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<img ,650 HPT Blackhawk pocket 10s BB <img ,650 HPT Blackhawk pocket 10s BB

04-10-2011 , 05:25 PM
Curious how you would play this hand. Last hand before 2nd break, $2k bb, $1K sb, $300 ante 9 handed. I'm the bb w $50k ish, it folds to villain (has me covered) on the button. I'd been at this table about 2 hours and villain almost always raises my blind. I never got a hand I wanted to play back at him in those. Other hands he showed while raising in cutoff and mid were top 20% hands. He was very aggressive preflop.

This hand, he limped, which raised alarm bells. Again, I'm bb w TT. everyone folds to Villian on button he limps, sb folds. I raise to $6K he re raises to $15K. What do I do?
04-10-2011 , 05:43 PM
go all in
04-10-2011 , 06:56 PM
raise more pre. now all in
04-10-2011 , 07:53 PM
weak players make this move all the time with power hands.. they've been raising all day--now they limp and re-raise when they have the nuts... i'd make it 8k and then fold when he re-raises..if he had crap...he wouldve just raised the first time.
04-10-2011 , 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by BladeRunner
weak players make this move all the time with power hands.. they've been raising all day--now they limp and re-raise when they have the nuts... i'd make it 8k and then fold when he re-raises..if he had crap...he wouldve just raised the first time.
I would fold given he hadn't been limping before and given his sizing. He could be making a play on you, but I would give him credit.

If you were suspicious of the limp, then maybe just check. In any case, there are problems with making such a small raise, as you are building the pot OOP, giving information, and reopening the action without really accomplishing that much.

Last edited by betgo; 04-10-2011 at 09:36 PM.
04-11-2011 , 12:22 AM
What was result? curious to know since Im familiar with the type of play that can occur in blackhawk
04-11-2011 , 09:06 AM
Thanks for all the comments. When he limped I thought about checking, but didn't. $6K was the standard at the table that shed limpers most of the time. I knew I should have raised to at least $8K, but didn't. I thought about reraising all-in, but lost my nerve. So of course, I called. The flop came Q 7 Q rainbow. I checked he instantly raised $15K. I felt at this point I either had to go all-in or fold. I'd seen him play AQ several times (though not like this) which kept popping into my head.

I folded.

If I did it over again. I would have check folded. All in all, it was a great lesson. This tourny was my 1st excluding the sat to get in with a buy-in over a $100.

Thanks again for the comments
04-11-2011 , 11:32 AM
FWIW, weak players like to make "moves" on the hand before break - esp. if half the table has already left for the bathroom. I think I set mine my TT pf here.
04-11-2011 , 09:24 PM
I think checking is best initially. I like a raise better with a weaker hand than TT, which you can throw away easily to a LRR. Also, the tens are not strong enough that they are easy to play OOP in a raised pot. Think you need a plan for a reraise when you raise. If you check you can often just call down, and you are deep if you hit a set.

When you get reraised, it is a weird situation, because if villain has a big hand, it is usually a higher pp. If you 4-bet push preflop, then he folds any bluff, and you are usually 20% to win if you are called.

Not sure if you can flat call the reraise and fold a dry flop without many overcards.
04-12-2011 , 01:12 AM
did he look like he had it?
04-12-2011 , 01:22 AM
Originally Posted by Beachman42
FWIW, weak players like to make "moves" on the hand before break - esp. if half the table has already left for the bathroom. I think I set mine my TT pf here.
How does this make you weak?
08-15-2011 , 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by Beachman42
FWIW, weak players like to make "moves" on the hand before break - esp. if half the table has already left for the bathroom. I think I set mine my TT pf here.
+1 this
08-17-2011 , 05:10 PM
You can't give him credit for trips or be afraid of them. If you call his raise you have to like that flop. If you know you will fold flops like that, then fold preflop.
