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Unfrgvn's Bicycle and Knee Replacement Log Unfrgvn's Bicycle and Knee Replacement Log

05-07-2020 , 09:46 PM
Thanks guys. I'm pretty good about slogging through stuff (see my triple bypass ride!) and will try to keep a positive attitude.
Unfrgvn's Bicycle and Knee Replacement Log Quote
05-10-2020 , 08:38 AM
Pre Op labs are back. I'm in pretty good shape so everything is a go. Found this website on recovery from TKR:

Seems reasonable to me.
Unfrgvn's Bicycle and Knee Replacement Log Quote
05-14-2020 , 12:22 PM
That’s some interesting reading. TKR is something I’ve only worked with a couple of times* but both times I’ve been led by advice from the surgeons that there is a window of opportunity for regaining full ROM and that it is necessary to push past the pain threshold when mobilising/stretching the knee In the early weeks.

* I work as a sports therapist now, so essentially working with sports injuries/musculoskeletal pain issues.
Unfrgvn's Bicycle and Knee Replacement Log Quote
05-14-2020 , 07:56 PM
Yeah, I realized that they are out of the bounds of "normal" PT after reading some more. I will see what my PT wants to do after surgery. I do think it makes sense that the less swelling and pain there is the better.
Unfrgvn's Bicycle and Knee Replacement Log Quote
05-15-2020 , 02:49 PM
That is usually the case. The reason that is always given for pushing through into pain after a TKR is that there is that “window of opportunity” where you have to regain ROM before it gets to the point where it is very difficult/impossible to regain. Sounds like that window may be no longer considered to be as important from what those articles say. Will have to do some research.
Unfrgvn's Bicycle and Knee Replacement Log Quote
05-15-2020 , 05:07 PM
Let me know if you find anything. I will let them push me some, and I know I'll push myself some. However, now that I've read that, I'll know if true pain is happening, not just discomfort, it is time to ease up some.
Unfrgvn's Bicycle and Knee Replacement Log Quote
05-19-2020 , 02:52 PM
Surgery tomorrow.
Pre and post op meds that I've picked up so far:
Oxycodone 5mg 20 count
Tramadol 60
Celecoxib 200mg 30 (Celebrex)
Gabapentin 300mg 45
Ondansetron 4mg 5 (for Nausea)
Cephalexin 500mg 3 (assume to prevent infection)
Aspirin 325mg 42 (assume for anti clotting)
Tylenol ES 500mg Over the counter

