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0 TCOOP I have a case of the greeds 0 TCOOP I have a case of the greeds

01-29-2012 , 05:33 PM
We've played two hands at this table, one I squeezed over his UTG open and an UTG+1 flat, he four-bet, I jammed and he folded. The other I flatted his UTG+1 open (hand before this) with AJh and stacked off on A56hh7 into fives.

Rate everything.

    Poker Stars, $665 Buy-in (200/400 blinds, 50 ante) No Limit Hold'em Tournament, 9 Players
    Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #11737302

    Hero (MP2): 14,257 (35.6 bb)
    murballz66 (MP3): 29,638 (74.1 bb)
    peter bosen (CO): 16,108 (40.3 bb)
    1WHALEN1 (BTN): 19,750 (49.4 bb)
    Simplicity8 (SB): 10,883 (27.2 bb)
    pkrbt (BB): 22,079 (55.2 bb)
    napalm77-1 (UTG+1): 22,148 (55.4 bb)
    cmontopdeck (UTG+2): 37,093 (92.7 bb)
    Fiskin1 (MP1): 13,720 (34.3 bb)

    Preflop: Hero is MP2 with 7 7
    napalm77-1 raises to 800, 2 folds, Hero calls 800, 5 folds

    Flop: (2,650) T 7 K (2 players)
    napalm77-1 bets 2,000, Hero calls 2,000

    Turn: (6,650) 5 (2 players)
    napalm77-1 checks, Hero bets 2,875, napalm77-1 calls 2,875

    River: (12,400) A (2 players)
    napalm77-1 checks, Hero bets 8,532 and is all-in

    Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.
    01-29-2012 , 05:36 PM
    I'd play it the same on every street except pre, flop and river.
    01-29-2012 , 05:39 PM
    So you like my turn sizing?
    01-29-2012 , 05:59 PM
    Any reason why we just dont get it in on the flop?

    Its not like hes gonna try and barrel turns with nothing when youre this short, and hes likely gonna call you pretty wide as you are laggro
    01-29-2012 , 06:01 PM
    Originally Posted by fivetypes
    Any reason why we just dont get it in on the flop?

    Its not like hes gonna try and barrel turns with nothing when youre this short, and hes likely gonna call you pretty wide as you are laggro
    Haven't slept clicking buttons
    01-29-2012 , 06:30 PM
    NSB- why are we turning our hand into a bluff? I really don't think J or Qc are ever folding, I guess the Tc has a headache but probably isn't folding much vs you.
    I know we went through all of that effort to set up a pot sized but but i don't think it's profitable on that river
    01-29-2012 , 06:57 PM
    Not bluffing
    01-29-2012 , 07:05 PM
    I´d raised the flop definitly...I´m pretty sure with any better K or some TcXc combos he will shove there and u can snap it off...
    01-30-2012 , 12:13 AM
    Given his bet size and board texture I think you should get it in on the flop. Kinda don't hate river but I think it's probably a bit too thin.
    01-30-2012 , 01:26 AM
    Originally Posted by NeverScaredB
    Not bluffing
    how do you know?

    Think everything looks good outside river - think hes folding every non club combo OTR a high% of the time where betting isnt gonna be profitable.
    01-30-2012 , 01:29 AM
    I dont get why people are saying to raise the flop esp since we're in position.....think raising will make him fold too often and there's really no bad turn cards
    01-30-2012 , 03:47 AM
    i'd say preflops close i'd raise flop and i think river is a good jam (obv for value or WALUE as germans say lololol!)
    01-30-2012 , 04:00 AM
    don't like it, too thin imo.
    01-30-2012 , 04:48 AM
    Raise flop. On river it's a meh spot -- you basically want to fold his QJ no-club. I don't see a club that he got there with folding now.
    01-30-2012 , 06:41 AM
    id raise flop w your image a lot, but there are some people calling is better versus. check back river for sure
    01-30-2012 , 07:51 AM
    River is really bad, he has a club really often, he's not folding it. You say you're not bluffing, I don't expect him to check/call sets on the turn, so basically you're hoping he has AK no club?!? And calls?!!?!? Just check

    Pre I flat sometimes, fold sometimes, probably fold more than I flat. Flop you can go either way but with your image and him betting this big I'd probably just raise
    01-30-2012 , 10:52 AM
    What I dont like is the range youre trying to get value from otr, has like 5% equity vs you otf and is never folding there, so not raising flop and shoving river seems really weird
    01-30-2012 , 10:55 AM
    Originally Posted by marek_heinz
    What I dont like is the range youre trying to get value from otr, has like 5% equity vs you otf and is never folding there, so not raising flop and shoving river seems really weird
    01-30-2012 , 12:48 PM
    If he calls 100% of his river checking range this might be too thin.
    01-30-2012 , 04:29 PM
    Todd and Rupert, are u guys really folding here preflop?
    01-30-2012 , 04:35 PM
    Originally Posted by The_Dean221
    Todd and Rupert, are u guys really folding here preflop?
    I cannot speak for the EPT champ but I definitely am. 5 guys behind, EP raise, > 5% of your stack.
    01-30-2012 , 05:02 PM
    ya fold pre. Raise flop as played dont like it as I doubt you get any better to fold like hes not going to call/fold turn with bad clubs esp if he knows you at all.
    01-30-2012 , 05:05 PM
    weird stuff
    01-30-2012 , 05:07 PM
    shove flop. looks super drawy
    01-30-2012 , 06:19 PM
    I like the call otf but i don't find a raise unjustified aswell. Basically here with a set and position if you don't fold you're ok

    I could sometimes bet more on turn, but on the other hand you'd like to see a raise from a draw there that believes that you're weak.

    I can't understand the river thought tho.
    You say that you don't bluff can you explain that a bit?

    Also what we expect to be still here? AK and?
