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Weasel45 Log Weasel45 Log

02-20-2015 , 11:22 AM
I am pretty dumb. There is a metroflex gym like 20 minutes away from me that looks like it has all the strongman stuff i would need to train. I cant tell for sure cause the website sucks but it came up on
Weasel45 Log Quote
02-20-2015 , 11:23 AM
1x/week is all you need to start imo. If you got close to a comp and needed more technique work, then maybe you could take the time to go 2x/week for the last 6 weeks or so.

Strongman gives you a reason to be far more balanced as an athlete. Conditioning, less specific strength, more overhead work, muscular endurance, grip.
Weasel45 Log Quote
02-20-2015 , 01:59 PM
Strongman stuff might be fun, but it would definitely be more injurious than powerlifting.

Hope your back feels better soon.
Weasel45 Log Quote
02-20-2015 , 02:10 PM
All else equal I'd probably agree, but motivation seems to be the bigger problem here.

Weasel, 2 hours 4x/week seems completely unnecessary to me, but I'm not nearly at your level, so I don't know.
Weasel45 Log Quote
02-20-2015 , 02:28 PM
fwiw, my typical sessions last ~3 hours, 4 days a week.
Weasel45 Log Quote
02-20-2015 , 02:34 PM
Thanks Cha. I agree. Im just hoping that since the frequency and intensity would go way down with how im training now it might lessen all the dings i feel. I dont really get hurt that often, i just feel like **** all the time. Right now i bench 4 times a week, squat 3 and deadlift 2. If i switch to strongman it would be press 1 day, squat 1 day, dl 1 day and events 1 day.


Ya, it is probably unnecessary but ive been training that way for like 2 years so im kind of scared that if i go back to something less time consuming i will lose strength. Probably unfounded but its just something i have stuck in my head. I know if i did 531 or juggernaut or something it would be like at most 1 hour a day 4 days a week.

I just found this place that is like 35 miles from my house. Seems pretty damn awesome. $70 bucks a month for strongman training that is once a week.

"ECWC Competitive Strongman Team Training – for lifters who are seriously interested about competing in the sport of strongman. ECWC possesses one of the most experienced and accomplished strongman teams to ever exist in the U.S. If this is the strength sport that you have chosen to pursue, you will learn from and train next to some of the strongest men on the planet. Our Strongman Team is comprised of the best strongman from Los Angeles, Riverside County, San Diego and Orange County. There is no comparison when it comes to technical expertise and the accolades to prove it. Many individuals enter into strongman training with a good athletic background, size and gym strength, but none of that matters without the right coaching and strongman event skills to be at the top of the sport."
Weasel45 Log Quote
02-20-2015 , 02:43 PM
35 miles away from your house is like a 4 hour drive.

Dude, time to join forces with Jdock at 24hr fitness. Bodybuilding and some posing in the bathroom afterwards.
Weasel45 Log Quote
02-20-2015 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by cha59
fwiw, my typical sessions last ~3 hours, 4 days a week.
Maybe I'm just not into "lifting" as I used to be, but this just sounds like torture.

ETA: actually cha half that is probably foam rolling though right?

Weasel, I don't really know how this crap works, but I'd be afraid of reducing volume/frequency as well haha. Really no clue, I'm kind of afraid to ever push things too high myself because of that (even I even wanted to work out more).
Weasel45 Log Quote
02-20-2015 , 02:55 PM
Eh, I'm not sure strongman is any more injurious than powerlifting. Maybe in the long run at the very high levels. But the first 6 months of strongman should probably be spent working on technique and speed and conditioning. So basically all the stuff that Saw and I don't do.
Weasel45 Log Quote
02-20-2015 , 03:17 PM
I originally said I could see SM being more injurious because I was only thinking about the fact that you're handling odder objects or performing movements that you're potentially less familiar with. Thinking about it for more than 10 seconds, I can see a case for either sport being more injurious. Either way, agreed with DF that for a good while at the beginning it should be 100% safe.
Weasel45 Log Quote
02-20-2015 , 03:22 PM
The only thing that i could see being more injurious about strongman is that like with stones or something you have to pick up and put over a wall, if you slip or something, you are going to have a 250+ lb object fall on your head/body. That doesnt really happy in powerlifting if you have the safeties set correctly and have competent spotters at meets which i guess isnt a given.
Weasel45 Log Quote
02-20-2015 , 03:38 PM
Yes, that's true. Catastrophic injuries must be more likely in strongman. Though I'd rank the overhead events as the most dangerous since they're the only ones where a heavy blow to the head is likely.

