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07-11-2014 , 06:06 AM
I walked 9 miles today. Well, slightly more than that, but it was good.

Lost 5.6 pounds water weight (lol +100 degree weather) and I made it in just over 2.5 hours.

I ate a half of an all meat pizza to celebrate.
07-11-2014 , 06:18 AM
eating half a pizza to celebrate is like half a celebration imo
07-11-2014 , 06:21 AM
I had a guest so I had to be nice and share
07-11-2014 , 08:13 AM
Originally Posted by skeletor121
Her form looks better than yours! Congrats on the milestone Mrs. Convict!

Originally Posted by BookToMarket

And her setup is 8 minutes long which is still 17 minutes less than snitches. Full props!
07-11-2014 , 08:52 AM
Originally Posted by JohnnyFondue
I walked 9 miles today.
07-11-2014 , 09:36 AM
Yesterday JFONN thought to himself, "Hmm, Dear John Fond, should you walk all the way around the cul-de-sac? Yes. Yes, I should. Walking all the way down a dead end cul-de-sac is a good idea and it will be a fun time that is fun." Then he thought it five more times after that, too.
07-11-2014 , 09:46 AM
Jfon reading water meters for the city now? That whole silly poker thing didn't pan out I take it.
07-11-2014 , 12:20 PM
So I need some new summer shorts and just had to return this shirt to banana republic and decided to try on a couple pairs that they had since they looked up my alley. When did all shorts become skinny? I mean, I have nice legs and probably shouldn't feel weird at all about showing them off, but seriously now, shorts these days are just getting ridiculous for guys. They felt almost as tight as boxer briefs.

Then I went on their website when I got back to my desk and it further confirms what I thought.


Now, do I just

a) succumb and wear them
b) find shorts elsewhere
c) go shopping with some bish and have her pick them out
d) skelebro it with overalls and flip flops
e) dad it up and continue wearing old cargo shorts
07-11-2014 , 12:26 PM
There's a little Euro in all of us. Embrace it!
07-11-2014 , 12:39 PM
f) post moar pics
07-11-2014 , 12:41 PM
LeBron/Irving/Wiggins Cavs vs. Bosh/Howard/Harden Rockets ECF please
07-11-2014 , 12:43 PM
g) lol shorts unless mesh shorts for working out or lounging
07-11-2014 , 12:43 PM

They're all like $30 right now.
07-11-2014 , 12:44 PM
Re: BTM's post

I'd love to see the guy who wears those in the 44 waist size that they carry. Are they expecting a bunch of DT-type talls to come in buy those?
07-11-2014 , 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by nuggetz87
LeBron/Irving/Wiggins Cavs vs. Bosh/Howard/Harden Rockets ECF please
Rockets in west
07-11-2014 , 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by Melkerson
Rockets in west
errr, NBA finals!
07-11-2014 , 01:05 PM
There's a lot of talk that there are already deals in place for Kevin Love. Best theory I've heard so far is that in LeBron's "I'm coming home" memo he mentions looking forward to playing with Irving, Waiters, and Varejao but doesn't mention anything about Wiggins or Bennett. Chance they get shipped as part of a deal for Kevin Love? I dunno much about basketball but Lebron/Irving/Love would be pretty outrageous afaict.
07-11-2014 , 01:14 PM
BTM some of these look good man

I like they have various lengths to chose from. Might want to hurry before Snitch sees this link and cleans out all the 5" ones
07-11-2014 , 01:16 PM
J Crew is basic bitch for men. Which would make it basic bro? Is that a thing?
07-11-2014 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by The Yugoslavian
f) post moar pics
no u

Originally Posted by nuggetz87
g) lol shorts unless mesh shorts for working out or lounging
u w0t m8?

Originally Posted by Doug Funnie II

They're all like $30 right now.
vn, but what length?

Originally Posted by Melkerson
Re: BTM's post

I'd love to see the guy who wears those in the 44 waist size that they carry. Are they expecting a bunch of DT-type talls to come in buy those?
yeah lol. for cereal.

Originally Posted by SenseiSingh
BTM some of these look good man

I like they have various lengths to chose from. Might want to hurry before Snitch sees this link and cleans out all the 5" ones
In Snitch's case, 5" is as good as it gets

Originally Posted by allinontheturn
J Crew is basic bitch for men. Which would make it basic bro? Is that a thing?
+1 for basic bro.
07-11-2014 , 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by bixby snyder
There's a lot of talk that there are already deals in place for Kevin Love. Best theory I've heard so far is that in LeBron's "I'm coming home" memo he mentions looking forward to playing with Irving, Waiters, and Varejao but doesn't mention anything about Wiggins or Bennett. Chance they get shipped as part of a deal for Kevin Love? I dunno much about basketball but Lebron/Irving/Love would be pretty outrageous afaict.
Irving and Love never play defense. but maybe they'll get better with Lebron coaching them.

either way I think that trio would have to be a favorite for the championship.
07-11-2014 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by Doug Funnie II

They're all like $30 right now.
50% off yesterday tho.

Originally Posted by allinontheturn
J Crew is basic bitch for men. Which would make it basic bro? Is that a thing?
bzzt. It's fine. Not great. Fine. It's also like 70% of my wardrobe, so, you know, pretty k. Also, no, post hoc ergo propter hoc u.

Originally Posted by BookToMarket
vn, but what length?
11" is pretty short on me, so I ordered some 7" inseams yesterday. Can't wear 5" to work imo. Danger zone.
07-11-2014 , 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by downtown
bzzt. It's fine. Not great. Fine. It's also like 70% of my wardrobe, so, you know, pretty k. Also, no, post hoc ergo propter hoc u.
Listen, we're both average working men here. I understand not everything in our wardrobe can be 68oz denim jeans.

In fact right now I'm wearing cargo shorts with a blue plaid print ... I've got a temporary ankle tattoo on to make up for the basicness of my shorts tho.
07-11-2014 , 02:58 PM
Lol Houston in final. Is bosh that big an upgrade over parsons/Asik that a team that got bounce in 1st round is now gonna be able to go thru 3 tough series (including probably having to beat 2 of ok city, San ant, clippers). My money is on no.
07-11-2014 , 03:01 PM

Arent they a lock to match parsons now if they get bosh?
