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Toothy's SS log Toothy's SS log

01-11-2010 , 07:23 AM
*First of all, big thanks to milesdyson and kidcolin; reading their SS logs from start to finish was the final inspiration I needed to really focus on training and start this log, hopefully "passing it forward" in the process*

This part will probably end up tl;dr, so skip to the bottom if you want to see weight figures.

About me: Im a 24 year-old Uni student from New Zealand. My girlfriend is heading back to Canada in February and I wont get to see her again until December when I graduate so I figured I would start on the road to becoming 70s big; a concept that freaks out my girlfriend but one which has interested me since my mate showed me the website a few months ago. Depending on how it all works out I will decide which to keep (the girlfriend or the 70s big style) come December. I'm looking forward to the metamorphosis from an overweight geeky guy to an overweight geeky strong guy, and therein lies the purpose of this log: to document my progress and hopefully allow you to share in the highs and lows that come with lifting increasingly heavy sh*t. Perhaps any progeny that I might have can come and look at this sometime in the future and realise that dad wasn't always a good-for-nothing, wife-beating POS

I weigh 215 and am 6ft tall.

Aim #1: The over-arching goal that I want to achieve from doing SS is to become a member of the 1,000 pound club. To make this more interesting for me (and perhaps you guys), my friend - mediumsalsa on 2+2 - and I are finishing the touches on a first-to-1,000-pounds propbet. Hopefully he will be starting a SS log soon so you can compare us and laugh at our miserable lifting technique.

Because I am completely new to weight-lifting (besides from doing curls as a teenager ) I can't realistically set a date I want to accomplish this goal by so I'm just going to keep training til I get there.

Aim #2: Grow a wicked 'stache.

all the standards ldo:
- Lift heavy weights - specifically the practical programming novice program because of a lack of a PC area.
- eat lots of dead animals
- carry a cow around with me for 24/7 milk supply

This log is all about helping me stop f*cking around at the gym and start working towards a goal. Hopefully by sharing this log you will all find some entertainment from it and hopefully, through the helpful berating of legends like Thremp, the clinical assessments of beasts such as Milesdyson and the incisive one-liners of units like Soulman (long time lurker, first-time poster), I will gain a lot of knowledge and insights into weight-lifting and get 70s big.

The Numbers:
Currently returning to the gym after an unexpected 3-week holiday (f*cking Uni gyms wtf) so my first few workouts will be slightly lower than my current PRs, which are listed below (I weigh 215 and am 6ft tall):

Squat 3x5

Deadlift 1x5

Bench 3x5

Press 3x5


2 reps

Not really sure as there isn't anywhere in my gym to do these - busted out 3x3x130 pretty easily when I went to visit my mate's gym, but form was terrible, didnt get to push myself etc etc

Things to look forward to:

I hear pictures of guys in their underwear is all the rage here so I'll be putting up a couple "before" photos, as well as some vids of technique for all the lifts I will be doing in my SS program (will be fully-clothed for those).

Anyway, gl me and hope you enjoy following my progress as much as I'm going to enjoy making it.

Last edited by toothy; 01-11-2010 at 07:40 AM.
Toothy's SS log Quote
01-11-2010 , 07:34 AM
11 Jan

First back-to-gym workout, all exercises felt super-easy but want to take it slow getting back up to my previous PRs, especially on the bench since I am recovering from a niggly left shoulder.



Shoulder felt fine, which is a good sign as this was the weight that it used to get painful at.


Im going to borrow my mates camera and take some vids of my squat, DL and press on wednesday. I'm looking forward to being called a noob (and the helpful advice that comes after).

PS: if you are wondering why I use such weird numbers in my lifts it's because here in fair New Zealand we use weights measured by the kilogram (in before "f*cking metric system") and I'm using the X kg * 2.2 = X pounds formula. Is this all good or does someone have any better suggestions for record-keeping?
Toothy's SS log Quote
01-11-2010 , 08:26 AM
Just doing numbers in kilos is fine. If you're an attention whore like me you can use both for the work set e.g.

I have problems figuring out why your gf would prefer her bf to be a fat geek as opposed to a fat strong geek, wtf?

Anyway good luck
Toothy's SS log Quote
01-11-2010 , 08:41 AM
I think my gf would prefer the more cut, "defined" look (she's pretty accepting anyway - I really let myself go after we got together). That said, I think it's more the bro'stache that has her worried.
Toothy's SS log Quote
01-11-2010 , 08:55 AM
Hi, big Toothy, how are you doing?

