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5 PLO HI TOURNEY 15 Left and 10 Spots Pay - DID I SCREW UP? 5 PLO HI TOURNEY 15 Left and 10 Spots Pay - DID I SCREW UP?

01-23-2013 , 08:18 AM
So I am sitting in middle position with AKK10 no suits. I have 75,000 or so and raise to 5000 at 900/1600. Table is pretty passive and usually multiple callers. Only one caller out of the BB. Flop comes and it is Q1010 no suits. I lead for 3/4 pot and get called. Turn is a 9 and he bets half pot. I repot him allin (have him covered by about 15,000 chips and he snaps it off. He had Q10xx and I didn't improve. Basically was crippled and out a few hands later.

My thought process was that if he had a 10, then I was in pretty good shape. He was a little less likely to have a str8 than normal because I had KK which helps a bit. Also, if a jack hits, then I have the nut str8 and one of the 3 aces left or two kings gives me a boat. Would you play this hand a little more passive or differently? I really feel like if I never encountered this hand, I was in good shape for a very deep run. Kind of second guessing myself.
01-23-2013 , 10:03 AM
IRL your hand is almost never good on that turn in MTTs, flat turn is ok though calling river only if improved.

I'd be worried about QQ a lot after flop call, if villains are passive. What range villain could call preflop and the flop with? AAxx, AKQ, AKJ, KQJ, good 9JK combos, QQxx, T wrap(QT, 9T or 8J always in wrap). Though if villain defends bb with junk hand he could have T hand, but a hand with T has 9 or Q most of the time with your blockers+ his line.
01-23-2013 , 11:52 AM
Raise less pre, bet less on the flop. Are you in position or out of position? Positions change every street
01-23-2013 , 07:00 PM
I was in position. Paklu, I guess you are right about once that turn hits, but I figured he would have to worry that I have the nuts. I was trying to rep it, knowing I had outs to improve but he had flopped the boat, so obviously he isn't going anywhere. With my redraws, is it a terrible line that I took though if I didn't put him on a boat?
01-24-2013 , 01:14 AM
turn raise is super mizz, who knows if people even fold a straight at this level

i don't mind pre at all if you will get it hu with that size
