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AA v. EFro Level 3 WSOP ME AA v. EFro Level 3 WSOP ME

07-07-2009 , 05:07 AM
Level 3, 150-300, my image is probably on the nitty side, I've been min-raising my entire range, EFro has been playing aggressively and has def made some bluff raises in spots. We've played a few small pots but nothing special.

UTG+1 I (28k) open AA to 600,
EFro (68k) calls BTN
BB (20k) calls

Flop (1950) 972

check, I bet 1125, EFro calls, BB folds.

Turn (4200) [972] 7

I bet 2450, EFro raises to 6500, Hero does what with what plan and why?
07-07-2009 , 05:13 AM
I think I really like his raise no matter what he has.

I'd probably call him down but it's a lot easier to decide this when you're in the moment. You have to go by feel. I think.
07-07-2009 , 05:24 AM
Call, I don't believe him, that's why.
07-07-2009 , 06:09 AM
Gross. I think your only option here is to call. Then prob c/c lots of rivers.
07-07-2009 , 06:11 AM
I'd probably call and c/f a bunch of rivers depending on how likely I think he is to bluff.
07-07-2009 , 06:35 AM
you put yourself into a bad spot postflop because you have such a nitty image. there's a value in protecting your hand, sure, but you're kidding yourself if the value you're deriving from efro on the turn onwards is going to come from him stationing a worse hand. it's going to come from him making a play at you.

now maybe if you're JC Alvarado and you minraise 95s and play pretty tricky pre and post, then you can start betting the turn. but you cant be the meganit and expect to not get owned on the turn onward when you never have any bare 7 in your range, ever.

and if you do bet, then you have to be prepared for spots like this versus good players because 90% of the time it's whats going to happen if efro puts more chips into the pot. maybe he makes a pair+FD or decides to peel 1 more street with 88, but usually its a range of a seven/other stuff/boat and ur life sucks since ur hand is faceup.

basically, i like a turn check w/ your image. flame away.
07-07-2009 , 07:50 AM
i like minraising from LP way more than minraising utg
07-07-2009 , 09:09 AM
I really hate mini raises, you invite so many junk hands to call that make boards like this ugly with your table image.
If he has 109hh he has so many outs, if he has 87 or 67 you are drawing so thin it's ugly.

If you flat and a heart hits what do you do?
To me he is repping a piece of the board and a heart flush draw or trip 7's.

If a heart hits the river you are out of position and he is definitely going to make a bet you won't like.

As played I call and bet a non heart river. Like Todd I don't believe he has a 7.
To me your flop bet reps either an over pair or 4 to the club flush with 2 overs.
07-07-2009 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by wazz
I'd probably call and c/f a bunch of rivers depending on how likely I think he is to bluff.
I think this sounds optimal. River call should be based on your perception of his frequency to try to take it away on the turn and followthrough on river.
07-07-2009 , 11:27 AM
Don't minraise with 70bb+ effective stacks?

I think most people here underestimate how often he'll show a 7 here.
07-07-2009 , 01:40 PM
I hate minraising utg. I think I check call two streets on the turn. You can pot control and he will bluff a lot of draws that should fold the turn.

Edit: If he checks back the turn I would c/r a lot of rivers.
Edit: I might fold some rivers depending on sizing and stuff.
07-07-2009 , 03:28 PM
I call.

River A. Still check?
07-07-2009 , 03:37 PM
def checking the A river. Let's look at his various hands:

he has a 7: he is still betting
he has a boat: he is betting
he has busted clubs/other air: he possibly/likely bets, but won't call if you bet
he has a pkt pair: he likely folds if you bet, but may turn his hand into a bluff on riv to get u to muck TT-KK if you check

Last edited by Black Aces 518; 07-07-2009 at 03:51 PM. Reason: because i am retarded, he can't have Axcc
07-07-2009 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by Black Aces 518

