Originally Posted by doyougnome
Nice post passive. First let me clarify that there was only 1 spade on the flop, the K. Yeah, I think most of us can agree that with what was already in the pot on river, it should be a clear shove spot as we can have all of the AK/AA/KK combos and we could even be barreling without too much concern with a hand like AQ here for value since it should effectively be the nuts vs their ranges. Given this information, it should be hard, even for a sticky, passive fish to call off almost all of his stack on the river, with hands like A10(and worse),AJ and even AQ. I think I equated his quick, nonchalant calls on the flop and turn as a sign that he would be calling with any A on river. I only have to get a fold about 42% of the time on the river to make this a profitable jam and I would expect to get the more than half the time.
I think that 3B preflop is okay here given the dynamic and I appreciate your thought about Q9ss playing too well in position multiway to fold. I think that against certain types of opponents I should be able to take the pot away a lot when I flat pre and it gets checked to me on a lot wet/dangerous looking boards that are better for my range than theirs. That might be the smarter, lower variance play in this spot where it's not ideal for me to be getting 80BBs all in by the river on a bluff.
I really get the situation, player A is opening way too much and player B is calling too much; 1 you could take down the pot pre and 2 you can play a decent hand IP with a skill advantage.
Problem is that many times its basicly impossible to transcribe the dynamics going on at the table. Therefore it is kind of hard to ask for advice afterwards when you make a dynamic based play. People will all be like LAAAAL 3BET Q9S GTO SAYS 3BET X% X/c BCC VPIP PFR DUDE YOU SOOOX!111