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udbrky's 2015 re-focusing log - lifting weights and such udbrky's 2015 re-focusing log - lifting weights and such

01-27-2015 , 04:38 AM
2177 198/92/59

Fugly deadlift day.

I think I need to re-think the warmups in some spots. Here is what I did. I wanted to get into the flow and loosen up. Did some foam rolling for the hips earlier in the day.

430 - couldn't lock it out. Shaking bad, started losing my grip.
Rested 5 minutes and made another attempt, stalled just above the knees.
It was supposed to be 430x2.
Speed deadlift 355 5x3 - these got tough, I was pretty gassed and my left hammy was a little sore from the 430s.
Laxed my hammy and it felt better, before doing assistance work.
Bent over rows 145 3x8
Good mornings on the hack squat w/ 50# 3x8
Reverse grip lat pulldowns 112.5 3x8

I talked to a guy randomly after pulling who trained with Ed Coan and he suggested GHR + more SLDL/RDL, so I think I'm going to add in another RDL day. He said they never did GM's, and Ed hates them, so I guess I'm not the only one. The hacks seem to hit them harder each time, but it's so awkward being a short on the machine.

I don't think I'll add the rack pulls back, but next week, I add in the deficit sumos for hip work, so that should help too. I'll focus more on hammies as well. **** I was pretty unhappy lifting.
udbrky's 2015 re-focusing log - lifting weights and such Quote
01-28-2015 , 04:17 AM
**** this ****.

Every day, I get the token has expired. I'm so sick of this. Posting in mod forum about it. /rant.

2550 194/67/116

Active rest day. I needed some foam rolling on my IT bands, hammies and around the knee. Lots sore. Looking at hip angle on deadlift still. I still struggle with the belt in getting into the same pos. Last week when I was beltless, it felt better.
udbrky's 2015 re-focusing log - lifting weights and such Quote
01-29-2015 , 03:16 PM
3077 186/116/20

Squats 305x5
OHP 140x1, 135x2, 125x4
Speed bench 155 4x3, 165 4x3
Shrugs on the seated shrug machine (standing) 300 3x10
udbrky's 2015 re-focusing log - lifting weights and such Quote
01-30-2015 , 06:09 AM
2473 187/99/118

Squats 5x5 280

It's 4 am, I was exhausted after these and just packed it up and came home. Feeling pretty crappy atm, just physically tired and done.
udbrky's 2015 re-focusing log - lifting weights and such Quote
02-03-2015 , 12:51 AM
Sat - just did quick bench workout
woman's press - triples - 205, 210, 215 - best woman's press I've had this cycle
Inclined - 170x2x3
Cut it short, was hungry and shoulder was sore.

Then, I went to the bar and discovered hopslam was back. I got hopslammed and a ride home.

It snowed for like 36 straight hours + cooking for the super bowl (even though I told everyone not to come, on accounta snowing so much), so it was just my roommates and their one son and I, but needed to cook up food.

Turkey roulade was good. It tasted like there was stuffing in the middle, because of the sage.

Didn't lift today either, because I didn't have a snow shovel until late and worked a bunch. I'm going to do last week's DL program since I struggled and then got off onto a weird ass day schedule. Then I worked a bunch. Got in about 45 mins of shoveling at about a 5 RPE.
udbrky's 2015 re-focusing log - lifting weights and such Quote
02-03-2015 , 11:56 PM
Turkey roulade sounds damn good.
udbrky's 2015 re-focusing log - lifting weights and such Quote
02-04-2015 , 03:55 AM
It's a PITA to make, but would make again.

estimating at 2200 cals 211/31/110

Squats 5x5 285
Pulldowns - wide & close 3x5 112.5
Hammer curls 3x10 25s
Tricep pressdowns - 3x10 37.5 - this was at a different cable, I don't know WTF some of the cable #'s mean. Some don't even feel right. This felt heavy, others, 60# feels lighter.
Romanian Deadlifts - 3x5 205
Calf raises on leg press - 3x10 320

Order was different. Squat racks were busy, did the lats first, then poo'd before doing the ROM's and rest. Felt like **** squatting - felt like I could puke, hackin up phlegm and needed to crap, but got through them.

Also, dogsat for 3 dogs for a friend before the gym. It was a good time.

udbrky's 2015 re-focusing log - lifting weights and such Quote
02-05-2015 , 02:37 AM
2677 163/107/186

Ordered sushi for lunch, forgot to thaw out some meat. Then, played trivia after the gym and had a burger (no bun), so estimated as best as I could. I think the protein listed on MFP was low.

BP - 205x3, 210x3, 220x1, 220x2 (should've got a spotter on 1st 220, think it cost me the triple)
Incline 155x3, 170x4, 170x3
face pulls 3x15 ??? It was somewhere near what I usually do, but the cable system I was on is wack. it said 55, but felt a little lighter than the 37.5 usually does.