This looks like it's going to be a very good log, you seem very committed and compliance is everything. I think quite a few people on 2+2 struggle to get the calories day in and day out, or they miss workouts due to other priorities or feeling unenergetic etc., so it takes them a lot longer to get results. I really like the format of your log so far too. Your first post looks very similar to a summary post I did of my first month on SS and I use similar formatting for workouts, which makes me think you may have been influenced by my log as well (crosses fingers), or perhaps we just have similar styles.

If you can't do power cleans that is going to be a small setback in trying to get to the 1000 pound club because cleans add an element of power to deadlifts and squats, and I'm told they can help increase motor unit recruitment for these lifts. If you're not going to do cleans, I think it is Rip's official position that substituting pendlay rows is the next best option. That way you are still doing "a heavy pull from the floor" every other day and chin-ups can maintain their role as an awesome assistance exercise (I've heard Rip say that they deserve their own category since they are not one of the big 5, but they are still crucial to the program).
Toothy's SS log Quote
01-11-2010 , 08:50 PM
Cheers for the input pkrplyrx. Yes I have read your log as well - unfortunately I don't have the discipline that you have to do that damn 3 minutes on a bike pre-workout . The formatting came from reading an argument between two posters about which format was best (I forget who they were but it was a good read) but taking a quick look again at your log I think I've most likely ripped it directly from your log. Reading the H & F forum in general has influenced me a lot (finding SS for one thing!).

About the pendlay rows: I'm more than happy to add them to the program and was wondering how you would incorporate them into what I am currently doing? I haven't read the entirety of SS so I'm not sure if it is frowned upon for noobs like me to deviate at all from the programs. Currently my workouts are going to look like this:

Bench / Press (Alternating)

Press / Bench Press (Alternating)

Bench Press / Press (Alternating)

Would you just make one day a week 4 exercises? I don't really want to alternate them with deadlifts as doing deadlifts once every two weeks doesn't seem right for a noob. Maybe cut out pull-ups and slide the rows in there? I dunno and advice is appreciated. I will eventually start doing PCs around March when my current gym membership expires and I get a membership at a gym that doesnt have **** curling in the squat racks, so maybe this is all just much of a much-ness.

Edit: PS Don't worry about the colrie intake: I just quit smoking (they tell me that the 8th time is a charm!) so I've replaced having a smoke in my hand at all time to having a piece of steak and a glass of milk in my hand at all times. Eating like a pig will NOT be a problem
Toothy's SS log Quote
01-12-2010 , 12:48 AM
Actually, the best way to do it for the first 2 weeks is like this:

Workout A
3x5 Squat
3x5 Bench Press
1x5 Deadlift

Workout B
3x5 Squat
3x5 Press
1x5 Deadlift

Then you switch to this:

Workout A
3x5 Squat
3x5 Bench Press
1x5 Deadlift

Workout B
3x5 Squat
3x5 Press
5x3 Power Cleans (or 3x5 Pendlay Rows if you absolutely can't clean)

Then 6-8 weeks in you figure out a way to add chin-ups. I'm going to replace the clean with rows starting this week since I hate cleans, don't have bumper plates, and don't want to get a coach. So I added chins like this:

3x5 Squat
3x5 Press alt. w/ 3x5 Bench Press
1x5 Deadlift alt. w/ 3x5 Pendlay Rows alt. w/ 3x5 Chin-ups
Toothy's SS log Quote
01-12-2010 , 05:18 AM
Technically I'm about 7 or 8 weeks into SS (started in september sometime) and am coming back from a 3-week break. Since I cant PC just yet, and Rip pretty much says f*ck rows I think Im just going to stick strictly with the practical programming program for now and then switch to the Wichita Falls program once I get into a new gym. If it doesn't work out with the chins/pull-ups then I'll switch to the program you suggested
Toothy's SS log Quote
01-12-2010 , 05:29 AM
If you've followed the discussion the **** thread, there's some discussion on whether rows or PCs are "better" (depending on your goals). I'm switching to rows from practical programming now, hoping they'll help me get unstuck on the bench.
Toothy's SS log Quote
01-12-2010 , 05:30 AM
So I was thinking more about Pkrplyrx's warning about calorie intake. I decided that just for today I would get nitty and count my calories to find out whether I'm eating around the right amount. Don't worry, the hassle of finding out the nutritional info for every-goddamned-thing I ate today and then calculating it all means I definitely won't be too worried about doing it in the future. However, for now, please indulge me in my little experiment.

