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xukxuk gets bigger log (ss) xukxuk gets bigger log (ss)

10-01-2020 , 01:45 PM
Not being sarcastic, perfectly fine to clean (and jerk) close to your frontsquat max if your technique is solid. Most of us are much stronger at pulling than squatting (compared to elite weightlifters) and can pull the bar into position pretty effortlessly.
xukxuk gets bigger log (ss) Quote
10-01-2020 , 01:59 PM
Yeah, I was going to say that as well. I can only dream of cleaning what I can front squat, because my technique is not very good. Get stronger and you will smash your PRs.
xukxuk gets bigger log (ss) Quote
10-01-2020 , 04:01 PM
FitNotes Workout - Thursday 1st October 2020
Body Weight: 88.0 kgs

** Hang Clean **
- 72.0 kgs x 1 rep
- 72.0 kgs x 1 rep
- 72.0 kgs x 1 rep

** Split Jerk **
- 70.0 kgs x 2 reps
- 75.0 kgs x 2 reps
- 78.0 kgs x 0 reps
- 78.0 kgs x 1 rep
- 78.0 kgs x 1 rep
- 80.0 kgs x 1 rep
- 80.0 kgs x 1 rep

** Snatch Dead Pull **
- 80.0 kgs x 5 reps
- 80.0 kgs x 5 reps
- 80.0 kgs x 5 reps
xukxuk gets bigger log (ss) Quote
10-01-2020 , 04:02 PM
Yeah at the moment I am quite a bit weaker than 1 or 2 years ago, but a much better weightlifter.

Last edited by xukxuk; 10-01-2020 at 04:08 PM.
xukxuk gets bigger log (ss) Quote
10-04-2020 , 06:18 AM
FitNotes Workout - Sunday 4th October 2020
Body Weight: 86.7 kgs

** Snatch **
- 58.0 kgs x 2 reps
- 62.0 kgs x 2 reps
- 66.0 kgs x 1 rep
- 66.0 kgs x 1 rep
- 66.0 kgs x 1 rep

** Clean & Jerk **
- 72.0 kgs x 2 reps
- 72.0 kgs x 2 reps
- 76.0 kgs x 1 rep [2+1]

** Barbell Front Squat **
- 80.0 kgs x 2 reps
- 80.0 kgs x 2 reps
- 85.0 kgs x 1 rep
- 85.0 kgs x 1 rep
- 90.0 kgs x 1 rep

@Arjun: happy now? ;-)
xukxuk gets bigger log (ss) Quote
10-04-2020 , 08:40 AM
Haha yes, what's your max front squat?
xukxuk gets bigger log (ss) Quote
10-04-2020 , 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by xukxuk
I don't know, man, but I don't feel the need to go hardcore every session, especially not early in the morning.
That doesn't seem like a fair statement. Your training intensity at its highest seems to be a very long way from going hardcore. Given your size and how consistently you've trained is there a particular reason why you're not lifting much heavier weights by now? I've front squatted >90 at 2/3 your body weight (*) and I barely train the lift nor care about oly lifts in general. No hate here btw, just trying to understand.

* Not that this was a bragworthy achievement. And I'm sure you go deeper on your fronts than I do. Was simply making a point about training intensity.

Last edited by Renton555; 10-04-2020 at 11:24 AM.
xukxuk gets bigger log (ss) Quote
10-04-2020 , 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by arjun13
Haha yes, what's your max front squat?

Training max for this cycle is 100, but haven't done a heavy fs in a looong time. Would expect to hit a grindy 110-115kg at end of this cycle

Originally Posted by Renton555
That doesn't seem like a fair statement. Your training intensity at its highest seems to be a very long way from going hardcore. Given your size and how consistently you've trained is there a particular reason why you're not lifting much heavier weights by now? I've front squatted >90 at 2/3 your body weight and I barely train the lift nor care about oly lifts in general. No hate here btw, just trying to understand.
Well yeah it's mostly just out of personal choice, but some random points in response:
- Don't mistake a long running log for consistency
- Had some knee issues (among other things) along the way
- I'm training for weightlifting and am (well, used to be for a long time) technique limited anyway
- I sleep too little, eat too little, work too much and am training in the early AM in a rush to get to work on week days
- Going "hardcore" has resulted in "gym burn out" and injuries in the past

But, having said all that, I have finally managed to be training consistently again in the last two months, have found a pretty sweet routine even while working a rather intense job, and have high hopes of hitting nice PRs on the lifts that count (and also on the ones that don't really matter to me along the way) in the next couple of months.
xukxuk gets bigger log (ss) Quote
10-04-2020 , 11:42 AM
- Don't mistake a long running log for consistency
Yeah I did just see there are some gaps.

- I'm training for weightlifting and am (well, used to be for a long time) technique limited anyway
Not a weightlifter, but it seems to me like if you increased your legs, hips, and pressing strength by 20 percent, you'd be able to lift ~20% more with your same imperfect technique. In other words there are probably guys with 10kg more muscle than you who are just as weak as you at WL but can snatch and c&j more just due to raw strength. Performance is usually a lot more complicated than one weak link.
xukxuk gets bigger log (ss) Quote
10-04-2020 , 12:09 PM
Well, yes, to an extent. But could still make more sense to prioritize technique training
xukxuk gets bigger log (ss) Quote
10-05-2020 , 01:34 PM
FitNotes Workout - Monday 5th October 2020
Body Weight: 86.7 kgs

** Power Snatch **
- 57.0 kgs x 3 reps
- 57.0 kgs x 3 reps
- 57.0 kgs x 3 reps

** Hang Clean **
- 72.0 kgs x 1 rep
- 72.0 kgs x 1 rep
- 72.0 kgs x 1 rep

** HBBS **
- 106.0 kgs x 2 reps
- 106.0 kgs x 2 reps
- 106.0 kgs x 2 reps
xukxuk gets bigger log (ss) Quote
10-05-2020 , 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by Renton555
Not a weightlifter, but it seems to me like if you increased your legs, hips, and pressing strength by 20 percent, you'd be able to lift ~20% more with your same imperfect technique.
The carryover from raw strength into weightlifting is extremely disproportionate if you have poor technique.

