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Yakmelks feeling lost - getting fatty flog Yakmelks feeling lost - getting fatty flog

06-24-2017 , 06:45 AM
Yeah thanks, its not meant to be an excuse for ****ing up though but Im just happy to be here. It would have been much better if I could achieve it without the external motivation of losing money but hey, we live and learn.
Yakmelks feeling lost - getting fatty flog Quote
06-26-2017 , 07:07 AM


Not really good eatin' but I didn't snack which kinda made up for that. The soontobewifey is back so I've been eating much yesterday and probably today!
Yakmelks feeling lost - getting fatty flog Quote
06-29-2017 , 07:25 AM
Will post my logs tonight, if not the first one to post ITT after I've gone to bed will be able to claim the 100 buckaroos.
Yakmelks feeling lost - getting fatty flog Quote
06-29-2017 , 03:57 PM
Sunday, first day my fiancee was back and she made a huge oven dish full of some greek stuff which was amazing

Monday, leftover from sunday

Tuesday, this might seem odd and it is, had dinner at a great restaurant but practically impossible to rate that kind of food calorywise. Six course meal with several amuses and little in-between courses with accompanying wines to celebrate my new job with the ladyfriend. I was probably around 3.5k or maybe even more, hard to say. It wasnt super fatty and had some lean stuff like raw tuna (with wasabi ice cream with was epic imo) and duck but also some seriously terrible braised and confit porc's with sauces that were probably pretty bad. Other then that some fish that I couldn't really remember (white) with a mustard veloute, some beef with saucy stuff. No dessert but did have some cheeses with a port tasting. Its pretty much a guessing game at this point. It was a lot of fun though.

Wednesday, we continue the minced meat (gehakt) theme, we buy the chopped up cows from time to time and we had amassed quite some minced meat. We're getting a new batch tomorrow so it was time to empty that freezer a bit.


Crazy busy at work so thats great for the not eatingatwork stuff even though I feel like I could eat anything once I get home, I try to nibble on peanuts just a little bit. Trying to do the daily log again tomorrow, its a lot less stressful. Usually I register during the day but then I dont make dinner and have to quiz my fiancee on what she put in and in what amounts which makes it somewhat of a hassle.
Yakmelks feeling lost - getting fatty flog Quote
07-02-2017 , 05:58 PM
Friday log:

Saterday log:

I lost a lot of my stress factors so Im hoping to find some WIM energy this week, time will tell .... maybe its time for another bounty soon.
Yakmelks feeling lost - getting fatty flog Quote
07-02-2017 , 07:13 PM
I drank for similar reasons yak. It took an ulcer to get me to stop, and since I also cut my caffeine consumption down to 0, my anxiety has been much lower and I'm sleeping fine. Consider like 3 or 4 days cold turkey and see what happens. I was really surprised at how easy it was for me, but then again, i felt like I was having a heart attack every time I took a sip.

It's been nearly two weeks since I've had more than a sip and I have definitely lost weight.
Yakmelks feeling lost - getting fatty flog Quote
07-04-2017 , 05:19 PM
Thanks jmakin, ulcers sound really bad tbh, hope you get to keep up your spree. I realize my sleeping issues definitely relate to the alcohol I drink but I have honestly not found the WIM to quit it somehow. It feels super weak but there is no sense in denying it really. I've quit smoking cigarettes and weed before which I abused in much larger quantities so it feels like an extra amount of fail not being able to stop with what Im doing currently. Its kind of funny because the reason I could quit weed was literally the same, I had terrible anxiety/panic attacks and it triggered a lot of my pre-existing psychological issues which made it so much easier to stop. Just by the mathish POV I could lose like 2 lbs a month by just cutting that out.

I feel like Im on the edge of accomplishing something new and now that I've got my new job and finished my first year of school I feel like Im up to it but its just talk so far.


Yakmelks feeling lost - getting fatty flog Quote
07-05-2017 , 03:34 PM
Wednesday log:

About 25 minutes of cardio (bike/tacx) and 30 minutes of random exercising;
3x12 crunches
3x12 dumbell rows
3x12 dumbell flyes (will probably stop doing this and do dumbell bench presses)
3x12 dumbell bicep curls

Yakmelks feeling lost - getting fatty flog Quote
07-06-2017 , 05:09 PM
Thursday log;

I've found something I can eat at work which is pretty filling and still low in cals, its lentils with peas and mais. I mix it with tuna and romaine after which I sprinkle some vinegar+mustard over it. Pretty good and it adds another option and is done in 5 minutes so I can make it in the morning.

Haven't felt the muscle burn in a while, can't say I dislike it.
Yakmelks feeling lost - getting fatty flog Quote
07-06-2017 , 08:30 PM
The alcohol is probably adding to your depression.

Also, what if exercising made your anxiety better?

I've seen a lot of people die. Dying from liver failure is one of the worst ways.
Yakmelks feeling lost - getting fatty flog Quote
07-07-2017 , 03:24 AM
Hi Gizmo, both the anxiety and depression are a reason for working out a bit (as well as my mayo belly obv). Two days alcohol free, haven't done that since .... God knows how long. Have a party tonight so Ill probably drink some, going to try and keep the food and drinks to an acceptable level. My goal is pretty much no nightbeforeweekday drinking at this point. Thanks for the support so far!
Yakmelks feeling lost - getting fatty flog Quote
07-08-2017 , 04:42 PM
Friday log;

Saturday log;

Did some partying yesterday and today, might tack on some bacardi coke lights tonight but Im kinda tired from playing COD Zombies in spaceland till in the am with my little brother, don't see him that often so its always good fun to have some time together.
Yakmelks feeling lost - getting fatty flog Quote
07-09-2017 , 04:12 PM
Sunday log:

