Join Date: Sep 2015
Posts: 23
I recently won a freeroll satellite to a $215 re-entry $100k GTD mtt. $215 represents a significant portion of my BR so I'm really just looking to mincash here. My question is, what would be the best strategy to accomplish this?
There are 4.5hrs of late reg/rebuy and I'm expecting around 500 total entries. I've looked at recent similar mtts and many people are going through 3-7 buyins. So in a field of 500, over 100 spots pay. 12min levels for 4.5hrs puts us at level 23 where a buyin is 2bb. It also looks like average stack at bubble will be well under 10bb. To me this looks like a structure that favors luck over skill and encourages multiple rebuys which I do not have. I'm planning on playing the whole 4.5hrs rebuy period starting with small ball and then tightening up as the blinds go up.
Any advice?