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2 hands** 30 Az St. Chmp 2 hands** 30 Az St. Chmp

08-15-2015 , 02:04 PM
Blinds 300/600 50 ante
Hero is effective stack ~31k
Hand #1

Hero has 7s7h mid pos opens to 1200. Lag big stack villain 3bs 3000 in cutoff. Everyone else folds Hero calls.
Flop) 9s6c6s. Hero chk. V bets 4k. Hero calls
Turn) 5c. Hero chks. V bets 12k. Hero???

Hand #2

Blinds 300/600 50 ante
Hero is effective stack. ~39k, limper 40k, big stack ~80k

2 limpers one passive, one passive sticky. Hero has JhJd Raises 2200
Big stack solid Villain calls to immediate left, 1 limper folds, sticky limper calls

Flop) Js4c2c. limper donk bets 3600. I've seen him do this with hands he has trouble releasing so over bet the pot! Hero raises 21000. representing a little over half of both of our stacks with a plan to shuv all turn cards or obviously get it in very happily against a nut flush draw or worse sets.
Big stack folds. Limper tank calls

Turn) 3c. Pot has ~50k limper donk shuvs hero calls remaining 16k.

Questions? What to do in first hand? Second hand. Is this terrible ICM wise since its fairly early in a 3day event. Sorry I don't play mtts often and realize hand 2 is played far from standard
08-15-2015 , 04:13 PM
Hand 1 - fold. Might seem nitty, but I might not have called the flop bet either. To call 77 OOP against a LAG I think the plan for the hand was to set-mine, and so I would be done with the hand on this flop. It might be fun to bet the flop, but he can easily float there and put you in a difficult spot ott - and 88+ is comfortably in his range.

Hand 2 - the limper bet otf is a bit weird. Unless I think he's trying to semi-bluff with a draw, then I would just call here, as your raise will look super strong on that board and in position you might get more value just flatting and let him hang himself. Not to mention, you have big stack to your left. Not sure I understand the ICM part of the question - early in an MTT that doesn't really apply, and you had the nuts on the flop, so the only risk of overbetting is not extracting the right amount of value. Getting the guy to call your huge raise is awesome, even if he got there on the turn.

As played, I guess the tank call rules out sets and overpairs, leaving AJ/KJ (yay!) or flush draw (d'oh). With all those chips in the pot we're snap-calling the turn obv, but I'm guessing villain got his flush? Hope the board paired :-)
08-15-2015 , 05:58 PM
Thank you for the input. I could definitely post the results if no one else responds. Yes I like your plan for the hand 1 much better than mine. I just allowed myself to guess way to much by chk/c/?. The second hand I agree its standard to make the call on this flop, but I just felt he would give up the turn so much and he's sticky enough to be married to all of his flush draws on the flop. His line is super fishy imo. I wouldn't assign him to many AJ or KJ since I have top set and I can't see him taking this line w that hand anyway. Thanks again
08-16-2015 , 12:01 PM
I'd be interested in other viewpoints for Hand 1, it's a tough situation and I guess I'm advising the most cautious line which might not be the optimal

Agree that your hand is a pretty good blocker for any JX hand villain might have - and I didn't consider this fully enough in my response. I guess that pretty much leaves big draws, since I don't see how QQ+ can just limp OOP there pre-flop and his tank call (unless he's just being cute) rules out 22 or 44.
08-16-2015 , 01:34 PM
1 hand, good mine set, rr the flop if you have doubts if he calls u you are vs overpair or overcard and if he shove ur are out of there. Calling is good if you you see him check the turn many times and then fold to any bet. But call the turn is bad in my opinion u dont know where u are!
2 hand raise is good but it s far to much 8.000 is good, fold to shove on turn if u made my bet, if you made 21000 on the flop i call shove. Calling flop is also good because u atract more oponents in pot. On the turn based on pot odds i call.
08-17-2015 , 02:52 AM
Hmm not sure about RR flop here on hand 1. I'm only getting called by better hands so there really is no value in it. I guess I was just hoping his laginess would slow down and I could get a cheap show down. I had won a pretty significant pot off him a few hands earlier by playing slowly oop

Hand 2 yea I agree it was a huge overbet but it worked. I felt against him there was a lot more value in overbetting than taking the standard line. Its higher variance but could yield the higher reward which brings me back to my orig. question of rather its a mistake to take these type of lines early on in a MTT considering the value of just pure survival. 8k RR would prolly be a bit small as well as I'm now giving him the right price to draw out on me

Last edited by dajugganot; 08-17-2015 at 02:58 AM.
08-17-2015 , 09:59 AM
I'm going for it in hand 1. Folding flop to one bet is no option, and once you pick up a gutshot on the turn when the second club hits and LAG villain bets there is no going back.
And there is value in raising the flop in hand 1 because that is basicly one of the few things that may slow down your LAGgy villain. Imagine how he would play any two broadway cards in clubs.

I think hand 2 is a sigh fold, he has the flush and you are getting a lil more than 3 to 1 which is the wrong price drawing to a boat
08-19-2015 , 12:57 AM
Interesting. Yeah, I think it would certainly be easier to bomb turn if out chkr is called. Don't know if could call off though since were rarely more than slightly ahead
08-21-2015 , 12:00 AM
Just fold the 77 pre if you're gonna get stuck in these type of spots and not know what to do. If he is a lag then you can't setmine profitably but you don't wanna call him down on what is a really good board without a 7 on.

Call hand 2 what else can you do. You either have him banged to rights or slightly wrong price to draw out.
08-21-2015 , 06:42 AM
hand 1 is a fold pre flop, you should look for better spots against lags in live tourneys position is key! as played for the mine I would lead like 3200 and respond accordingly, if he calls, check turn and see how he reacts or take lead with your gutter and fold to a raise pot control! as played fold the turn he's making a massive sized bet in relation to the pot and either has it and is aware of his image and using it to value or he's just donking recklessly, regardless there's going to be a better spot for sure fold pre.

hand 2 good job at getting him to call that raise, what can he call that bet with? what is he limp calling a raise pre with? AKcc KQcc AJcc A10cc KJcc AJ KJ AA KK QQ 1010 maybe 22 44 definitely not 56 A5/cc which of these hands can he call that raise with tanking even 22 44 AJcc KJcc or any over pair, I would call thinking he has an overpair or AJ with the A of clubs and obviously everyone assumes when people post these that they lost the hand hopefully that's not true in this case but im guessing he called with an overpair with 1 c and hit ****ty but I think a call is right here.