Weight staying pretty steady, but pants fit looser and I'm going between last and next to last on the new Inzer, where I used to be 2nd to last and last.

Last edited by udbrky; 02-05-2015 at 03:03 AM.
udbrky's 2015 re-focusing log - lifting weights and such Quote
02-06-2015 , 02:32 AM
2058 179/124/125

Worked a lot all day, didn't make the gym. Going to dogsit near the gym, so might be able to get in 2 tomorrow, otherwise, I have a built in day for the break and should be still on schedule.

Won a $3 MTT online today while working - benefit of testing for online poker I do miss playing more. I need to get to the casino regularly again.
udbrky's 2015 re-focusing log - lifting weights and such Quote
02-07-2015 , 06:28 AM
2788 201/65/136

2 1-1000 pause bench 2x3 175, 2x3 185 - got tired at that point and didn't go for more
JM press 3x5 145
Front Squats 2x5 185
Pendlay Rows 3x5 175
face pulls 3x10 37.5?
one leg leg curl machine 3x10 30s
lateral raise machine 3x10 5 - whatever the 5 is

Played a ton of 3-way tug of war with dogs today - one 40#'er, a 35#'er and a 15#'er - lots of upper arm work.
udbrky's 2015 re-focusing log - lifting weights and such Quote
02-07-2015 , 06:29 AM
Also got quest sea salt chips, were decent and cookies & cream bars, were decent.
udbrky's 2015 re-focusing log - lifting weights and such Quote
02-07-2015 , 06:53 AM
I always think it's nice to know what people use as equipment.

So I have:

- Inzer Forever 1-prong belt - love.
- Hookgrips knee sleeves - great
- Rogue Fitness wrist wraps - great
- Adidas Weightlifting 1.0 shoes - awesome
- Loop training band (green) - phenomenal for stretching the shoulder/legs
- Foam massage roller - nuff said
- Lacrosse balls out the ass - gave away 2, might need more
- Mueller M-Tape - this is great for those times when you rip skin DL'ing or need to tape to lift
- Rogue Voodoo bands - These have been great for specific injuries
- Theracane - don't use this much, but comes in handy with spots you can't really reach
- salonpas/similar topical numbing sprays - these are awesome for hitting areas that hurt to numb them and keep lifting
- Stott Pilates 2# ball - this will build up your rotator cuff like nothing else.
- black diamond refillable chalk shot - love this chalk sock. I'll need a refill soon, but it's a great little ball to chalk up.
- Chuck Taylors - still DL in them. When they wear out, I'll get DL specific or WL shoes.
- Adidas soccer socks - don't usually use them, but will if I do a meet
- Compression pants - All I wear in the winter under shorts. They protect the leg, keep you warm, and are as good as sleeves.
- Rogue Camelbak Platform water bottle - best water bottle I've used. It's leakproof, get a decent amount out, only thing I wish is that it was 40oz instead of 20.

What I'm not a big fan of:
- Ace knee sleeves. Got these, tested, got the HG's which are way better.
- Valeo straps - tried them on front squats only - it was painful, I just decided to work on my front rack instead.

I still haven't found an app I really like to use. I'm an android guy, so no IOS only's.

Tried Google Docs. I lost my spreadsheet 3x. I'd open it up and it was blank.
I used Starting Strength log, but quit SS soon after.
I like the 5/3/1 app. It's great for figuring lift weights.
My Fitness Calculator is great for putting in rep ranges and figuring out corresponding rep ranges. I.E. You put in your 1RM and it tells you what your estimated 5RM is. So if you are repping out, you know about what weight to aim for. Or, if you want to know what PR to go for, you can estimate it pretty well.
I've used fitocracy a lot, but that app tilts the **** out of me. I wish you could program it to increase weights/reps and could pull more than 5 workouts at a time. The whole interface is clunky imo.
udbrky's 2015 re-focusing log - lifting weights and such Quote
02-08-2015 , 06:51 AM
2700 205/53/160

Deadlifts 3x3 380 (holy **** this was heavy. My back angle was **** too. I can't get used to the belt)
Speed deadlifts 3x3 310
Sumo Deadlifts 2x5 255
only did a couple accessory lifts, gym was closing, had to GTFO.
udbrky's 2015 re-focusing log - lifting weights and such Quote
02-08-2015 , 07:21 AM
Have you tried using the belt one hole looser (and maybe wear it a bit higher) than what you'd do with the other lifts?

That's what I've found to work pretty good.
Tough to keep/set the lowback neutral if the belt is too tight.
udbrky's 2015 re-focusing log - lifting weights and such Quote
02-08-2015 , 07:22 AM
If I go looser, it slides around a lot.
udbrky's 2015 re-focusing log - lifting weights and such Quote
02-08-2015 , 07:24 AM
Time to bulk then.
udbrky's 2015 re-focusing log - lifting weights and such Quote
02-09-2015 , 03:11 AM
Even looser, I had a hard time getting set. I also have a hard time just grabbing **** like my bag to get the chalk out.

