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Tiburon's Lifting Log Tiburon's Lifting Log

02-12-2010 , 03:27 AM
I just recently discovered this forum and thought it might be helpful to keep a weightlifting log here to keep me motivated and maybe get some insight from other people.

So some background info on me, I'm 20 years old, 6'5", weight fluctuates between 200 and 205 lbs. I played basketball in high school which didn't involve significant lifting, but in the offseason we still were lifting probably three times a week on average, so I have some experience there. Since high school I lifted here and there, but nothing much until this past summer when I decided to start taking it seriously. I was just MMTing micro-stakes to make some money so I had plenty of time to lift with my younger brother who is training to play D1 football next year. My Dad is a strength and conditioning enthusiast who ran our bball teams strength training sessions and did some work with my bro's football team and is currently studying to get certified. He trains my brother and now me as well. Even though I go away to school he still sends me workouts which we discuss and modify as needed.

The routine I am working with is 3 different workouts, each of which I do once a week. One day is max effort upper, one is max effort lower, and one is high repetition/hypertrophy focused. I generally go through the cycle of workouts 3-4 times and then we switch them up. I also play basketball 2-3 times a week to get some cardio/basketball is awesome. I've seen a lot of improvements since the summer and I'm hungry for more.

Currently my 1rm for bench is 250 lbs. I haven't tested my squat in a while but in my workouts I've gotten up to 310 for a 3 rep set, so I think that translates to about 330-340 for a 1rm. My physique is definitely improving, I'm tall and slender but I've put on some muscle without putting on any fat and look much better than I did a year ago. Also have some decent abs which I'm happy about.

-1rm bench 275
-1rm squat 350
-Get a little thicker in shoulders/chest and more well-defined overall

My diet is decent I think. I don't eat as much as I should when I'm at school as my house buys food together and my roommates don't share my passion for lifting/gaining strength. I don't eat much junk food though and probably come close to 200g protein per day with supplements. I drink one whey protein shake per day with 8 oz. milk, take 5g of creatine a day, and recently I've been using N.O. Xplode before workouts as I like the energy boost it gives me. Also have 30g protein bars as a snack once a day.

So my plan is to continue with this program and then maybe this summer depending on where I am (not sure about internships/jobs yet) get into dieting heavily and see how that helps my progress. Not really practical while I'm at school though. Feel free to comment or question anything, and I'll see if I can remember to keep this log updated.
Tiburon's Lifting Log Quote
02-12-2010 , 03:33 AM
Ok so first entry, even though its late as hell I can't sleep so I'll log what I did earlier today.

Today was a lower body day. After class drank the N.O. Xplode and headed to the gym. I haven't worked out in probably 5 days because I've been busy as hell and the gym was closed a little while because of snow.

Exercise (rest interval):

Warmup: 30 jumping jacks, 20 leg swings L/R, 2x10 walking lunges, 2x10 lateral lunges.

Box Squats (3 min): 5 x 185, 3 x 225, 3 x 255, 3 x 285, 2 x 315
First time I tried 315, tried to do 3 reps but got stuck on the last one and had to let go of the bar on the safety catches.

Lateral Step-Ups (90 sec): 3 x 10 x 55
Hold one 55 lb dumbell while stepping up onto a 21" box on my side. Do 10 reps one leg then 10 with the other for a complete set.

Romainian Deadlifts (3 min): 8 x 135, 8 x 150, 8 x 165

Plate Pinch: 20 lbs
To improve grip strength (something thats been an issue for me) I grip a 20 lb db on its side and hold it as long as possible with each hand. I usually can do 35-60 seconds.

Straight-Leg Hip Adbuction: 2 x 25

Twisting crunches: 2 x 30

Not a bad workout, I was a little disappointed to miss my third rep on squats. There's only one cage in our gym and I had to wait 30 mins for some guy to do 9 sets of bench in it despite there being 4 other bench presses in the gym. By the time I got on it I probably had cooled down a little from my warm-up which might have affected the last set a little. This completes my third cycle of lifting so once more through and workouts will be changed.

Food for the day:
Breakfast: 3 eggs omelet w/cheese and turkey, banana, milk
Lunch: Tuna melt, apple, naked juice
Dinner: Chicken bacon alfredo pasta, vegetables
Snacks: yogurt, protein bar, protein shake

Don't usually workout on back to back days but I'll prob do an upper body workout tomorrow because I have nothing else to do.