A 20% jump in strength can have an very marginal effect on sn/cj when those problems are not caused by weak muscles, but inefficiency.
xukxuk gets bigger log (ss) Quote
10-07-2020 , 06:09 AM
FitNotes Workout - Wednesday 7th October 2020
Body Weight: 87.7 kgs

** Clean & Jerk **
- 72.0 kgs x 2 reps
- 72.0 kgs x 2 reps

** HBBS **
- 96.0 kgs x 2 reps
- 96.0 kgs x 2 reps
- 102.0 kgs x 2 reps
- 108.0 kgs x 2 reps

** Clean Dead Pull **
- 89.0 kgs x 3 reps
- 89.0 kgs x 3 reps
- 89.0 kgs x 3 reps
xukxuk gets bigger log (ss) Quote
10-10-2020 , 05:40 AM
FitNotes Workout - Saturday 10th October 2020
Body Weight: 86.6 kgs

** Snatch **
- 70.0 kgs x 0 reps
- 70.0 kgs x 0 reps
- 70.0 kgs x 1 rep

** Clean & Jerk **
- 77.0 kgs x 1 rep

** HBBS **
- 108.0 kgs x 2 reps
- 108.0 kgs x 2 reps

** Snatch Pull **
- 76.0 kgs x 3 reps
- 76.0 kgs x 3 reps
- 76.0 kgs x 3 reps
xukxuk gets bigger log (ss) Quote
10-11-2020 , 06:28 AM
FitNotes Workout - Sunday 11th October 2020
Body Weight: 86.6 kgs

** Power Snatch **
- 52.0 kgs x 3 reps
- 52.0 kgs x 3 reps
- 52.0 kgs x 3 reps
- 52.0 kgs x 3 reps
- 52.0 kgs x 3 reps

** Hang Snatch **
- 56.0 kgs x 3 reps
- 56.0 kgs x 3 reps
- 56.0 kgs x 3 reps

** Split Jerk **
- 80.0 kgs x 1 rep
- 80.0 kgs x 1 rep
- 80.0 kgs x 1 rep
xukxuk gets bigger log (ss) Quote
10-14-2020 , 02:25 AM
FitNotes Workout - Wednesday 14th October 2020
Body Weight: 87.7 kgs

** Snatch **
- 60.0 kgs x 1 rep

** Clean & Jerk **
- 68.0 kgs x 1 rep

** Barbell Front Squat **
- 85.0 kgs x 2 reps
- 85.0 kgs x 2 reps

xukxuk gets bigger log (ss) Quote
10-17-2020 , 03:56 AM
FitNotes Workout - Friday 16th October 2020
Body Weight: 86.9 kgs

** Snatch **
- 50.0 kgs x 1 rep
- 50.0 kgs x 1 rep
- 50.0 kgs x 1 rep

** Clean & Jerk **
- 60.0 kgs x 1 rep
- 60.0 kgs x 1 rep

FitNotes Workout - Saturday 17th October 2020
Body Weight: 86.9 kgs

** Snatch **
- 40.0 kgs x 1 rep
- 40.0 kgs x 1 rep
- 40.0 kgs x 1 rep

** Clean & Jerk **
- 50.0 kgs x 1 rep
- 50.0 kgs x 1 rep
- 50.0 kgs x 1 rep

End of taper. Big day tomorrow xukxuk gets bigger log (ss)
xukxuk gets bigger log (ss) Quote
10-17-2020 , 06:05 AM
Good luck! Is it a competition or are you testing your maxes?
xukxuk gets bigger log (ss) Quote
10-18-2020 , 07:15 AM
Thx! Just testing, no competitions due to covid

FitNotes Workout - Sunday 18th October 2020
Body Weight: 86.9 kgs

** Snatch **
- 74.0 kgs x 1 rep
- 77.0 kgs x 0 reps
- 77.0 kgs x 0 reps
- 77.0 kgs x 0 reps

** Clean & Jerk **
- 82.0 kgs x 1 rep
- 85.0 kgs x 0 reps
- 85.0 kgs x 0 reps

+1kg pr snatch
+2kg pr c&j

Fine, I'll take it 77kg should deffff be there next time
xukxuk gets bigger log (ss) Quote
10-18-2020 , 07:32 AM
Congrats on PRs! My snatch is 9 less than yours and C&J 8 more than yours. I'll race you to an arbitrary number.
xukxuk gets bigger log (ss) Quote
10-18-2020 , 02:59 PM
Bodyweight snatch
xukxuk gets bigger log (ss) Quote
10-18-2020 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by xukxuk
Bodyweight snatch
My long time goal / pipe dream / nemesis
xukxuk gets bigger log (ss) Quote
10-18-2020 , 03:02 PM
Think you are probably a big favourite to win that race though
xukxuk gets bigger log (ss) Quote
10-19-2020 , 05:40 AM
Originally Posted by xukxuk
Think you are probably a big favourite to win that race though
You need to get stronger, I need to fix my crappy technique. I would put you as favourite just because weightlifting is your main focus. But you're on!
xukxuk gets bigger log (ss) Quote
10-19-2020 , 05:54 AM
Agreed. But to get stronger, which probably requires getting heavier as well. You can just fix your technique while remaining skinny
xukxuk gets bigger log (ss) Quote
