made hand and thin draw.
So far when I've c/r, I always have barreled the turn. This guy is trappy enough that he would mostly be flatting his sets/2pr to raise my barrel on the turn. He would much prefer to fade a card given the stack sizes and be able to shove the turn for a little over a PSB rather than give away his hand strength. consequently, I feel like his 3-b on the flop actually weakens his range and takes most combos of 2pr and sets out of the picture. am i making any sense with this line of thought or am i leveling myself too much here?
02-12-2010 , 05:17 PM
the float seems pretty bad. You're very deep and the board is fairly drawy it would make a lot of sense for him to reraise a big hand. Also I'm assuming this is live? you don't want to play elaborate street poker to try to win every big pot in a soft live donkament where just playing well and making a few better timed bluffs will get the money
02-12-2010 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by bobboufl11
you don't want to play elaborate street poker to try to win every big pot in a soft live donkament where just playing well and making a few better timed bluffs will get the money
Agreed. I muffed this one up pretty bad, huh?
02-12-2010 , 05:51 PM
if you c/c the flop, you can rep 1/2 the deck ott.
02-12-2010 , 08:34 PM
Originally Posted by Adrenal Story
I think villain's 3-bet gives him a range of exactly AK,KQ,KJ.
LOL, none of those hands should be in a competent player's range.
02-12-2010 , 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by Pghfan987
LOL, none of those hands should be in a competent player's range.
unbalanced ranges, nj bro, good poker player
02-12-2010 , 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by stealthmunk
unbalanced ranges, nj bro, good poker player
02-12-2010 , 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by Pghfan987
LOL, none of those hands should be in a competent player's range.
Did I say he was competent?
02-12-2010 , 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by Adrenal Story
Villain in hand is capable of laying down big hands, he just c/r me when I raised his blind and c-bet on a K high board, now the tables are turned...
I had a friend in university who after getting stacked would make a note on the guy who stacked him that just said "get back"...He no longer plays poker...I have nothing to add to this thread other than this is the first thing I thought of when I read your OP.
02-12-2010 , 10:16 PM
Originally Posted by stevepa
I had a friend in university who after getting stacked would make a note on the guy who stacked him that just said "get back"...He no longer plays poker...I have nothing to add to this thread other than this is the first thing I thought of when I read your OP.
Fair enough, but keep in mind that live poker is often very psychological and bad players often DO think in this manner. So you need to factor these things into your decisions of you want to make the best judgment possible. The fact that he shows up in this pot with KJo I think only illustrates this point.
02-12-2010 , 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by Adrenal Story
Fair enough, but keep in mind that live poker is often very psychological and bad players often DO think in this manner. So you need to factor these things into your decisions of you want to make the best judgment possible. The fact that he shows up in this pot with KJo I think only illustrates this point.
This just seems like an explanation of why you should never do what you did here. Because bad players (like you've implied he is) will think you're trying to "get him back" and go out of their way to not fold...
02-12-2010 , 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by stevepa
This just seems like an explanation of why you should never do what you did here. Because bad players (like you've implied he is) will think you're trying to "get him back" and go out of their way to not fold...
which is why i made the post. I thought this was exactly what was happening at the time and I was wondering if you guys thought calling the 3bet would be better than folding if villain would lay down when FD comes in and I shove. Or, do I need more bluff equity here to make it ok?
