Originally Posted by Blarg
I can be like this too. And yeah it can definitely be embarassing. I just can't handle heat well at all, no matter how skinny I get. Strangely enough, it's when I'm the most in shape that I'm like this the most. I think my body just adapts by becoming more efficient, and that means sweating at the least sign of heat coming my way. I'm often drenched when others are fine.
My only advice is to soak your armpits with a dishtowel full of vinegar every once in a while. Being a big sweater who stinks is a nightmare for everyone. Vinegar changes the ph balance in a way that kills off a lot of the bacteria that make sweat actually reek.
Guy gestures towards a woman at the end of the bar and tells the bartender, "I'd like to buy that douche-bag a drink."
Bartender says, "We don't refer to our patrons like that, sir."
Guy again says, "Just ask the douche-bag what she wants, it's on me."
Bartender gives up, asks the woman what she'll have, "Vinegar and water, please."
Now you know the rest of the story.