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Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return

12-05-2008 , 05:47 PM


5x187.5 PR


Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
12-06-2008 , 04:55 PM
u r strong
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
12-06-2008 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by droopy0021
PT I went to mentioned this stretch (3 x 30 second hold each leg):

Figure 23 (hamstring stretch)

When I was first tested my legs measured 37 & 38 each (device used by PT, like a protractor). After 2 weeks of stretches I was at 18-20. After 3 weeks, 15 on each. Good range for males is 18-20.

*stretched every day AFTER a workout (never before, only dynamic warmups)

I resumed regular activity (lifting, basketball) and have had no further back issues. I still have form issues w/ DL, powerclean, powersnatch but my back feels better after doing those exercises.

Cliffnotes: Hamstring flexibility can improve dramatically in short timeframe. This will help prevent injury and take pounding off the lower back.
If you're having a hard time doing these hamstring stretches, using a yoga strap around your foot makes it a lot easier than gripping behind the leg. It helps prevent bending the leg too much, bouncing, or using your arms to "pull the leg."
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
12-08-2008 , 09:15 PM
Weight: 167.4

I am wasting away. I tried to stave this off with 750 cals of Hagen Dazs last night. Needless to say the going is slow. I need to up my eating. Possibly more bacon. Maybe more soda. Or milk. Or something.


I find my squats being most affected by my weight gain/loss. Oh well. They were kinda tough. Perhaps doing some DE work would help. I don't really know. I think I can keep grinding them out and get to 300. If not, I will cry lots, since its a pretty pathetically low goal.





Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
12-09-2008 , 12:57 PM
Yea, as I've dropped some weight over the last few weeks, my squat has fallen, but my deadlift has soared. Weirdness.
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
12-10-2008 , 05:56 PM
Did some nimbly pimbly weights today. I have access to a Rower at ****ty hours. Hrm.
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
12-12-2008 , 09:48 PM
Weight: 167.0

Squats: 5x252.5

I ended up pulling down really hard on the last rep. I think I get slack in the bottom of my squats due to a variety of reasons. I'm blaming hip mobility first. Oh well. **** is gay. I should cheat and just cinch down some knee wraps and squat 300 and call it a day and retire.

Bench: 5x190 PR

lols. I'll go up 5 next week.

DL: 5x330

I think my spine is going to explode.

I felt generally terrible. My diet has sucked. Slipping back into "lol lets not eat today" habits. I'm going to rectify this though. I'm going to eat a pound of ground beef, ~500 cals of bread, like 200 cals of mayo, and enough booze to drown a small army. This should put me back on track for the day (lol 4 slices bacon 2 eggs and a small cranberry juice).

Though I really need more accountability with my diet. In other news I did some rowing. Feel free to link materials about how to row good and do other things good too. Coming in late Jan (hopefully?) "Thremp does Crossfit and uh... Cortisol control programming"
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
12-12-2008 , 10:16 PM
what kind of rowing? are you referring to type of lifts or more towards rowing like in a boat
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
12-12-2008 , 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by qdmcg
what kind of rowing? are you referring to type of lifts or more towards rowing like in a boat
Like on a Concept 2 rower.
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
12-13-2008 , 01:16 AM
technique'y things on youtube:

i didnt watch through the second one as the guys voice was a little GHEY imo but im sure its reasonable

rowers are obv super anal about technique both on the water and on the concept2 machines much like people get about form for squats, DL. as long as you aren't killing yourself pulling on the machine you aren't going to get injured while you work on form, but doing it correctly feels better and results in better "scores" on the machine
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
12-15-2008 , 06:47 PM
Thanks for the links.


These felt shockingly good. Perhaps my form is improving. Who knows.


These felt surprisingly bad. I decided to gain a rather large unknown-cause bruise on my right tricep. Its been there for a week or so. At this point I suppose it should be referred to as a "contusion" but that just sounds like I'm trying to church it up.


I hurt my left lat, but got em' done. Whatev.
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
12-15-2008 , 07:03 PM
Nice cleans.

Contusion=tinea versicolor?

I got tendinitis in the elbows after months (probably because of the same boneheaded crap that precipitated it the last time). Bench is gonna suck today.
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
12-15-2008 , 07:05 PM
No, my tinea is on my forearms. This bruise is a legit bruise. More decrepit doctor and old people who smell like death on Wed. Maybe I'll get some weird topical stuff.
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
12-18-2008 , 03:34 AM
I did the same Wed/Recovery as last week with some OH Farmers Walks. It was fun.

