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9: Holding the nizzles vs HSMTTer's 3bet 9: Holding the nizzles vs HSMTTer's 3bet

02-23-2011 , 03:07 AM
Originally Posted by fivetypes
Shoving seems huge and pretty bad with two unknowns that could well be fish. Just 4bet
02-23-2011 , 05:38 AM
710/call wtf is with all this shoving crap ? do you think any of them are flatting or folding QQ+/AK to the 4b ? hell, might be JJ+ if they're really bad
02-23-2011 , 10:43 AM
unless you have completely droolers, jamming is definitely better...4b this spot looks so ridiculously strong you might as well let them know you have KK+ to anyone whos competent.
02-23-2011 , 11:14 AM
Don't jam. It's a lot more likely you will stack the fishes than the regs and it's a lot more likely a fish will call 600 and stack off on lots of flops than call a shove.
02-23-2011 , 11:22 AM
Since randoms/fish tend to be so loose preflop in the early stages I like 4betting more than jamming. Yes the reg folds a ton but he probably isn't giving you action without a big hand regardless of whether you 4b or shove so instead of worrying about him you should be trying to own the souls of the other people in the hand.
02-24-2011 , 02:32 PM
Super easy 680 call pre