Firstly, I'm not even sure exactly how many calories a day I need. I went to to find this figure, and, after inputting all the relevant info, it spat out these numbers:
Per Day
Calories 3506
Carbs 384g
Protein 229g
Fats 116g

Today I did:
Calories 3620
Carbs 450g
Protein 244g
Fats 89g

I'll wrap up with a break-down of the food I ate today but I just wanted to ask if the figures above seem normal? Too little? Too much? Should I eat less on a non-workout day? They're all pretty nitty questions but I figure that I should start off ths journey with my best foot forward. Thanks in advance for all the help.

4 eggs, fried - 315 calories, 24g fat, 22g protein, 2g carbs
4 buttered toasted sandwich bread slices - 281 cal, 4g fat, 9g protein, 52g carbs
1 cup coffee - Didn't look up
425g baked beans - 354 cal, 2g fat, 18g protein, 78g carbs
1l chocolate milk, skim milk based - 592 cal, 5g fat, 36g protein, 110 carbs
1 glass orange juice - 111 cal, n/a fat, 2g protein, 25g carbs

2l reduced milk - 852cal, 21g fat, 67g protein, 97g carbs
200g crab meat - 198 cal, 3g fat, 39g protein, 0 carbs

milk 2% 1l - 500cal, 19g fat, 33g protein, 48g carbs
Lasagna 250g - 292 cal, 11g fat, 18g protein, 31g carbs
1 large apple - 125 cal, n/a fat, n/a protein, 32g carbs
1 cup tea with milk - didnt look up
Toothy's SS log Quote
01-12-2010 , 05:35 AM
Originally Posted by Soulman
If you've followed the discussion the **** thread, there's some discussion on whether rows or PCs are "better" (depending on your goals). I'm switching to rows from practical programming now, hoping they'll help me get unstuck on the bench.
I must have missed that discussion. If I had the option I would definitely choose PCs over rows and also chins over rows. Is doing chins instead of rows until I can do PCs that bad of a decision or do chins and rows just not share any similarities that will cross over to PCs at all?? I figure that doing DLs and chins would suffice for the next 2-3 months, but then again I am a noob.
Toothy's SS log Quote
01-12-2010 , 05:39 AM
Chins and rows def share similarities, so I wouldn't worry about it. Also you get hudger gunz from chins, so there's that.
Toothy's SS log Quote
01-12-2010 , 05:48 AM
Well if I wasn't doing SS I'd definitely be doing the "curl-while-looking-in-the-mirror" program so I guess the chins will stay for now!
Toothy's SS log Quote
01-12-2010 , 06:06 AM
I have a different opinion on chins vs rows. Consider these quotes:
Mark Rippetoe, p. 289 of SS 2nd ed.
People without access to bumper plates may choose to use the barbell row instead of the power clean. This is not a terrible stubstitution, but be aware of what you're giving up if you do. Cleans are important to the deadlift in that they add an element of power to the pull off the floor, and in the long run this contributes to strength in that pull...If you are avoiding the clean because you don't want to have to learn how to do it, it is suggested that this might not be the best way to approach your training.
Then Rip says not to replace power cleans with chin-ups here.

So Rip's position is clearly that it is better to replace cleans with rows.

Oh, and as for calories, you will have nothing to worry about when you do GOMAD. GOMAD means you will have 2400 calories and 128g of quality protein without taking a single bite of anything. Read p. 302 for Rip's take on nutrition w/SS.

Last edited by pkrplyrX; 01-12-2010 at 06:23 AM.
Toothy's SS log Quote
01-12-2010 , 09:38 PM
Rows kinda blow because the exercise lends itself to cheating. It's a fine line to ride because you're basically guaranteed of a little bit of cheating but you can quickly start using too much momentum from lifting your torso and dipping your torso right at the top.
Toothy's SS log Quote
01-13-2010 , 05:48 AM
Yeah that's basically my problem with rows. Hard to know when Im making genuine progress and when I'm just cheating more. I think I'll just follow the practical programming program for now. Thanks for all the input.