3115 183/90/115

Squats 315x5 (PPPPPPP RRRRRRR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OHP 3x5 125 - reset and went with 5s to get more work in.
Shrugs in seated calf machine (standing) 3x10 310
Plate Pinch 3x10s 55#

Squats felt amazing. Depth and form was the best in a long time.

Last edited by udbrky; 02-09-2015 at 03:37 AM.
udbrky's 2015 re-focusing log - lifting weights and such Quote
02-10-2015 , 03:07 AM
2169 222/67/115

day off, tried to knock out work and grocery shopping. Gonna try out an EDF chili tomorrow.
udbrky's 2015 re-focusing log - lifting weights and such Quote
02-10-2015 , 05:01 PM
Odd request: do you still have the e-invoice for your inzer belt purchase?
udbrky's 2015 re-focusing log - lifting weights and such Quote
02-10-2015 , 05:05 PM
Yeah, what do you need?
udbrky's 2015 re-focusing log - lifting weights and such Quote
02-10-2015 , 05:14 PM
I need to photoshop it so that I can claim it is mine so I can get away with my inzer belt at upcoming comps. I'll PM you.
udbrky's 2015 re-focusing log - lifting weights and such Quote
02-10-2015 , 05:27 PM
That is such a stupid rule imo.
udbrky's 2015 re-focusing log - lifting weights and such Quote
02-10-2015 , 05:32 PM
Agreed. Auckland PL quietly said they wouldnt be enforcing it at regionals, then Robert Wilks got in touch saying they risked de-affiliation.
udbrky's 2015 re-focusing log - lifting weights and such Quote
02-11-2015 , 04:55 AM
2502 191/74/73 Kind of a stressful day. I need to figure out living arrangements and I just can't figure out where I'm going to live. My roommates are going to stay in our house, and her son is moving in and they're expecting, so I was pretty much thinking I'll be moving out. Well we've been having some issues, I'm waking her up at night, cause I'm a night person, and I try not to be so loud, but they sleep with their door open and it's right by my door.

So basically, I'm looking into options to move out sooner, but need to try to figure out a compromise that we can all live by and not drive each other nuts, but FFS, I can't open my door without feeling like I'm waking them up.

My O2 sensor needs replaced. I have to figure out if that is for sure the issue, get it fixed, and get my emissions testing done and renew my plates by the 21st. Last year, I forgot Indiana went by last name, and thought my tags expired in July. Whoops. TBH, the thought of just buying a new car has been there. Dunno if I could figure that out and get it done in 10 days either though.

I made a chili based off reading the EDF thread. Holy hell. My ear popped.

I took 6 thick cut slices of bacon, cut it into squares and fried it.

Pulled it out and put it on a plate.

3 Green onions
1 medium red onion
3 Jalapenos
1 Green peppers
6 Habaneros
in the grease

Put that in a crock pot since it was the biggest non-huge pot.

Cooked 1# hot sausage and 1# stew meat cubes and put that in the pot

Put in the bacon pieces
an 11oz can of chipotles in adobo
1/2 a small can tomato paste
some kind of can of diced tomatoes
small can of black beans for something besides meat and peppers
1 bottle bourbon barrel beer
3oz 4 Roses Small Batch bourbon
1.5 squares grated Godiva chocolate
unknown amounts of cinnamon, cayenne pepper and cumin

While it cooked, went and talked to my friend that I've been dog sitting for, and she's having tenant issues and might kick him out and have me move in. That gives me time to sort my life out. It was a good talk and I felt way better.

Came home, was supposed to talk to my roommates, but her son was over, and they were watching a movie, then we chatted briefly about nothing related to them wanting me to move out ASAP and they went to bed.

So I ate some chili, then went to the gym.

That probably wasn't the best order of bidness. My sinuses were draining, I still smelled chili, and I was kinda needing to burp the whole time.

Squats 5x5 295 (1&4 sets sucked balls. I wasn't setting up tight, it threw the whole set off, rest felt good).
Romanians 3x5 225 - just left the DL set up that was on the platform and made the jump.
Close and wide grip lat pulldowns 3x8 112.5 I figured out that you can put a small plate on the hook to make a smaller jump. Mind blown.
Hammer curls 3x10 30s
tricep rope pushdowns 3x10 37.5 on the heavier cable station
Calf raises on the leg press 3x10 340
udbrky's 2015 re-focusing log - lifting weights and such Quote
02-11-2015 , 03:58 PM
I have never cooked a bad batch of chili following the guidelines in that thread. Its sad that chipotles in adobo are so hard to find here.

Hope the tenancy issues sort themselves out.
udbrky's 2015 re-focusing log - lifting weights and such Quote
