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Tops 2014Q4 Training Log Tops 2014Q4 Training Log

10-07-2014 , 07:32 PM
Sup H&F,

Welcome to my T-log for the rest of 2014. Somehow. Through no hard work at all, I have managed to get myself down to ~14st from 16ish whilst we've been in India for quite a bit. Hadn't really noticed the difference until just recently. So I am looking to capitalize on this to really get myself back in to some serious shape/conditioning/health.

At 14st, I am still rocking a fatty belly/hips/thighs and skinny arms/calves - which is really weak ass considering I'm 6ft.

My previous logs are below, which were complete failures imo:
Reason for failure - Dislocated Toe.
Reason for failure - Life got in the way.

As you can see from those logs, things did not go well at all, it would be amazing to get back to playing old man soccer in three months time and maybe mix in some mma sessions as well, and start lifting properly with decent supplements. The supplement industry in India is jokes, none of the brands I am used to are out here and they cost double what I would pay back home. So I won't really be doing any serious lifting but do want to draw up schedule for lifting straight after my daily cardio.

This is getting a bit long, so gonna wrap up now.

My plan at the moment, is just to hit the treadmill every day at 5pm. Run for 30mins from Mon-Sat, I'll be starting at 7.6RPM and bumping this up by 0.2RPM everyday to slowly build up my shin and ankle tolerance. Also going to be doing ALOT of stretching to improve flexibility and ankle strength. If I can find the time, I might also squeeze in 3x morning sessions as well but will see how that goes.

Would love to hear some thoughts on if I should be doing cardio fasted in morning.
Also, going to try and work out my BMI, Body fat%, etc for next post.


Last edited by TopPair2Pair; 10-07-2014 at 07:43 PM.
Tops 2014Q4 Training Log Quote
10-08-2014 , 04:50 AM
8th Oct
bmi is like ~1982 and I need 2775cals per day according to the calculator I found. But out here I burn redic amount just riding my motorbike into town during the day, so I am not gonna worry too much about macros and cals in. As long the weight consistently drops and I maintain my current lean mass I am satisfied. Stats below, sadly measured with a redic retractable tape measure, lol.

Weight = 197lbs / 84.9Kg

Fat Mass = 49lbs
Lean Mass = 148lbs
Body Fat = ~25%

Waist Narrow 38"
Waist Widest 39"
Hip Widest 40"
Thighs Widest 24"
Neck Narrow 15"
Bicep widest 12"
Forearm widest 11"
Wrist narrowest 6"

If I can hit 165lbs or 75Kg before the end of the year I'll be seriously stoked. Once I do I'll straight away start working on balancing my diet, hit macros, get some decent supplements, serious lifting. etc

I only need to drop 2.6lb per week but aiming for like 4lb... is this an unhealthy amount????

If it is too unhealthy, I think I could probably tier it, ie aim for 4lbs per week until 20%bf, then 3lbs until 17%bf, then 2.6lbs until 10%bf.... ?? Will do some reading - but happy to consider any thoughts out there

Last edited by TopPair2Pair; 10-08-2014 at 05:01 AM.
Tops 2014Q4 Training Log Quote
10-09-2014 , 03:28 PM
Feeling pretty good, just feels great to get some daily exercise, I have been lol inactive over the last 4 years. So feels amaze to get the lungs pumping and I'm sleeping better already!!

Currently weighing in at 89.0Kg so already ahead of weekly target below. All steam ahead!

I am also looking to build in a more rigid lifting schedule after my run, the main thing is to keep running though as that's my priority. If anyone had any good 6 day programs out there pls share the links!!

Thanks for reading

Tops 2014Q4 Training Log Quote
11-06-2014 , 09:38 AM
Currently weighing in at 87.5 Kg.... so looks like i'm averaging to 1lb per week at the mo.

I did some research and loosing 4lbs a week was just jokes because of the repercussions this can have your body, especially organs etc based on the very low calorie intake i was on for the first few weeks. Plus having saggy skin is not something that appeals to me at all.