I did some curls. I did 5x40 with my right. Apparently not doing curls makes you better at curls. Weird.
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
12-18-2008 , 03:44 AM
I did some squat thinking earlier. I think my lack of flexibility and "butt wink" are robbing me of some power in the bottom of my squat. Sadly, I think my efforts to "let my squat fix itself" have been less than fruitful (though a valid attempt for most people and typically successful). Also the lack of a skillful coach has probably reinforced some straight up AIDs-tastic motor patterns.

Here Rip talks about keeping hamstring tightness, which I sometimes neglect to do. I focused more on this Monday and had a better squat session. Given my relatively new focus on mobility (which is still loltastic). I think I can resolve the majority of these issues pretty quickly.

In other news, I may CFT on Friday to see how my squat/deadlift are going as I want to hit my 2/2/3/4 goals rather quickly so I can attempt to diet/do crossfit in Jan-March. So when I ridicule it, I can say things like "I blah blah blah..." which may not make my criticisms any better (The ones of form issues, programming on main site, etc are valid regardless of whether I do it), but it may actually help my cardio and give me some experience with the whole issue of balancing form/fatigue which I can come to on my own.
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
12-18-2008 , 02:31 PM
Lately I've been working on the samson stretch (hip flexors and overhead stability), rippetoes elbow-knees-out drill, cressey's* grab-toe-deep-sit and the dynamic-stretch squats, for me and my new training buddy who I'd rather have learn correctly from the beginning than have to unlearn motor patterns after he gets stronger.

* I have no idea if these are cressey's but they're from MM.
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
12-18-2008 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by qdmcg
technique'y things on youtube:

i didnt watch through the second one as the guys voice was a little GHEY imo but im sure its reasonable

rowers are obv super anal about technique both on the water and on the concept2 machines much like people get about form for squats, DL. as long as you aren't killing yourself pulling on the machine you aren't going to get injured while you work on form, but doing it correctly feels better and results in better "scores" on the machine

2nd video his arms bend too early and he pulls a bit too much with his back. basically not enough legs and there is no excuse for that since he's just pulling steady state.

he's also fat...:/
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
12-19-2008 , 06:40 PM

Almost died last rep. No real recollection of what happened. Except it didn't go well, but ended well. Like a car chase where no one died.

5x195 PR


I have ******o kyphosis. I don't think my lower back is rounding. My hips are forward and locked and my upper back is just all rolled up. Rack pulls... one day.
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
12-20-2008 , 07:12 AM
haha, yeah I sometimes complete a rep and I'm like, wtf just happened. It was involuntary muscle contractions keeping me alive.
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
01-08-2009 , 07:07 PM
First day "back". As I'm doing the texas method and I can't start a midweek cycle, I did 5x20 KB Swings 1 pood. And ~20 min of the MM video that consisted of the walking stuff. Some stuff I can do easily, so stuff I'm the suck at. Whatev. Std.
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
01-09-2009 , 08:29 PM
I'm very sore today. I'd probably be very sore just from the copious drinking, but the workout put it over the top.

In other news, I looked at the numbers from online calcs for my Squat/DL and it appears I'm in the ballpark of hitting my goals, despite my constant fears that my squat just eats dicks. Though it kinda does. I need some lol coaching. Whatev. I'll probably do a CFT a week after I work up to my previous weights and then do some lol Crossfitaments.
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
01-14-2009 , 10:59 PM
Back to SS. I probably should buy the book for exercise descriptions. Maybe soon. One of the side benefits of sports betting is that the more you lose, the less work you have to do. I've lost much recently, ergo I don't have too much to do. ++


I'm trying to do a more SS-esque squat. Trying to get a bit wider and going down and getting the bar position into a more low bar stance. I could never get it comfortable, but I'm not terribly worried with these weights.



Didn't put back in extension in last rep. oops?
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
01-15-2009 , 02:51 AM
oops indeed.

Do you feel comfortable performing a high bar squat or front squat?
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
01-15-2009 , 03:01 AM
Originally Posted by ActionJeff
oops indeed.

Do you feel comfortable performing a high bar squat or front squat?
Yes. Before you offer some contorted issue about back angles. Review your 10th grade geometry book and get a sheet of graph paper if necessary.
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
01-15-2009 , 03:12 AM
Haha SS ftw, the entire forum is on it.
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
