Originally Posted by TheBearcat
I think I like folding pre.
Would probably prefer taking a c/c line post. Leading river if turn checks through. Obv raising can lead to good things if he goes ham or just has AT+ and thinks you're FOS or on flush draw since you're repping pretty narrow. If he had AJcc or the one combo of AA gg ul. (Guess he could have 77 or A4s/A7s too if his ep 3b range is whack.)
I think it is an interesting spot to consider folding preflop as well. Even though we are 100 bb deep it's going to be difficult not to lose a ton of our stack when we flop A or K and are behind. To contrast, when we win we probably don't win a lot from pp's below the A or K. So by folding we are preserving our stack and not allowing us to go broke when opponent(s) have AA/KK. If it's a mistake to fold AK pre here, it's certainly not a big one imo