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6 way pot, 260bb deep, level 1 wsop main event. interesting flop/river decisions 6 way pot, 260bb deep, level 1 wsop main event. interesting flop/river decisions

07-24-2015 , 04:59 PM
while i can admit i messed up the flop. i'll stand by preflop, and fight for my odds in the pot, especially having already invested a whole 100 chips. i cant see a spot being "tough" enough to ever not want to play my odds.

i also cant see shoving turn. but i do like the idea of checking with the plan to overbet river if he checks back (really liked that suggestion)

in the end we both checked river and he showed me
07-24-2015 , 05:37 PM
shocking turn of events! guess i misread this hand when I said JBL he had KK, when he had AA instead. #pipped
07-24-2015 , 09:13 PM
That is probably one of the strangest ways to play AA pre that I've ever seen. Talk about putting yourself in a difficult position on all streets.

Last edited by jtt300; 07-24-2015 at 09:13 PM. Reason: Edit
07-24-2015 , 10:09 PM
Originally Posted by Clayton
pre is baddddd, like just stop nope nope nopeeeee dont even come up with some rando excuse as to why you think its ok nope nope nope

im folding flop, the bet into multiway is valueheavy and the old mans raise seems stronger, flop checkraise sizing also seems superbad, he could have a higher draw, hes never folding, and you're committing to blasting off turn/river into an old man's flop raising range

turn/river ur basically clicking buttons into an old mans value range & this is not how u maximize value at the main event imo
yea this whole post ravages, especially the first part, pre is an absolute abomination and you really can't just brush that aside

pre is the sort of thing that button clicky circuit reg dolt from your other thread thinks is ok to do
07-25-2015 , 05:02 AM
considering a BB squeeze (almost never), even factoring playing OOP versus 5 players, i think my odds are direct

give me your reason(s), besides a post that doesnt make sense "ravaging". which i entirely disagree with and think is entirely someone's opinion, and not a good one at that.

if you want to disagree, please, prove it


again, i'll admit flop was a mistake on my part, BUT to say preflop is bad i think is a clear difference in the way (we, some of HSMTT) approach poker


i also hardly think turn is "clicking buttons". if i were to bet versus check (which i agree makes sense in the line young_diam provided to me), why does a different size make sense? again, prove it. i gave my reasons, give yours

Last edited by OccasionallyScared; 07-25-2015 at 05:19 AM.
07-25-2015 , 07:04 AM
Ok, you're out of position 5 ways 260bb deep with a hand that can never make the nuts (yes I know quads and tt6xx boards are a thing but gtfo). There is no ante so our price pre isn't even that good, which means we have to make up that value post, and we don't have good implied odds oop multiway with a hand that cannot make nuts. This is a fundamental mistake even if we know the bb literally never squeezes.

The way to take advantage of wsop main dolts is not to start making a bunch of fundamental errors pre because you can outplay them post or whatever. As evidenced by this hand, if you spot your opponents both position and better playable postflop hands than you it actually becomes quite difficult to outplay them, even if they're withered old men. Stick to solid fundamentals, sure you can expand your ranges but do it with hands that can make the nuts in good positions. (Something like 85s from the button is far, far less egregious than this)

Turn and river we have no idea at all where we stand. Does he have a higher draw? Kj for the nuts? Set? Overpair? We're oop just stone guessing, which is what he meant by clicking buttons

I do find it hilarious that he accused you of playing "crap like j8" mid-hand when kj, a perfectly reasonable hand, made the nuts. Idk how much reliable info we can glean from this, but if you think it caps his range at {non nuts} then perhaps over bet jamming the river is your best option

Also Clayton is an og boss you should heed his words

Last edited by bparis; 07-25-2015 at 07:19 AM.
07-26-2015 , 01:08 AM
im pretty washed up tbh
07-26-2015 , 07:47 AM
I think there is some consolation in the fact that Villain played the hand much worse than you did.
07-26-2015 , 10:25 AM
Originally Posted by Clayton
im pretty washed up tbh
you helped set me straight many times in HSMTT threads when I was a young dolt coming up in the world. Just want to make sure the new generation recognizes
07-27-2015 , 01:50 AM
T6s can flop a straight flush. I confidently risk 250 tournament chips with a hand that can flop a straight flush at this price at almost all main event tables.

Also, now that I finally turned a profit in the main, my advice is more meaningful!!!! RESULTS
07-27-2015 , 09:27 AM
I busted day one this year so you win

I think these types of hands are fine to play in shorter handed pots or in better positions, but when we're oop 6 ways with a hand with no nut potential our postflop spots will always be quite pittsy
07-27-2015 , 01:06 PM
I call pre with little thought from the SB 6 ways.

I fold flop with less thought required than pre.

I am lifetime positive 80% ROI in the ME.

yes, 1 for 1 with a min-cash!
08-02-2015 , 04:26 AM
Originally Posted by jtt300
That is probably one of the strangest ways to play AA pre that I've ever seen. Talk about putting yourself in a difficult position on all streets.
I think Villain saw that hero (and potentially button or BB as well) was splashy and was hoping for a squeeze pre (that never came), so he could then go for a good old NY backraise.
08-02-2015 , 09:07 AM
Preflop call with AA is w/e. But raising this flop 6-way...
09-12-2016 , 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by AALegend
I think Villain saw that hero (and potentially button or BB as well) was splashy and was hoping for a squeeze pre (that never came), so he could then go for a good old NY backraise.
So called because it was common in NY games, as indicated by this thread from 2007 about a live 25/50 NL hand.

And these articles in French from 2009, 2010, and 2011.
09-13-2016 , 09:47 AM
Originally Posted by OccasionallyScared
shot up to 46k the first hand of the tournament (flatted 44 mp v mp. flop 433ssx 3 ways. pfr checks to me, hes mid to late 30s. i bet, bb or whoever folds, and pfr c/r > pot into me. i lick my chops and call. turn 5x. 3/4, call. river Tx and i call a psb and am good
thoughts hsmtt?
jam river
09-13-2016 , 12:11 PM
sick level by munk here imo
09-14-2016 , 01:16 AM
folding pre, only reason to call pre with this hand is hoping to get 789hhh or quads or TT7

200 pre ente in the main event... no thx
