1/11 log
SMR, mobility
I was in a good mood and really excited about putting up some solid LBBS sets and going after bench.
LBBS work sets
230x5 (too much knee cave imo)
230x5 (better but not great - have video of this)
230x3 (allegedly the best but I just gave up after 3, I was kind of disappointed at this point and WIL unfortunately)
Bench work set
On the second rep I had to stop - my shoulder definitely hurt and still hurts/is sore. That part of my rotator cuff for sure isn't better and I'm wondering if the bench I did last week imepeded its recovery and if basketball earlier this week didn't affect it. I didn't even think of it once during bball though - it for sure didn't hurt.
Skipped, after the bench even doing a row was hurting.
Pullthroughs - so I tried some of these instead
27.5x10 warmup - suuuuuuuper easy
57.5x10 - close to where I was when I used to do these for work set, easy
67.5x10 - easy
77.5x10 - relatively easy
100x10x2 (max the pully will go) - not easy but I did 10 with a couple more in the tank. I have to lean a decent amount forward to do these at this weight since I do weigh more than I used to but not that much more, lol.
My g/f sid my pullthrough form was good when I leaned forward enough. I say myself in the mirror accidentally while doing them and my legs looked different. For sure I am now "medium" if not "big"
So while my butt may still be a weak point, it can't be too weak I guess.
As for my shoulder I'm really not sure what to do. I believe Dr. K said it was my "supra spinatus" that was what I injured. As you can see, it's really "inside" the shoulder area and hard to get to - I'm not sure trying to do SMR to it directly is the best idea. I'm doing SMR for my upper back and tricep, pec and lat area but I don't have an SMR technique for the front of my shoulder or a very good one for that area of scapula muscle/trap.
Anyway, frustrating but it's not a major injury, I certainly can do everything I want to do, just not my work set weights for OHP and Bench I guess.