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2 awkward hands from 0 AC ceasars WSOP donkfest 2 awkward hands from 0 AC ceasars WSOP donkfest

03-06-2010 , 11:37 PM
thx in advance for responses

hand 1 - blinds 400/800, i have like 45kish. villain is brand new to table and has ~24k or so. frequemt limper limps from the HJ, villain in CO isos to 3300, I have AQo in the SB. kinda wanted to fold pre but thought villain was there long enough to pick up on the limpers limping and potentially capable of isoing light so i convince myself to call. limper folds. didnt really feel like 3betting given i didnt have that much info on him but realize thats def a viable option

Flop comes Q 10 4 hh, i check call 5k rather quickly, turn is the Jh, i check he checks behind, riv is 2h putting 4 hearts on board and iz dont got none in my hand... I?

hand 2 - blinds 1k/2k, i got like 140k and a maniacal image. i raise 77 utg to 5k and get calls from the same limper from hand 1 (who is now villain in this hand) and 2 others who are probobly fed up with me. flop comes 235 hh and i value cbet 12k given that i thought villains are all pretty wide, villain shoves in MP for 47k total, other 2 fold... I?

history with this second villain who i played with all day is he limps all the time, limp folds sometimes, limp calls others, sometimes raises min, seen him raise to 8k at 600/1200 w a4, as well as some other wierd stuff here and there but talked alot postflop and made ppl make tilty mistakes against him. i did note 1 hand where he flopped a set, turned a boat, and minraised back and forth with another guy so i figured he prob plays his nutt\ish hands that way again.
03-07-2010 , 12:22 AM
Hand 1

If you think he's light a decent amount vs an habitual limper, I'd much rather squeeze/get in AQo pre vs calling OOP w/ these stks. You cover him by a decent amount aswell. (As played get it in on the flop).

Hand 2

Bit ugly. I guess you have to call the 35k if he can ever have heart draws, pair plus straight draw and some ace high hands.
03-07-2010 , 12:26 AM
i like to blocker bet the river in hand 1 if raised just sigh and fold, its obv awkward but b/f is better than c/c or c/f in terms of how u lose when ur called compared to how much u might hero call off, and plus u can rep the heart and might get him to fold low hearts or sets etc..... b/f small for me around 6500(or whatever is 1/3rd pot)
o edit i just seen villain has 16k left pre river....... could make it smaller make like 4750 or something as its so much of his stack to hero call.

hand 2 vs villain just sigh and call it off and shout holddddddddddddd vs 44 or 66

Last edited by discomonkey; 03-07-2010 at 12:29 AM. Reason: misread.......
03-07-2010 , 01:31 AM
Hand 1, CO's iso of the frequent limper looks weak. Just get reraise and get the money in. You are way ahead of both players' ranges, and people tend not to want to call allin preflop live.

As played, CRAI on the flop. After you flat call there is like 4/5 pot left. Just get it in on the flop. You have TPTK on a fairly wet board. You need to protect your hand or get him to call allin with a worse hand or draw.

Not sure about the river. Think the idea of bet/fold is really bad with 4/5 pot left. b/c, push or c/c. Don't think you can fold this.

Hand 2, this is also a wet board. He could have 66/44/Ax/xhxh. Very easy call. Sometimes he has a set, a higher pp or some weird 2-pair or straight, but you are about even with his range plus huge pot odds.

Stop playing like a live nit and get the money in in both hands.

Last edited by betgo; 03-07-2010 at 01:37 AM.
03-07-2010 , 01:54 AM
doubt i play like a live nit lol. did block bet in hand 1 and called hand 2... discomonkey i think your post brings up a semi interesting discussion about block bet sizing. i did make it like 7500 actually because the pot was like ~20k. I didnt want it to look too weak and figured that betsizing would fold out sets/weak aces but what i didnt like about it was that he only had like 12k or so behind on riv. i guess it doesnt matter much because i snap fold to a shove but something just feels wierd about that so opinions welcome.

in hand 1 are we really confident enough to 3bet call for 30 bigs without a read that this player is definitely capable of isoing light?

results - hand 1 villain folds and hand 2 villain tables AJ hh and rivers a h.
03-07-2010 , 02:05 AM
Don't see how you block bet 7.5K into a 19.7K pot when villain has 15.7K. Are we really folding TPTK getting 5.4-1?
03-07-2010 , 02:11 AM
Originally Posted by betgo
Don't see how you block bet 7.5K into a 19.7K pot when villain has 15.7K. Are we really folding TPTK getting 5.4-1?
well i guess thats where the semi interesting discussion comes into play because I feel like in that spot the pot odds mean absolutely nothing because there is exactly a 0% chance anybody does that as a bluff and doesnt have a h in there hand ever ever ever in a million billion years if theyve even played texas holdem 1 time, any other opinions on that?