No working out other then my weekly dancing session unfortunately. Will make an effort to incorporate it into my schedule at least 3 times a week.
Yakmelks feeling lost - getting fatty flog Quote
07-10-2017 , 06:00 PM
Monday log:

Had a busy day which included building a pretty big IKEA closet, that was a pain. Had a few beers and we went out for some fast food so I picked the item which seemed like the lowest cal wise. Someone went to the McDonalds to get some fries and I ask him to get me a coke light, halfway the coke I realize its a regular and was pretty bummed about it. That was an easy 150 cals down the drain today. Drank a few beers with some old buddies while building the IKEA stuff. Also received a bottle of champagne but resisted opening it, will probably keep it till Friday at least.
Yakmelks feeling lost - getting fatty flog Quote
07-11-2017 , 02:57 AM

- Drank Heineken Blik
+ cherrytomaatjes

also what's going on with that Corona. 24oz != 355ml, and neither of those is 298kcal.

355ml = 198kcal & 24oz = 396kcal unless you are drinking some weird dutchie perverted version of Corona

Last edited by chopstick; 07-11-2017 at 03:03 AM. Reason: kcals
Yakmelks feeling lost - getting fatty flog Quote
07-11-2017 , 07:11 AM
I've got Corona Extra (0.355) at 148 kcals on several sites (here and here) so unless you guys also carry the 'Extra' it might be a Euro thing? Thanks for checking it out though.

Im diminishing the Heineken blik drank slowly but surely, smaybe hould have skipped it yesterday but was low on cals and was wanting. Will probably skip them until Friday though.
Yakmelks feeling lost - getting fatty flog Quote
07-11-2017 , 05:52 PM
Tuesday log;
Yakmelks feeling lost - getting fatty flog Quote
07-11-2017 , 06:14 PM
Scratch that I just got the munchies and ate some chicken breast with cherrytomaatjes;

Also worked out today;
3x12 crunches
3x12 dumbell rows
3x12 dumbell bench presses
3x12 dumbell bicep curls

I was completely knocked out, did all my exercises till failure and I couldn't lift my arms for a few hours after, felt pretty good.
Yakmelks feeling lost - getting fatty flog Quote
07-11-2017 , 06:19 PM
Hi yak,
It looks like you are putting up some decent kcal numbers. How is the weight progressing?

One thing you should really be improving on is the protein number, especially if you intend to do any lifting. That goal that MFP has set is too low and you are not even achieving that most of the time! I know the Dutch diet sucks for this, but you have some good things in your logs here and there: kwark (mager!), halfvolle melk, gehakt is fine as well (mager!). Ditch the daily beers of course, and try to find something to sustainably replace some of all that bread (or start making sandwiches loaded with huttenkase en kipfilet).
Yakmelks feeling lost - getting fatty flog Quote
07-11-2017 , 06:30 PM
Weight has actually been going fine but the belly is still fat, weighing in at 84 kg (185 lbs) this morning and Im 184 tall so that's not too bad. At my highest I was like 88 kg four or five weeks ago.

Im going to try and up the greek yoghurt (9% protein!), eggs, tuna and chicken breasts because these are all rather easy to prepare and filling. I've recently added lentils which is good protein wise but not that filling imo.

What would a better protein goal be for me?

Im really on my way to better my alcohol ways and will make good on that promise! (says the guy who just drank half a bottle of wine)
Yakmelks feeling lost - getting fatty flog Quote
07-12-2017 , 01:40 AM
Originally Posted by Yakmelk

What would a better protein goal be for me?
There is always a bit of discussion about what is optimal on here, but at your weight I believe something like 130 gram per day would be appropriate (and not much wrong with more).
Yakmelks feeling lost - getting fatty flog Quote
07-12-2017 , 05:23 PM
Headed the protein advice, wednesday log;

Might be hard to keep it up though, I had to eat a fish, two chicken breast and a bowl of yoghurt to make it happen.
Yakmelks feeling lost - getting fatty flog Quote
07-12-2017 , 05:52 PM
Nice work!
If you have five days like this every week, the other two days give you plenty of room for drinks and ****ty food while still losing weight. Even better if you ditch those two glasses of wine you had today.
Yes, it is sometimes a bit difficult to hit decent protein numbers on a diet. When you are ready to employ a less restrictive caloric intake, the protein number is much easier to hit.
Yakmelks feeling lost - getting fatty flog Quote
07-13-2017 , 07:54 AM
Thanks xukxuk, Im going to try and keep at this for at least a few weeks while also exercising. Not only do I want to lose my fatness but I also want to get some muscle definition on the upper body. I have pretty thick legs from myself so I can skip leg day for a while but Im more interested in a more defined ab/chest/arms area. Im doing some isolated exercising first until I can actually do some proper dipping and chin ups, I have a training bench and some dumbells I can use for the iso stuff first.
Yakmelks feeling lost - getting fatty flog Quote
07-13-2017 , 04:25 PM
Thursday log, protein coming along:

Had a great mackerel salad with cucumber and cherry tomatoes! Thats another staple for the lunches I can bring to work.

Also worked out again today:
3x12 crunches
3x12 dumbell rows (8kg)
3x12 dumbell bench presses (5.5kg)
3x12 dumbell bicep curls (5.5kg)

Im really weak which bums me out, I usually fail at the end of set 3. Also have a hard time getting the form right on the bench presses and there are so much opinions on youtube that its hard to filter the bs from the gold. Might upload some form videos if I keep having trouble.
Yakmelks feeling lost - getting fatty flog Quote
