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A10o in BB w/26BB at WSOPC Harvey's 5 Re-Entry A10o in BB w/26BB at WSOPC Harvey's 5 Re-Entry

10-28-2013 , 02:26 PM
Harvey's Lake Tahoe WSOP Circuit Event 3A, $365 Re-Entry Flight A.

30 Minutes left in Day one, Level 15: 300 ante, 1200/2400 Blinds.
8 handed

Hero: BB, 63,000 (26.25 BB)
V1: UTG, ~50,000 (20.83 BB)
V2: HJ, ~130,000 (54.17BB)

Hero has been playing pretty tight. V1 previously had over 100k in chips so I couldn't be very creative with him on my left. Had been at the table since level 9, (9-12, 30 min levels; 13-15, 40 min levels) and had played maybe a dozen hands. Mostly big pairs and AK twice. C-betting a high percentage, but have folded the few times I was faced with aggression.

Check/call/call V1 down with JJ on AA577 board previously. V2 hasn't gotten involved with me much. V1 had been targeting my blind relentlessly, V2 and V1 had been battling quite a bit. Most recently, V1 called V2 4-bet shove on Qd,4c,6c flop with 5c,2c; V2's QJo held up. (On that hand, V2 had raised pre, called by V1 in position)

V1 makes it 6,200 UTG
V2 calls from HJ
Hero: Ac10s......??

(I will update with my actions after feedback. Would like to know thoughts on each step)
10-28-2013 , 02:28 PM
10-28-2013 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by bparis
+1. The raise is more than 2.5x, so the price is less than ideal to flat, particularly against a very strong range from 21BB opener, and because of that range, we should not be 3/betting either.
10-28-2013 , 02:35 PM

insta ship imo

oh didnt see that its not a min raise and now it looks like a "im not gonna raise fold this guys" raise.. never mind, snap fold

Last edited by LongBlondeHair; 10-28-2013 at 02:36 PM. Reason: ur a reason
10-28-2013 , 02:36 PM
Even with the way he has been targeting my blind? What range should I be defending if not a hand like A10? This has been his standard raise size from all positions.
10-28-2013 , 02:37 PM
Oh if he raises like this all the time not like many live players ive seen who change the raise sizes depending of the hand i would ship it in. If he has been raising my BB alot and i had 0 chances to defend then this shove is perfect imo.
10-28-2013 , 02:40 PM
As played:

Hero flats.

Flop: 3sAd9s

10-28-2013 , 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by McNitt_03
Even with the way he has been targeting my blind? What range should I be defending if not a hand like A10? This has been his standard raise size from all positions.
Was he relentlessly attacking your blinds when he had a 20BB stack?

Also, you shouldn't post this in both HSMTT and MSMTT. Mods should merge threads.
10-28-2013 , 02:43 PM
I posted in MTTc first by accident, reposted here, mod moved it from MTTc to MSMTT
10-28-2013 , 02:44 PM
This is only the second round after he dropped to ~20BB and he raised last round as well.
10-28-2013 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by McNitt_03
This is only the second round after he dropped to ~20BB and he raised last round as well.
i'm generally wary of open-raises in ep like this from UTG 20 BB stacks regardless of the dynamic of him attacking your blinds. His previous aggression is not that relevant once his stack sizes changes to 20BB IMO.

one orbit is a small sample set, although if he raised like 4 times, then perhaps he can't slow down and you can consider the non-folding options.
10-28-2013 , 03:25 PM
not folding now when u call pre.
10-28-2013 , 03:30 PM

Flop: Ad,3s,9s

Hero leads 9,100 on flop. V1 Folds, V2 raises to 20,000

10-28-2013 , 03:45 PM
Why would u ever lead this?
And after leading probably have no idea what to do vs a raise.
10-28-2013 , 05:23 PM
as played, shove and suck out or rebuy tomorrow. I think the lead/fold is the worst option given your line, and if you play A10 here, we should be c/r all in right?

+ 1 fold pre - if the person is relentless attacking, we need to fight back with aggression, position, or a superior hand strength - here we appear to have non of those things.
10-28-2013 , 05:41 PM
My bets have previously represented solid value and I thought I could take the pot down with a donk bet. I didn't think my hand was strong enough to c/r on the flop, but wanted to get value from/charge the weaker Aces and flush draws... Recall V2 QJ off hand.

As played, I called 20,000 assuming he has a better A, but will fold a ton of turns if I jam.

Turn: 5s

Hero shoves, V2 snaps with AsKs.

I know I made plenty of mistakes in this hand. Folding pre is probably the best option, but I do think A10 is ahead of V1 and V2's range here a good percentage of the time. Too weak to shove with 26BB, but I feel like we're giving up a ton a value when we fold here.

Please feel free to rip my play apart. Only way to get better.
10-28-2013 , 08:02 PM
when he raises UTG w that stack you're probably not that far ahead of his range, if at all, and you're OOP three ways

just muck it pre and be oi
10-28-2013 , 08:19 PM
What does "relentlessly" mean? With what frequency had he raised when you were in the BB?
10-28-2013 , 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by bikram
i'm generally wary of open-raises in ep like this from UTG 20 BB stacks regardless of the dynamic of him attacking your blinds. His previous aggression is not that relevant once his stack sizes changes to 20BB IMO.

one orbit is a small sample set, although if he raised like 4 times, then perhaps he can't slow down and you can consider the non-folding options.
+1 and fold here.
10-28-2013 , 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by NeverScaredB
What does "relentlessly" mean? With what frequency had he raised when you were in the BB?
since this is live and they play 2 orbits an hour, probably means the guy had raised on his BB twice or perhaps thrice during the course of the tournament

on a more helpful note, I agree with bikram's point that his previous aggression becomes less relevant when the stack size changes
10-28-2013 , 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by NeverScaredB
What does "relentlessly" mean? With what frequency had he raised when you were in the BB?
Literally all but one of my BBs. He was pretty aggro otherwise as well, raising probably half the total pots. He was owning the table, which was pretty tight except for V2 who wasn't afraid to battle with him.
10-28-2013 , 09:21 PM
I understand the normal line is to fold pre; and if I play, I should be pushing pre?
If I call, I should normally be c/c flop, c/f turn, correct?

Is this a terrible spot to make a play? I think my biggest mistake in this hand was turning my hand into a bluff on the turn.

As played, do I c/f turn? If so, are we never making a play in this scenario and why not?
10-28-2013 , 09:58 PM
if you think he's playing too many hands (which I'm not convinced of, but you seemed to be at the time) you should be playing your hand for value, not as a bluff

I would just flat pre then x/c x/c x/c
10-28-2013 , 11:27 PM
Has he shown any garbage when raising UTG to steal your blind, based on your description of playing 12 hands in 3 hours it seems like he might be tight and it doesn't seem like the UTG raise is something a tight player would use consistently. I probably let it go here pre flop and wait for a better spot.
10-28-2013 , 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by mwlucian
Has he shown any garbage when raising UTG to steal your blind, based on your description of playing 12 hands in 3 hours it seems like he might be tight and it doesn't seem like the UTG raise is something a tight player would use consistently. I probably let it go here pre flop and wait for a better spot.
Hero has only played 12 or so hands in that amount of time. V1 is raising ~40%, punishing the mostly tight table.