I think the only hand you may lose value by cking, is if he has Acxc, b/c he checks that back, I'm assuming
we have A and A
07-07-2009 , 03:51 PM

then check!
07-07-2009 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by Clayton
you put yourself into a bad spot postflop because you have such a nitty image. there's a value in protecting your hand, sure, but you're kidding yourself if the value you're deriving from efro on the turn onwards is going to come from him stationing a worse hand. it's going to come from him making a play at you.

now maybe if you're JC Alvarado and you minraise 95s and play pretty tricky pre and post, then you can start betting the turn. but you cant be the meganit and expect to not get owned on the turn onward when you never have any bare 7 in your range, ever.

and if you do bet, then you have to be prepared for spots like this versus good players because 90% of the time it's whats going to happen if efro puts more chips into the pot. maybe he makes a pair+FD or decides to peel 1 more street with 88, but usually its a range of a seven/other stuff/boat and ur life sucks since ur hand is faceup.

basically, i like a turn check w/ your image. flame away.
i think this is a great post.

i think checking the turn makes our hand way easier to play.

i like pudges idea of c/c turn and if he checks back c/r a lot of rivers. i guess sometimes i'll c/f the river. like if it's a 9 and he pots it.
07-07-2009 , 09:25 PM
whatever clayton said is pretty much right on. you get a lot of value by c/c turn and maaaybe vbet river sometimes, but at least c/c both streets. On river, I think it is close between leading something close to the pot, and checking, depending on stack sizes. I prefer leading if you're very deep.
07-07-2009 , 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by MaverickUSC
I call.

River A. Still check?
Anticipate the ace coming. Plan to shift in your seat and look very uncomfortable when it hits. Then check quickly, and when he bets, hollywood for a good 5 minutes and say something ******ed like 'I hit my flush. I'm all-in.' Put sunglasses on, tighten hoody up, lean forward and stop chewing your gum.
07-08-2009 , 02:54 AM
Originally Posted by wazz
Anticipate the ace coming. Plan to shift in your seat and look very uncomfortable when it hits. Then check quickly, and when he bets, hollywood for a good 5 minutes and say something ******ed like 'I hit my flush. I'm all-in.' Put sunglasses on, tighten hoody up, lean forward and stop chewing your gum.
my favorite part of this is that I wasn't chewing gum. ****ing tellboxes imo
07-08-2009 , 08:30 AM
this guy

def thinks efo is bluffing turn and i agree

call turn, and for the love of god check river <3
07-08-2009 , 10:57 AM
betting river would be rly bad. c/r is def the way to go. or c/c if you wanna go all out jennifer tilly
07-08-2009 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by MaverickUSC
I've been min-raising my entire range,?
why? plz explain op
07-08-2009 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by The B
why? plz explain op
How big of a difference does it make to open 2x instead of standardish 2,5x? People tend to 3-bet you regardless of your opening size and ME has such a sick structure, so it opens you many ways to either 4-bet or 6-bet all-in against certain players.
07-08-2009 , 05:02 PM
I don't think donking this river is all that bad tbh, especially if Efro thinks you're not very good. I think he's as likely to bluff-raise you as he is to bluff-bet, since you're basically repping an Ax draw (which you know he has no blockers for), and bet/call turn bet river doesn't look very boatish.
07-09-2009 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by NeverScaredB
I don't think donking this river is all that bad tbh, especially if Efro thinks you're not very good. I think he's as likely to bluff-raise you as he is to bluff-bet, since you're basically repping an Ax draw (which you know he has no blockers for), and bet/call turn bet river doesn't look very boatish.
b/c turn and bet river is going to look stronger then b/c turn check river. He's going to give up on tons of bluffs, ESP if he thinks were bad bc a lot of bad players will probably donk this river instead of going for c/r bc they're scared its going to get checked back or whatever logic is running through their head.

Also since were thought to be nitty or w/e then it would seem dumb for him to try and bluff raise any river donk from us where as he would probably think it would be a great idea to continue running the bluff if we check.
