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StuckinALog StuckinALog

04-22-2015 , 10:51 PM
@ baba
Thanks I was thinking that today. After the summer and I'm satisfied with my cut, I think I'll settle in for a slow, year-long bulk.

Good point about my lifting program. I've been on SS because it was suggested to me by everyone here when I started, and to gain strength. But I'm sure I classify as an intermediate lifter now so maybe after the summer I will switch to a program that suits my goals better.

@ loco
fack I'll never get to 250lb bench jesus. During my bulk I would have been excited to hit 185lb and I never even got there. And I don't need to look like a greek god lol
StuckinALog Quote
04-24-2015 , 08:06 PM

Squat 220lb 2x5, 1x6
OHP 125lb 2x5, 1x8
DL 305lb 1x6
Chin up 10lbs 2x5, 1x10

Will be ready for first 2-plate squat in quite some time on Monday. Will be glad if I can still do it on a cut. And actually really surprised I can still DL close to 3 plates
StuckinALog Quote
04-25-2015 , 03:58 AM
Defo add volume. But do keep the big lifts in your program. You don't want to be so into hypertrophy business that even at your stage you are worried about kicking back dumbbells with your legs/momentum so you can get in position to rep out some heavy flat presses when it's just 25kg DBs in question. Instead, having the core strength to handle the weight would be more optimal in the long run. I imagine you'd need a lot of core strength to hit those numbers mentioned by loco as well.

I was close to your numbers pre-injury and have the WOAT H&F core.

I think that it would be ideal to get out of the '100% SS' mentality by adding both volume and core training while still focusing on the big lifts.
StuckinALog Quote
04-25-2015 , 01:07 PM
Ok so I don't really understand what you're saying. Are you basically saying stop doing SS, but keep doing the key lifts like DL/Squat/Bench/OHP, add volume and add core work?
StuckinALog Quote
04-25-2015 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by StuckinARutt
Ok so I don't really understand what you're saying. Are you basically saying stop doing SS, but keep doing the key lifts like DL/Squat/Bench/OHP, add volume and add core work?
It's something like the advise I got in my log but I wasn't DLing and Squatting heavy so I could add way more accessories but you could probably add 2 exercises each of your 3 days and some core.


Squat 195lb 2x5, 1x10
Bench 157.5lb 2x5, 1x8
BB Row 145lb 3x5
Chin up 35lb 3x5
add another compound bench accessory + tricep focused bench accessory for 3 sets of 10-15 reps. Add planks and side planks in the end.


Squat 200lb 2x5, 1x8
OHP 120lb 2x5, 1x8
DL 265lb 1x8
Chin up 35lb 3x5
Add Lat Pull Downs. CGBP 3x10. Core.


Squat 205lb 2x5, 1x10
Bench 160lb 2x5, 1x8
BB Row 150lb 3x5
Facepull 110lb 3x15
Add some bicep focused accessories and another tricep focused chest accessory.
StuckinALog Quote
04-25-2015 , 02:29 PM
For my main lifts should I stop resetting/progressing? Should I just try and maintain at my max 3x5 weight?
StuckinALog Quote
04-25-2015 , 04:55 PM
No, don't stop any of that. If adding the new work makes your big lift numbers really regress, then you're probably doing too much, or it's missing balance. In the long run the accessory work is not only for a bit of hypertrophy, but will help your overall upper body strength as well and should impact something like Bench Press and OHP in a positive way.

In fact, you can even afford to increase your wait time between sets in your main lifts. In the Bench Press for instance, wait as long as you need to so that you are able to complete the sets. You will be more likely to lift more and not feel like you were just resting/waiting half the time during your session since you will have more volume work to do.
StuckinALog Quote
04-25-2015 , 06:21 PM
ok thanks
StuckinALog Quote
04-27-2015 , 07:44 PM

Squat 225lb 3x5
Bench 165lb 3x5
BB Standing Tricep Extension 65lb 3x10
Inclined Bench 95lb 3x6
Inclined situp 10lb 2x10

Changed things up today, added some more accessories based on singh's recommendation. Certainly felt it when deviating from my regular schedule. Squats went great though

Down to 164lb bodyweight now. For ****s I went and looked through my spreadsheets at the first time I bulked up to that weight, which was about late August and ITT and Squat had just gotten to 2 plates, DL at 275 and BP at 140. So at that weight now eating 1k cals less I'm doing more weight. So that feels pretty good at least
StuckinALog Quote
04-28-2015 , 10:48 AM
It's funny that our squats and bench are basically reversed. Well, I can't bench 225, but soon I hope.

I'm in the same boat as you. Want to cut belly but maintain/grow muscle definition. It's hard to do both and I haven't figured out how yet.
StuckinALog Quote
04-28-2015 , 04:42 PM
I think I was over reacting too. I mean I've lost 16 lbs in the last 16 weeks and I'm lifting nearly the same weight I was at the start of my cut, so obviously, I'm losing fat. Hell every few weeks I can tighten another notch on my weightlifting belt and I'm out of holes.