I think that is it.
Unfrgvn's Bicycle and Knee Replacement Log Quote
05-19-2020 , 05:06 PM
Good luck man. Take heart in the fact that loco could get a double TKR and front squat 600 one day later with that kind of drug regimen, so you're a failure if you don't do the same.
Unfrgvn's Bicycle and Knee Replacement Log Quote
05-19-2020 , 08:16 PM
Thanks, Montecore. I suspect there may be an inside joke there. I've read other logs in the forum but I've missed a lot. I thought loco was going naty?
If I have to squat 600 pounds tomorrow to not be a failure, I think I'm a failure!
I will say that is a lot of anti-inflammatorys and pain killers. Hopefully I won't have to be on them for long.
Unfrgvn's Bicycle and Knee Replacement Log Quote
05-21-2020 , 05:11 AM
4 AM day after surgery. I'm not up because of pain, just can't sleep. Pain level is good, I can manage short walks around the house surprisingly well. PT is coming to the house today at 11. So far so good.
Unfrgvn's Bicycle and Knee Replacement Log Quote
05-23-2020 , 11:50 AM
So yesterday appears to have been the worst day. At least today is better than it was yesterday. Lots of ice and elevation, and minor exercises to keep the blood flowing. No clots!
Unfrgvn's Bicycle and Knee Replacement Log Quote
05-26-2020 , 11:59 AM
Day 6 post op. Had second PT session yesterday, got a few new light exercises and stretches. Main thing is to not overdo them and cause a lot of swelling. Swelling has come down and I've lost over 10 pounds of water weight that I gained during surgery. PT says I can ditch the walker in favor of a cane, which is great. I really don't think I'll be on the cane long.
Unfrgvn's Bicycle and Knee Replacement Log Quote
05-30-2020 , 09:06 AM
Recovery continues within nominal parameters. Swelling has come down a lot. I think there is still swelling within the knee itself. I can walk without aid for short distances. The pain is diffuse, more of a general ache in the whole area rather than a focal point. Sleep has been the toughest part, seems to ache after a few hours in bed.
Unfrgvn's Bicycle and Knee Replacement Log Quote
06-05-2020 , 08:06 AM
I set myself back ~ a week by twisting my knee by mistake last Sunday. On Sunday morning it was feeling pretty good, screwed it up at 6 pm. Getting close to where I was then now.
Unfrgvn's Bicycle and Knee Replacement Log Quote
06-09-2020 , 12:09 PM
First out patient therapy today. Like the guy doing the therapy, he seems realistic about how much I can and should be doing. Sat in the recumbent bike and did about 10 revolutions without resistance. A little stiff coming over the top, but not bad. Did a 6 minute timed walk as part of the analysis, he says I did 1030 feet, which was pretty much what they are looking for.
Unfrgvn's Bicycle and Knee Replacement Log Quote
06-14-2020 , 06:44 PM
Raised the seat on my bike about 2.5 inches. I've done two rides, the first about 1/4 mile and the second about 1/2 mile. Baby steps, lol.
Unfrgvn's Bicycle and Knee Replacement Log Quote
06-14-2020 , 08:32 PM
Great news! The pain is manageable I hope?
Unfrgvn's Bicycle and Knee Replacement Log Quote
06-15-2020 , 11:49 AM
Yes, the pain has been quite manageable. I've iced and elevated it like crazy. I'm out of the oxycodone, wouldn't have taken all of those if I hadn't twisted my knee 10 days in. I got a refill on the Tramadol, not sure how much better those are than Tylenol, to be honest. I'm done with almost all of my post op meds, just a few celebrex left and some Tramadol. I don't have much pain. I can make it ache if I try to straighten it to 0 flex, or if I try to push it past the 110 bend, but it doesn't last long.
I was afraid the knee would feel "fake", somehow, but I guess the parts they replace have very little in the way of feeling. So it feels pretty good, not pain free yet, but less painful then it was pre surgery, at least with activity.
Unfrgvn's Bicycle and Knee Replacement Log Quote
06-18-2020 , 09:39 AM
Sounds like you're having a really good recovery. I think you're a lot fitter than the guys I worked with, and probably more motivated too, so you're recovering way faster - good job!
Unfrgvn's Bicycle and Knee Replacement Log Quote
06-18-2020 , 05:07 PM
Thanks, I'm not sure what is "normal", but I do think I'm having a pretty good recovery. Part of it is I am relatively young for this operation, part of it may be the 15,000 miles I've cycled in the last 7 years. Even though I barely cycled at all in the last 18 months. The other thing I don't know how to judge is the skill of my surgeon. I think I may have lucked into someone who knows what he is doing, and did as little trauma to my leg as he could.
* Still have not squatted 600 pounds since surgery!
Unfrgvn's Bicycle and Knee Replacement Log Quote
08-01-2020 , 11:00 AM
So it is me, the topic starter. I forgot my password and lost access to the email I used to subscribe. I sent some messages but no response, so this is my new account. New knee is still going good. Got kicked out of rehab by insurance once I started doing well. Have worked up to 12 mile bike ride without much discomfort. For me the decision to get a new knee seems to be a winner.
Unfrgvn's Bicycle and Knee Replacement Log Quote
09-25-2020 , 07:58 AM
4 months into knee recovery. It is better than it was pre surgery. Did a 28 mile bike ride last weekend. Depending on a lot of external factors, semi training for another triple bypass in 2021, Covid allowing. Wish I had chosen unfrgvn2 for my new handle. I think I understand why women have multiple babies, I've talked myself into remembering the Triple Bypass as not so bad, lol.
Unfrgvn's Bicycle and Knee Replacement Log Quote
10-28-2020 , 07:50 AM
5 months into recovery. Change is slow, but have less pain after cycling. Very happy with new knee. Need to lose weight, and get fitter.
Unfrgvn's Bicycle and Knee Replacement Log Quote
11-05-2020 , 12:16 AM
So, I've complained in this log about having an erratic high heart rate. Went to a cardiologist and did a stress test, and recreated the problem. Apparently I suffer from PVC's (premature ventricular contractions) under load. My blood pressure is also very high while exercising. So, to treat both of those items I'm going on a beta blocker medication. It has definitely lowered my heart rate. I did a ride on an exercise bike and my heart rate barely got over 110. Normally it would have been between 135 and 145 for that level of exercise. I will have to get used to my new normal.
Unfrgvn's Bicycle and Knee Replacement Log Quote
03-07-2021 , 10:30 AM
Changes since my last post.
1. I mentioned beta blocker(metroprolol), also went on BP med Valsartan. Also went on testosterone replacement.
2. Got my Covid vaccine in Feb.
3. I've gained a lot of weight over the last two years.
4. Got laid off/retired in November. They asked for volunteers and I said yes.
5. Turned 60 in January.

Goals for 2021 are to lose weight and get back on the bike. I started this week and feel better than I have in a couple years. My weight is back to 240 from a low in 2016 of 178. 240 is right at my all time high from 2009.
I'd like to get back to 200. I think if I can stay healthy and ride the bike I can get there. My diet has never been that terrible, but when I felt my worst I probably had the metabolism of a slug. My weaknesses as always are too many salty snacks and craft beers. My dream is to ride the trans america bike "race" in 2022 or 23. For me it will be a ride, not a race.
Unfrgvn's Bicycle and Knee Replacement Log Quote