Feel mentally great right now with regards to training, I'm running faster after every trip to the gym... and maintaining muscle mass well... pretty sure i'll be down to 165-170lbs by end of Feb at this rate.

I'll be happy with 185lbs by the end of the year. Not gonna focus much on lifting srsly at all until december when I'll be adding some decent supplements to my diet. at the moment I am pretty much eating whatever I want and still dropping weight which is satisfying.
Tops 2014Q4 Training Log Quote
11-06-2014 , 01:31 PM
You're trying to lose like 35 lbs in 2-3 months?

ETA: just read last post. 1-1.5 lbs is the perfect amount per week imo. At 200 lbs or whatever amount you are at, doesn't take a huge deficit to lose weight based on your TDEE. Keep doing what you are doing diet wise while you still can. Once you stall, start counting calories and paying close attention to all of that.
Tops 2014Q4 Training Log Quote
11-06-2014 , 04:43 PM
lol umm.. yeah lol... i was to begin with but i did ask for advice in the thread and didn't really get much input!!!!!!!!!

Soo glad i x-posted thread on a bodybuilding forum and get serious input and realized how bad it wouldve been to do that... especially given my body type, naturally skinnyfat as a teen like 133lbs and still skinny fat, lol... then in 20s hit like 154lbs not skinny fat quite lean... then went to bulky from the dic upwards but never worked properly on my legs, never knew how,was something like 190lbs at 15-18% !! Then over a period of 8 years, bad habbits and general life just getting in the way of being active/eating well I am pretty sure I peaked at say around 240lbs.... its been abit of a rollercoaster-lol... Will be happy with 185lbs and say 10-12%.... and i finally have the right environment, time, mindset to do it...
Tops 2014Q4 Training Log Quote
11-06-2014 , 06:06 PM
What makes the target of 75 kg significant and do you have any other goals than losing weight, say body image or strength related? Also, what's stopping you from playing soccer in 3 months (or right now) and what can you do to change that? I ask because while you'll certainly lose weight just by doing cardio and tracking calories, there could be smarter ways to train depending on your goals.

Either way, good luck!
Tops 2014Q4 Training Log Quote
11-06-2014 , 08:22 PM
Hey, thanks for posting! I think 75Kg puts me under 11% bf, which would be good to achieve after about four years of obesity/injuries due to life/work/responsibilities just getting in the way of activity and having a balanced diet. It's no excuse but when you just become that "old man" busy, its hard to keep focused on stuff like this in my experience.

At the moment I am out in India, pretty much in the middle of no where, so finding a good regular game of kickball right now is going to be really hard in my end of the woods. The other reason I want to get down to 75Kg is the lighter I become the less injury prone I'll be imo. So when I get back to home, I can join my old regular game of soccer or maybe even join a vets team or something. Then work on getting up to 85Kg of raw healthy strength over a few years, whilst doing a bit of football/mma/yoga/calisthenics for the social aspect.

Ultimately I just want to focus on overall body strength.... including calfs, forearms, legs, lower back... etc parts of my body that I just neglected when bulking in the past from skinnyfat to beefy!! Ankle, foot, and shin splint injuries are a big problem for me... but starting slowly and listening to my body has worked so far, this time round.

I am not too concerned about aesthetics in all honesty, I am just not the guy that makes an effort about appearance. Never have.

Last edited by TopPair2Pair; 11-06-2014 at 08:39 PM.
Tops 2014Q4 Training Log Quote
11-09-2014 , 01:47 PM
Boom, penetrated the 87Kg mark Friday and saw 86Kg on the scale.... was a good feeling.

Looking really forward to 85Kg... I might post a pick of dic or smthn in thread to celebrate.... because i am pretty sure just by loosing some weight i'll gain an inch or two from my Birdseye view. So it will kinda be my first gains in a while.. who says you can't loose fat and make gains?
Tops 2014Q4 Training Log Quote
11-14-2014 , 07:30 PM
Getting some dymatize super mass gainer today to finally get some protien in my diet///

prob gonna start with like 1/3 or 1/5 a serving first see how that impacts my daily weigh in.