Last edited by Tiburon; 02-12-2010 at 03:43 AM. Reason: submitted post too early
Tiburon's Lifting Log Quote
02-12-2010 , 03:55 PM
Only got 5 hours of sleep last night but decided to lift anyway since I had already made plans with a couple of people to lift between classes. Did a max effort upper body workout:

4-point stabilization (aka tabletops): 4 x 10 secs each position

Incline Bench Press (3 min): 5 x 135, 3 x 155, 3 x 175, 3 x 195, 2/3 x 210

DB Pushups (2 min): 1st set 25, 2nd set maximum possible (got 40)

Superset (3 min):
One arm DB row: 3 x 10 x 60
Seated DB cleans: 3 x 8 x 35

DB Shrugs (1 min): 3 x 8 x 90

DB curls (1 min): 3 x 8 x 30

Good workout overall, not surprised I only got 2/3 on my last set of bench since I was on such little sleep. Had a chicken breast and cheeseburger for lunch and will prob grill some steak for dinner later so I'm getting plenty of protein today.
Tiburon's Lifting Log Quote
02-12-2010 , 04:16 PM
what is your DL 1rm btw?
Tiburon's Lifting Log Quote
02-12-2010 , 08:51 PM
Honestly I have no idea as I haven't done the DL in awhile. I am definitely going to incorporate them into my next cycle though, hopefully it won't be too low relative to my bench and squat.
Tiburon's Lifting Log Quote
02-16-2010 , 01:50 AM
Did my other upper body workout today:

4-point stabilization: 4 x 10 secs each position

Incline DB Bench Press, palms in (3 min): 5 x 45, 2 x 12 x 55, max x 55 (got 17)

Pull-Ups (3 min): 3 x 7 (bodyweight)

DB Rear Delt Fly (1 min): 3 x 8 x 15

DB Reverse Curls (1 min): 3 x 8 x 30

Wrist Roller (1 min): 2 x 12.5, 1.5 x 12.5, 1 x 12.5

Weekly Ab Routine:
-60 crunches
-30 "push-through" crunches followed by holding 8 different positions for 10 secs each
-30 side crunches each side
-Dead-bug: Start on back with arms and legs perpendicular to floor, switch between dropping one arm, one leg, one arm and one leg, both arms, both legs, both arms and both legs, hold each position 10 secs
-30 Russian twisters with 6 lb. med ball

Finished up with ~5 minutes of static stretching to loosen up legs, especially hamstrings

Also played over an hour and a half of basketball tonight, so I'm spent.

Standard workout, hoping to change it up for next week. On Wednesday I'm gonna take another shot at 3 reps at 315 on box squats, will report back with results.
Tiburon's Lifting Log Quote
02-17-2010 , 11:56 PM
Pretty pumped I got my 3 reps at 315 today. Not gonna lie, I feel like a badass lifting 3 plates even though I know its not that impressive lol. Today's lower body workout:

Box Squats (3 min): 5 x 185, 3 x 225, 3 x 255, 3 x 285, 3 x 315

Lateral Step-Ups (90 sec): 3 x 10 x 55

Romainian Deadlifts (3 min): 8 x 135, 8 x 150, 8 x 165

Plate Pinch: 20 lbs

Straight-Leg Hip Adbuction: 2 x 25

Twisting crunches: 2 x 30

I'm thinking about trying out GOMAD for a month or so, as it seems like a diet plan I could realistically do in my current situation. Still researching it a little though, already posted a question in the beginner thread. Will update here when I decide.
Tiburon's Lifting Log Quote
02-19-2010 , 06:31 PM
Worked max-effort upper body today:

4-point stabilization: 4 x 10 secs each position

Incline Bench Press (3 min): 5 x 135, 3 x 155, 3 x 175, 3 x 195, 2/3 x 215

DB Pushups (2 min): 1st set 25, 2nd set max (got 39)

Superset (3 min):
One arm DB row: 3 x 10 x 65
Seated DB cleans: 3 x 8 x 35

DB Shrugs (1 min): 3 x 8 x 95

DB curls (1 min): 3 x 8 x 30

Even though I didn't get 3 at 210 on my incline last week, I've gotten it before and I felt pretty good today so I decided to try 215. I was so close on the third rep, it felt good and then I just got stuck halfway up. I also bumped up the DB rows and shrugs 5 lbs. each, which was no problem.

I've decided to give GOMAD a try using whole milk (was debating between using skim or whole). I'm planning on doing it for 3-4 weeks depending on how its going and then go through a short cutting-esque phase to get rid of any fat I gain and get a more cut look. Is this a reasonable plan given my body type and strength level?