We've all seen that gif of the dude getting bent over backwards and crushed by the atlas stone, but I really cannot fathom how that even happens.

I bet back and shoulder injuries are the most common for strongman. Probably true for powerlifting as well.
Weasel45 Log Quote
02-20-2015 , 04:14 PM
Yea catastrophic injuries are kind of a special category imo that is more of the "exceptions" rather than rules. I was thinking basically:

Strongman more injurious: more awkward objects/less standard -> higher chance of handling something in a weird way and pulling/straining/tearing something

Powerlifting more injurious: heavier weights in general taking toll, grinding a 1RM seems way riskier than getting an extra rep of something @ lower intensity, improving yoke time by 1 second, etc.
Weasel45 Log Quote
02-20-2015 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by saw7988
Maybe I'm just not into "lifting" as I used to be, but this just sounds like torture.

ETA: actually cha half that is probably foam rolling though right?
I usually spend ~15-20 mins rolling and doing mobility stuff these days. The lifting goes slow because I take long rests when the weight is heavy, and also I spend a lot of time BSing, offering tips and spotting between sets now that I'm lifting with a group of powerlifters.

Weasel - as far as PL programming goes, I cant see how someone would not get burned out on what you've been doing. Your results have been great, but doing so much heavy **** all the time beats the **** out of you over time. I think your muscles & nervous system ought to rest a little more. That being said, I think you can find some happy medium between doing what you're doing now and something like 531 that will be challenging and effective, yet give your body more time to recover between workouts.

My comment about SM injuries is for anything where you might slip trying to do any movement that can be potentially awkward, which is most of them. Awkward movements and the fatigue built up by maxing out for reps is a recipe for injury. The SM people I know say injury incidence is 100% over a short period of time, like a year or two (I cant remember exactly the time frame). If you PL with meticulous form, the injuries can be fewer and farther between, and far less serious as a whole.
Weasel45 Log Quote
02-22-2015 , 12:28 PM
Weasel, I think you are so obviously overtraining...unless you are juicing.

Last edited by BPA234; 02-22-2015 at 12:28 PM. Reason: and I dont think you are juicing
Weasel45 Log Quote
02-22-2015 , 03:04 PM
BPA, I agree it's unlikely he's juicing, because Bud Light Lime contains no actual juice.
Weasel45 Log Quote
02-22-2015 , 03:08 PM
My sides
Weasel45 Log Quote
02-22-2015 , 06:25 PM
Weasel45 Log Quote
02-23-2015 , 07:43 PM
thoughts about changing wednesday TnG bench to being incline TnG?
Weasel45 Log Quote
02-23-2015 , 07:50 PM
I would either change the overload bench with incline or i would put incline after comp bench on Friday and cut out the max out set of tng
Weasel45 Log Quote
02-23-2015 , 07:51 PM
ok cool
Weasel45 Log Quote
02-26-2015 , 10:53 PM




3x5x365 I havent squatted for 3 weeks so this was awful





Still not sure what to do going forward Either follow RTS again, do what i've been doing but change it up a little, or do 70s big lp for like 6 weeks so i can get about back to where i was and i will only have to spend like 3 hours a week in the gym instead of 8. But, with the last way, i am afraid i will regress a lot. Any thoughts?
Weasel45 Log Quote
02-27-2015 , 02:20 AM
What are you gonna do with your extra time if you only train 3 hours a week? If it's smoke and drink then I think you should train more. Joking obv but I doubt you'd regress. Guaranteed your joints will feel better.
Weasel45 Log Quote
02-27-2015 , 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by busto_in_hawaii
What are you gonna do with your extra time if you only train 3 hours a week? If it's smoke and drink then I think you should train more. Joking obv but I doubt you'd regress. Guaranteed your joints will feel better.
Thats actually a good point because the last two weeks i took off i drank pretty much everyday right after work and at lunch lol. when i train i wont drink during the day.
Weasel45 Log Quote
02-27-2015 , 02:56 PM
Lmaooo I know how that goes.
Weasel45 Log Quote