I think another 8 weeks or so of cutting and I'll look pretty good. Skinny, but good, and then I can start the real work of a nice slow bulk.
StuckinALog Quote
04-29-2015 , 08:02 PM

Squat 230lb 3x5
OHP 127.5lb 2x5, 1x8
DL 315lb 1x5
Standing BB Bicep Curl 75lb 3x10
Inclined sit up 10lb 3x10
StuckinALog Quote
05-04-2015 , 03:42 PM
Missed Friday due to Avengers and Saturday was sore since had first Soccer practice

My trip to England is Wednesday for 10 days so no gym after tomorrow probably.

I knew I'd have this 2 week break and would start back up afterwards, but how much will I hurt myself if my protein intake drops dramatically? Likely without whey, protein bars and my usual dietary foods I'll probably be lucky to be at ~75g protein/day over this time. Creatine intake will cease as well.

Does it really matter that much? Should I buy whey while I'm there? Or can I just reset when I get back?
StuckinALog Quote
05-07-2015 , 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by StuckinARutt
Missed Friday due to Avengers
Was it worth it?
StuckinALog Quote
06-11-2015 , 02:44 PM
So now that Summer is here and my vacation is over I've been doing soccer twice a week like last summer. Was going to start bulking after my trip but with soccer that's going to be redonkulous. I like the weight I've been losing on my cut so I'm continuing that through the summer.

I'm 158lb now (having started at 180lb in January) and will probably get to ~150 by the end of the summer. I think that will put me at a good BF% in which to start a slow bulk after that.

My TDEE is ~2440 cals at this point and I'm averaging ~1800 cals/day with minimum 140g protein.

So my question is this:
With 180 mins of cardio a week, is gymming twice a week (the only amount I'd be able to realistically do) worth it for the summer?

If I'm cutting this slow and keeping protein up, I shouldn't be losing any muscle mass. Just looking to shave last bit of fat before summer's over.
StuckinALog Quote
06-11-2015 , 03:02 PM
Certainly worth it.
StuckinALog Quote
06-11-2015 , 03:09 PM
just lift whenever you can. it's not only about losing muscle, you don't want to decondition too much otherwise when you start on surplus you'll end up spending a few weeks just getting back to scratch
StuckinALog Quote
07-14-2015 , 12:23 PM
So I'm down to about 151lbs now which is less than what I started bulking at this time last year. Also it's -30lbs since January so pretty good pace imo. Def noticeable belly fat loss. Maybe a little bit of muscle loss but I don't think much. Been playing soccer lots but no time for gym unfortunately with that and other stuff that's been going on.

Idea is to get back into bulk mode in Aug after soccer and slow bulk back 30-35 pounds but this time do it cleaner.

Question is do I stop here or keep cutting for another month? If I'm on a roll does that "every bit of fat" help? should make the bulk easier right because once I start the bulk, can't really reduce my bf% right?
StuckinALog Quote
07-14-2015 , 05:52 PM
I don't think you'll be sparing much muscle without stimuli to keep it, particularly at >1lb mean loss per week.
StuckinALog Quote
07-14-2015 , 06:47 PM
well we're a bit too late for that aren't we? that doesn't really answer my question
StuckinALog Quote
07-14-2015 , 07:54 PM
Well, it sort of does. The lower your body weight gets, the more the ratio shifts towards muscle loss (even more so with no training). So it depends on how much lean mass you're willing to lose to get lean. In your current state, getting leaner is a trade off you can only judge with more data than you've presented, so I'd guess the correct answer is "it depends".

As to your second question, it really depends on how much muscle mass you're gaining versus how much fat mass you're gaining. But yes, it is difficult to simultaneously gain weight and drop body fat percentage sans PEDs.
StuckinALog Quote
07-14-2015 , 09:58 PM
yea so even in hindsight prob should have done a slower cut, i'm already here so gonna shave last few pounds while it's easy. then a gonna do a bulk at the speed of smell and really put on some muscle gains hopefully. ready to put 12+ months into this bulk
StuckinALog Quote
07-14-2015 , 10:16 PM
I honestly think smaller cycles would be more beneficial
StuckinALog Quote
07-15-2015 , 07:21 AM
like 3-4 months? Would you still clean bulk? Or should I do a dirty bulk for 4 months, then cut for 4?

I mean I effectively tried that over the last 14 months. Bulked for 8 or so, cut for 6. Gained 30lbs, lost 30lbs. I think my muscular definition is a bit better, but nothing much has changed
StuckinALog Quote
07-15-2015 , 12:07 PM
Welcome to the reality of natty training stuckinarutt.

The best you can do is train, and train often. And not worry about the rest. Maybe eat an extra chicken breast once in a while.

So this bullshiet of only playing soccer right now is unacceptable. You could have been doing maintenance full body 2x a week.
StuckinALog Quote