I'm starting today and have drank probably 1/2 to 2/3 so far and feel pretty full. I'm sure it will get easier as my body gets used to drinking that much though. What should my diet be like to maximize strength gains and minimize fat gains while gomading?
Tiburon's Lifting Log Quote
02-22-2010 , 09:56 PM
Doing a couple of different workouts now, did upper today:

4-point stabilization: 4 x 10 secs each position

DB Floor Press, palms in (3 min): 5 x 55, 5 x 60, 5 x 70, 5 x 75, 5 x 80

Barbell Pushups (2 min): 1 x 25, 1 x max (got 40)

Superset (3 min):
Seated Cable Row: 3 x 10 x 140
Face Pulls: 3 x 8 x 110

Barbell Shrugs (1 min): 3 x 8 x 215

DB Hammer Curls (1 min): 3 x 10 x 35

First time doing the DB floor press, I was originally planning on moving up 5 a set from 55, but it was way too easy so I skipped from 60 to 70. Still was a little light, will probably shoot to do 85's on my last set next time.

GOMAD is getting easier, its actually not that hard to drink the whole gallon if I space it out throughout the day. The only days its been hard is when I try to finish the whole thing by 8pm because I'm going out to party and drink that night. Weighed myself at the gym today and was 205, I'm pretty curious to see how much I can gain with this.
Tiburon's Lifting Log Quote
02-27-2010 , 01:56 PM
I've been slacking a little updating this log, but still been making it to the gym which is more important. A few days ago I did a new lower-body workout:

Trap Bar Deadlifts (3 min): 5 x 185, 5 x 225, 3 x 255, 3 x 285, 3 x 315, 3 x 345

Reverse DB Lunges (3 min): 3 x 10 x 35

Floor Wipers (2 min): 3 x 8 x 115

45-degree Hyperextension, back and each side (2 min): 3 x 8 x 25

Straight-Leg Hip Abduction: 2 x 25

First time ever doing trap-bar deadlifts and first time in a long while doing any sort of DLing period. Started with a conservative estimate of doing the same weight and reps as I've been doing on squats, but the last planned set of 315 was still easy so I did one more at 345. I'll definitely be raising that to at least 360 for the next workout.

Doing all of those hyperextensions was a bad idea though, I'm still sore from those 3 days later. From now on I'm going to do side ones on a different day than regular back ones, especially since I'm DLing in the workout also.

Its been a week of GOMAD and I've gained about 5 lbs so far, weighing in at 210 last time I was at the gym. I've noticed that I can eat a lot more too now, which I'm assuming has something to do with my stomach expanding?
Tiburon's Lifting Log Quote
02-27-2010 , 05:53 PM
if im not mistaken trap bar deadlifts actually have mechanics closer to those of a squat than a regular DL
Tiburon's Lifting Log Quote
02-27-2010 , 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by tmcdmck
if im not mistaken trap bar deadlifts actually have mechanics closer to those of a squat than a regular DL
Really? I don't know much about them, but it seemed like learning correct form is a lot easier with a trap-bar, and since I'm kinda doing this on my own without anyone to watch and correct me I figured they would be better than potentially doing regular DLs incorrectly. Is it a big disadvantage not to do regular DLs?
Tiburon's Lifting Log Quote
02-27-2010 , 08:38 PM
you will basically end up with quads disproportionately strong to glutes and hams.

DLs are easy though, just keep everything tight, grip the bar tight, lift til lockout.
Tiburon's Lifting Log Quote
03-01-2010 , 09:26 PM
Originally Posted by tmcdmck
you will basically end up with quads disproportionately strong to glutes and hams.

DLs are easy though, just keep everything tight, grip the bar tight, lift til lockout.
Hmm, ok thanks for the advice, I'll look into learning proper DL form. Going back home in a week anyway so I can just have my bro check my form when we lift.

Upper body today:

4-point stabilization: 4 x 10 secs each position

DB Bench Press (3 min): 5 x 60, 5 x 70, 5 x 80, 5 x 90, 2/5 x 100

Barbell Pushups (2 min): 1 x 25, 1 x max (got 30)

Superset (3 min):
Seated Cable Row: 3 x 10 x 140
Face Pulls: 3 x 8 x 110

Barbell Shrugs (1 min): 3 x 8 x 225

DB Hammer Curls (1 min): 3 x 10 x 35

Side Hyperextensions (2 min): 2 x 8 x 25

First time trying the 100 lb dumbbells, was pretty disappointed to only get 2 reps. Only slept 5 hours last night and had a full day of classes and an interview so I probably wasn't 100%, but still thought I could do better than that. Oh well, maybe next time. On a brighter note I weighed in at 213 lbs, so I've gained 8 lbs in 9 days of GOMAD. Hoping I can get up in the 225-230 range before I quit and then cut down a little in time for summer.
Tiburon's Lifting Log Quote
03-08-2010 , 06:20 AM
Keep forgetting to update this, but did this workout 2 days ago:

Trap Bar Deadlifts (3 min): 5 x 185, 5 x 235, 3 x 285, 3 x 325, 3 x 365

Reverse DB Lunges (3 min): 3 x 10 x 40

Floor Wipers (2 min): 3 x 8 x 115

45-degree Hyperextension (1 min): 3 x 8 x 25

Straight-Leg Hip Abduction: 2 x 25

Bodyweight was 215 lbs, so gained 10 so far. Gonna switch it up to regular DLs for the next lower-body workout since I'll have someone to watch my form.
Tiburon's Lifting Log Quote
03-09-2010 , 05:24 AM

4-point stabilization: 4 x 10 secs each position

DB Floor Press, palms in (3 min): 5 x 55, 5 x 70, 5 x 80, 5 x 85, 5 x 90, 5 x 95

Barbell Pushups (2 min): 1 x 25, 1 x max (got 32)

Superset (3 min):
Seated Cable Row: 3 x 10 x 160
Face Pulls: 3 x 8 x 110

Barbell Shrugs (1 min): 3 x 8 x 225

DB Hammer Curls (1 min): 3 x 10 x 35

Side Hyperextensions (1 min): 3 x 8 x 25

Only weighed in at 214 lbs today, so I haven't really gained any weight in the last 5 days or so. Not really sure why, I missed one day of GOMAD because I was flying home the whole day, but other than that I've been drinking a whole gallon and eating a ton on top of that. Was really hoping to get up to like 225 doing this, but that might not work out or might take a lot longer than I was expecting.
Tiburon's Lifting Log Quote
03-13-2010 , 06:44 AM
Workout yesterday:

Trap Bar Deadlifts (3 min): 5 x 185, 5 x 235, 3 x 285, 3 x 335, 2/3 x 375

Reverse DB Lunges (3 min): 3 x 10 x 40

Floor Wipers (2 min): 3 x 8 x 115

45-degree Hyperextension (1 min): 3 x 8 x 25

Straight-Leg Hip Abduction: 2 x 25

Just couldn't get the bar moving on that last rep of deadlifts. I'm home for break so I'm using the trap bar at a different gym, which doesn't have raised handles and is a little harder since I have to go a little deeper. The bar would also kinda rotate on me which doesn't happen on the other bar. Weighed 217 lbs also so I guess I'm still gaining weight.
Tiburon's Lifting Log Quote
03-16-2010 , 08:07 PM
Liftin' hundos brah. Today:

4-point stabilization: 4 x 10 secs each position

DB Floor Press, palms in (3 min): 5 x 55, 5 x 80, 5 x 90, 5 x 95, 5 x 100

Barbell Pushups (2 min): 1 x 25, 1 x max (got 30)

Superset (3 min):
Seated Cable Row: 3 x 10 x 160
Face Pulls: 3 x 8 x 120

Barbell Shrugs (1 min): 3 x 8 x 225

DB Hammer Curls (1 min): 3 x 10 x 35

Side Hyperextensions (1 min): 3 x 8 x 25

Weighed 220 today so I've gained 15 pounds in about 3 1/2 weeks of GOMAD. I'm either gonna stop at the end of this week or next, haven't decided yet. I'd still like to reach 225 but don't really need to. I'm def gonna try to cut a little after, as I've lost some definition in my core, but other than that the fat gains have been minimal.
Tiburon's Lifting Log Quote
03-17-2010 , 08:13 PM

Trap Bar Deadlifts (3 min): 5 x 185, 5 x 235, 3 x 285, 3 x 335, 3 x 375, 1 x 405

Reverse DB Lunges (3 min): 3 x 10 x 40

45-degree Hyperextension (1 min): 3 x 8 x 25

Straight-Leg Hip Abduction: 2 x 25

Went for the last set of DLs just so I can say I can lift 4 plates on something lol. Only weighed 218 today, which is less than yesterday but obviously that could be due to a variety of factors that have nothing to do with whether or not I'm actually gaining weight.
Tiburon's Lifting Log Quote
03-19-2010 , 03:02 PM
Decided to test 1rm bench today:

4 point stabilization: 4 x 10 secs each position

1rm Bench Press Test: 5 x 135, 3 x 185, 1 x 225, 1 x 240, 1 x 260, fail x 270

Ballistic Bench Press: 5 x 3 x 155

Straight-Arm Pulldown: 3 x 8 x 72.5kg

Inverted Rows: 3 x 8 x bodyweight

DB Lateral Raises: 3 x 8 x 20

Wrist Roller: 2 x 15

Ab circuit

Decided this will be my last day of GOMAD, I still weighed 220 so I gained nothing the last week. 4 weeks and 15 lbs isn't bad tho, considering I didn't start as a complete noob. Gonna probably do a little bodybuilding in my next cycle and cut a little weight, but honestly the only real change I'm going to make is cutting out the milk since I think my current diet is sufficient by itself.
Tiburon's Lifting Log Quote
03-23-2010 , 06:18 PM
Moving into a new cycle where I'm going to start incorporating some bodybuilding work along with my usual stuff. Upper body today:

4-point stabilization: 4 x 10 secs each position

Bench Press (3 min): 5 x 135, 3 x 185, 3 x 200, 3 x 215, 3 x 230 (increase next time)

Barbell Bent Over Row (1 min): 3 x 12 x 115

DB One Arm Tricep Extension, 4:1 negative reps (1 min): 12 x 25, 11 x 25, 8 x 25

DB Shrugs (1 min): 3 x 12 x 85

DB Curls, 4:1 negative reps (1 min): 12 x 30, 12 R 11 L x 30, 8 R 6 L x 30

Weighted Decline Sit-ups (1 min): 3 x 10 x 15

First time trying negative reps, so this was a bit of an experiment. If you don't know, negative reps involve lowering the weight more slowly than raising it, so with a 4:1 negative rep I take 4 times as long to lower it than to raise it. I was trying to do 3 sets of 12 for those but it was a bit too much, I think I'm gonna switch to 3 x 10. Def raising bench next time, 230 was cake.

4 days off of GOMAD and I already dropped 5 lbs to 215. Getting some definition back in my core too, hopefully I won't drop too much weight though.
Tiburon's Lifting Log Quote
03-25-2010 , 06:26 PM
Lower today:

Bird Dog: 4 x 10 secs R, L

Squats (3 min): 5 x 185, 3 x 225, 3 x 255, 3 x 285, 3 x 315

Leg Extensions, 4:1 negatives (1 min): 3 x 12 x 130

Leg Curls, 4:1 negatives (1 min): 2 x 12 x 130, 1 x 7 x 130

DB Single Leg Calf Raise (1 min): 3 x 12 x 40

Wrist Roller (1 min): 3 x 2 x 12.5

45-Degree Side Hyperextensions (1 min): 3 x 8 x 25

Squats were much easier than anticipated, gonna be raising those at least 10 lbs next time. I'm also proud to say I'm no longer using a pussy pad. I thought it would hurt my shoulders and spine but its really not bad if you get the bar situated correctly. The negative reps burn like a bitch, bodybuilding stuff is harder than I was expecting. Also weighed in at 214 today, trying to stay in the 210-215 range.
Tiburon's Lifting Log Quote
03-27-2010 , 09:55 PM
Hypertrophy Upper Today:

4-point stabilization: 4 x 10 secs each position

Bench Press (3 min): 5 x 135, 2 x 12 x 185, 1 x max x 185 (got 14)

Superset (3 min):
Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns: 3 x 10 x 150
Face Pulls: 3 x 10 x 120

Seated DB Shoulder Press (1 min): 2 x 12 x 50, 1 x 6 x 50

Hammer Curls (1 min): 2 x 12 x 30, 1 x 8 x 30
Tiburon's Lifting Log Quote
03-30-2010 , 05:41 PM
Upper body workout today:

4-point stabilization: 4 x 10 secs each position

Bench Press (3 min): 5 x 135, 3 x 185, 3 x 205, 3 x 220, 3 x 235 (increase 5 lbs. next time)

Barbell Bent Over Row (1 min): 3 x 12 x 115

DB One Arm Tricep Extension, 4:1 negative reps (1 min): 3 x 10 x 25

DB Shrugs (1 min): 3 x 12 x 90

DB Curls, 4:1 negative reps (1 min): 3 x 10 x 30

Weighted Decline Sit-ups (1 min): 3 x 10 x 15

Bodyweight 212. Hopefully I'll be able to keep bumping that last set of bench press up 5 lbs each week, although I'll probably stall at 245 if not next week at 240. I've also started doing a little cardio, although I haven't been recording it here. Sunday morning I played basketball for about 40 minutes then did HIIT on a rowing machine, 1 min on, 1 min off, for 10 minutes.
Tiburon's Lifting Log Quote
03-30-2010 , 08:28 PM
Hey Tiburon, is this essentially the Westside for Skinny B**stards workout by DeFranco? It looks a lot like it, and I just started this program as well. From what I've heard it is a good program to pack on mass and I like that it still has the 3-5RM days to improve strength on the big lifts.
Tiburon's Lifting Log Quote