Last edited by jon_midas; 03-07-2010 at 02:18 AM.
03-07-2010 , 02:29 AM
Hand 1 - AQoff is ahead of any most any villain's iso range there (except the stone nittiest). I am 3bet calling preflop. As played, we flopped the nuts given stack sizes, so check/shove flop please (given your preflop flat, he will likely not give you credit for having AQ, so check shove will get called by worse alot). As for river, I like your blocker bet, but it should have not gotten to this point ever.

Hand 2 - you cant fold given the price you are getting. You are ahead or flipping versus a flush draw a great deal, so you have to call off. If he has 88 or something, tough luck but you cant fold imo.
03-07-2010 , 02:44 AM
betting river in hand 1 seems awful to me.
03-07-2010 , 03:30 AM
Originally Posted by smokrokflock
betting river in hand 1 seems awful to me.
Maybe because it is.
03-07-2010 , 04:21 AM
in hand 1 age/ethnicity etc for villain is rather important since we don't have any other info but i'd prob just fold preflop readless. when you get to the river you need to check and fold most of the time but you can try and soul read.
03-07-2010 , 05:41 AM
hand 2 should be an instacall if your image actually is what you think it is

hand 1 you should play more aggressively, either 3-bet/call pf or cr flop and get it in
03-07-2010 , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by jordankickz
in hand 1 age/ethnicity etc for villain is rather important since we don't have any other info but i'd prob just fold preflop readless. when you get to the river you need to check and fold most of the time but you can try and soul read.
FWIW hand 1 the guy was in his 30s, white with a baseball cap and dark sunglasses on.
03-07-2010 , 11:03 AM
Without a heart in my hand, I CR the flop on the first hand.

I call in the second hand and am fine with the spot.
03-07-2010 , 01:42 PM
stacks at hand one are really weird .i cant see how reraise /get it in 30 blinds will be profitable(i mean if he has big isolate range he folds a lot to your reraise so you profit but if he gets it in you are behind.crappy spot) if you dont have history with villain.i fold or flat preflop .given the way you played i feel raise get in on flop is best
03-07-2010 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by crf88
i cant see how reraise /get it in 30 blinds will be profitable(i mean if he has big isolate range he folds a lot to your reraise so you profit but if he gets it in you are behind.crappy spot)
Do some math as to what his iso range is in LP vs a LP limper, what his calling/folding range to a 3-bet is, and how much money is in the pot, then come back.

OP, are there antes?
03-07-2010 , 03:55 PM
In a live donkament, I'm pretty sure I snap-shove PF with KJs or 22. Flatting AQ completely boggles my mind.
03-07-2010 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by iggymcfly
In a live donkament, I'm pretty sure I snap-shove PF with KJs or 22. Flatting AQ completely boggles my mind.
i mean v most live players doing that without a read is burning money.
03-07-2010 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by charder30
i mean v most live players doing that without a read is burning money.
Why? Have live players suddenly stopped folding to resteals with a ridiculous frequency in the last few months? When did this development take place?
03-08-2010 , 09:07 AM
Originally Posted by nath
OP, are there antes?

Originally Posted by iggymcfly
In a live donkament, I'm pretty sure I snap-shove PF with KJs or 22. Flatting AQ completely boggles my mind.
you really shove as opposed to 3bet/call in this spot w 30 bbs effective?

i dunno im never really thrilled to flat anything oop ever but this just seemed like a spot where since i had no clue of villains iso range just kind wanted to keep the pot small. Def agree that chk shove flop is better than what i did tho.
03-08-2010 , 09:13 AM
Originally Posted by jon_midas
you really shove as opposed to 3bet/call in this spot w 30 bbs effective?

i dunno im never really thrilled to flat anything oop ever but this just seemed like a spot where since i had no clue of villains iso range just kind wanted to keep the pot small. Def agree that chk shove flop is better than what i did tho.
You've only got 7.5x his raise. I think that's the key stat and not the number of bb. So yeah, I'd consider this a push/fold spot and shove everything I continue with.

And I didn't comment on the postflop action because it was less close and less interesting of a discussion point as a result, but I agree that check/shoving >>>>> check/calling.
03-09-2010 , 12:15 AM
Originally Posted by iggymcfly
Why? Have live players suddenly stopped folding to resteals with a ridiculous frequency in the last few months? When did this development take place?
They don't iso wide?
03-09-2010 , 12:36 AM
Originally Posted by charder30
They don't iso wide?
Loose limper limps in HJ and CO raises. CO shouldn't need a huge hand to ISO here. Don't think the flat call is terrible, but you can certainly push AQ and a lot looser.
03-09-2010 , 06:20 AM
hand 1 - dont like flatting pre, especially OOP SB
either fold pre or 3bet/get it in and id prob lean towards just gettin it in pre
as played, id prob check raise for value on flop to get it in
river i think anything works u can start by checking or u could make a tiny smallish blocker/value bet

hand 2 - given flop and stacks and stuff u have to snap call