Weighed in at 86.6kg today... def on for my 1lb per week target... once i actally get the protein i might up the ante and aim for a max of 2lbs per week and post a new target chart. dunno..

food variety is becoming a biggg problem, man i cant wait to get back to the uk for few weeks

Last edited by TopPair2Pair; 11-14-2014 at 07:33 PM. Reason: I know it sounds like fail to get weight gainer whilst aiming to lose weight... food is porblem in india
Tops 2014Q4 Training Log Quote
11-14-2014 , 07:40 PM
Just get whey protein. If you need calories, just eat naan.
Tops 2014Q4 Training Log Quote
11-15-2014 , 09:47 AM
Lol... only soo much of one thing a man can take bro. I am all nanned out.

I mix it up a lot but pretty much the main stuff i have to "choose" from to eat are lol.

Anyway, if the dymatise is not in stock (which seems very likely atm) will go with some On Hydrowhey... 6 weeks to go... grind mode still on.
Tops 2014Q4 Training Log Quote
11-15-2014 , 12:02 PM
That food is fine. Nice carbs and fat. It's just missing protein so add cheap whey protein.

If you add weightgainer instead, some of those carbs you are eating have to be removed.
I just looked at this dymetize weight gainer and it has tons of sugar and other crap.

Like I said, keep eating what you are eating and just add whey. It's the secret to having perfect macros.

If you took two Cashy's, one who ate like he does and another who only ate naan and whey, what would they look like? They would look exactly the same. Our naan+whey Cashy would be deficient in micros but honestly with the high exercise volume I doubt that would even make a difference. Okay add some spinach.
Tops 2014Q4 Training Log Quote
11-15-2014 , 02:33 PM
Okay - I am sold. Going to speak to the gym instructor on Monday and change the order!!

Also, looks like i need to read cashys log.

Also our naan? you from the mothership too?

Lastly, lol.. you can never not have enough spinach curry,,, especially w mashed roti
Tops 2014Q4 Training Log Quote
12-15-2014 , 05:30 PM
ok - the end is neigh.

I am rly please with my progress since log has started, my body is changing and i feel good about it and my stamina is through the roof. Finishing up the quarter at 84Kg... expecting to gain like ~1Kg between now and new year... so I pretty much would've lost 4.4Kg since thread started based on that (typo in first post, starting was 89.4Kg). 4.4Kg probably doesnt sound like anything to boast about but given that I was prob +95Kg in Jun'14... I feel good right now.

Diet has been really bad last 6 weeks plus my routine has been really ****ed up lately, pretty sure I could've smashed 82Kg if I really wanted but saggy skin just doesnt appeal to me right now.

if i get a chance will post some measurements, bf% etc so i can reflect on the changes positively for 2015. Wayyy off target of 75Kg but that was lol unrealistic given the time and nutrition that I have out here. I am still lol genetic skinnyfat and prob like 15-22% bf... but its work in progress. But my shape is much better and I hold the weight well as I am pretty broad for a skinnyfat phhuck.

Just want to get cut and lean and then spend the next 5 years bulking like a beast without ever going over 12%bf...

Really disapointed that I didn't maintain log better..... BUT comparing this one to my previous logs, this one has been wayy a more successful jounrney, even if it only due to me staying injury free.

I am thinking of perma banning myself from two plus two, i wish there was a way i could perma ban myself from 2p2 with the exception of H&F as i've been looking for a new forum to post on regarding nutrition, food, cals, program, queries and nothing comes close to the calibre of posters in this forum... so will have a think about what to do.

Gonna take the rest of the year off and then start again in the 15, with much more focus on diet and getting lean and leveling out the lol skinnyfatness. The main goal is still just 185lbs and 10% bf... at the moment and then will prob be something like 185 & 6-10% depending and what feels good as I've never been below ~15% (at a guess).

Thanks for reading / Tops out

Last edited by TopPair2Pair; 12-15-2014 at 05:50 PM.
Tops 2014Q4 Training Log Quote