Pkrplyrx: I'm finding that doing GOMAD is surprisingly easy; at around 5pm today I had already drunk a gallon and was kinda wanting more. I think the main problem for me is going te the cost

Anyway, on with todays workout! All workout weights are going to be written in as kilogams because I'm too lazy to calculate the conversion.

13 Jan


Vids of my first work set can be found here:
Vids of my third work set can be found here:

I'ts funny being filmed, was really trying to focus on good technique because I want to impress you all! but in the process I forgot to count my reps. I have a sneaking suspicion that I did 6 reps on my first set, will watch the vids and confirm whether or not I did.


Easy enough. Vids of my first set can be found here:


Vids of this set can be found here:

I'm really looking forward to some feedback so I can get on the road to proper technique
Toothy's SS log Quote
01-13-2010 , 06:22 AM
Wow, tried editing in the links to my vids and the forum spazzed out at me. Im such a scrub at this internet thing. Anyway, here are the links (hopefully):

1st set of squats:

3rd set of squats: - yep, did 6 reps

1st set of press: - also did 6 reps here

Really looking forward to everyone's feedback.

Also, I can't get virtualdub to rotate my DL vid. Basically it won't import it. The file is .avi and it comes up with this message:

"couldn't locate decompressor for format 'xvid' (unknown)"

Any ideas?
Toothy's SS log Quote
01-13-2010 , 06:41 AM
GOMAD will solve all of your problems in life.

I don't have a ton of experience judging form, but your squats looked good to me other than the fact that they were a little shallow.

I think you looked too relaxed in the press. Try locking up your legs and core to eliminate swaying. Also try shoving your head under the bar more aggressively.

Oh yeah, and you need weightlifting shoes or a shoe with a rubber sole like chucks so your feet don't squish around.
Toothy's SS log Quote
01-13-2010 , 06:46 AM
you're squatting in front of a mirror and not looking down
Toothy's SS log Quote
01-13-2010 , 07:14 AM
Looking forward to reading your log. If you use kg, I suggest using the denominator. makes it less confusing. I write down kg and lbs for worksets too, making life easier for the us crowd.
Toothy's SS log Quote
01-13-2010 , 07:18 AM

get an avi to mpg converter to import into virtualdub. Tons of them out there for free.

Squat looks pretty good apart from pkr's and spenda's comments. In the future, film at angle from behind. Also get a shot directly from behind so we can judge knees out/knees caving/elbows up.

Press: looks like bar path isn't straight enough, you're pushing it back at the top. Also wrists are too bent, keep weight closer to base of hand. Chances are you'll get wrist strain otherwise.
Toothy's SS log Quote
01-13-2010 , 10:58 AM
Seems like a solid log, SS ftw.
Toothy's SS log Quote
01-13-2010 , 01:28 PM
why are you standing on plates and using cushioned running shoes to squat again? You also need to work a little on your lower back extension. Moreover, you need to push your knees out more; you can see during the 2nd video pretty nicely that you don't really push them outwards.

Read this to understand why you need to push out those knees and how you go about the back extension and depth:

Last edited by Genz; 01-13-2010 at 01:31 PM. Reason: completion.
Toothy's SS log Quote
01-13-2010 , 03:44 PM
squat: very good form for this early in the program, just a bit shallow. just keep knees out, sit your gut between your legs, look down, and get shoes. lower back looks fine now, but when you get extra depth, you may have a bit more loss of lumbar extension. at that point you'll want to reread the part about your low back winning the war for the pelvis against your hamstrings.

press: fix your grip, squeeze your glutes and abs to make your body more rigid. taking the bar off a rack instead of cleaning it up would help.

virtualdub: i think you just need the xvid codecs. virtualdub definitely can accept .avi files, so you don't need to convert to .mpg, but it's weird that other videos would work and one wouldn't (assuming you used the same camera/settings).
Toothy's SS log Quote
01-13-2010 , 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by milesdyson
virtualdub: i think you just need the xvid codecs. virtualdub definitely can accept .avi files, so you don't need to convert to .mpg, but it's weird that other videos would work and one wouldn't (assuming you used the same camera/settings).
Yeah sorry for the bad advice, my camera uses the mp4 format which virtualdub doesn't accept (which was why I got a converter, but it's mp4 --> avi). Avi is fine, go to CCCP for a fine codec package that can deal with pretty much anything.
Toothy's SS log Quote
