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02-11-2013 , 06:46 AM
You can't lose your gut (i.e. BF) without going on a caloric deficit. In other words, you need to cut. Cardio can obv be part of that.
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02-12-2013 , 04:34 AM
Yeah that's what I thought. Lol at cutting. I'm 5'9"/165ish lbs. No idea what my bf % is though. I can post pics but I dunno how I feel about a bunch of dudes on the internet looking at me half naked.

Just tell me how to get to be 180 and jacked with low bf? It's gotta be super easy right guize? Lifting + bulking (i.e. getting fat/overshooting your weight goal) then furiously cutting while attempting to maintain as much muscle as possible?
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02-12-2013 , 04:37 AM
Also this:

Brag: Had a 7.5 English girl flirting with me/checking me out today in class.

Beat: I have a gf.
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02-12-2013 , 05:28 AM
Originally Posted by TucoRamirez
Just tell me how to get to be 180 and jacked with low bf? It's gotta be super easy right guize? Lifting + bulking (i.e. getting fat/overshooting your weight goal) then furiously cutting while attempting to maintain as much muscle as possible?
You almost got it, just one ingredient missing...
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02-12-2013 , 05:41 AM
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02-12-2013 , 05:41 AM
Paging Country Roads
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02-14-2013 , 09:21 PM

Bench: 2x5x170, 1x10x170 - the last rep was very sloppy and off balance but I'm gonna count it.

Squat: 2x5x250, 1x8x250 - I know I can get 10 so I'm gonna try this weight again. Heh. That rhymed.

DB incline: 2x10x45s, 1x12x45s
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02-14-2013 , 11:48 PM
Originally Posted by TucoRamirez
Not much. Went from size 30 waist to size 32. But I also put on 40 lbs. 120 to 160 lbs. I'm not gonna lie it felt pretty manly having all those jeans fit me too tight just on my quads.
32 relaxed is pretty damn wide. I can't imagine them looking very good on a 5'9 160 dude....

I'm same height but prob 10 pounds heavier and my gf used to call my legs 'ham legs' because they were so big. Just bought a pair of 30 waist slim fits . You probably fit in them, but aren't used to wearing tighter jeans?
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02-15-2013 , 09:09 AM

sounds about right and iirc you're a fair bit stronger than Tuco.
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02-15-2013 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by bearz
I can't imagine them looking very good on a 5'9 160 dude....
The jeans or my quads?

Originally Posted by bearz
I'm same height but prob 10 pounds heavier and my gf used to call my legs 'ham legs' because they were so big. Just bought a pair of 30 waist slim fits . You probably fit in them, but aren't used to wearing tighter jeans?
The 32 is actually a bit loose on me in the waist but there's no chance I could fit into a 30. I would have some gut overhang for sure. According to my gf, my quads are indeed massive compared to my body.

I know you guys are dying for pics but you're just too shy to ask.
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02-15-2013 , 07:25 PM
I meant the jeans. I feel relaxed fits are only for fat or old people, but I live around NY so people generally wear pretty tight clothing in general.

Jeans are super non standard though. I fit in some 30 slims and others are much too tight depending on how much fabric is between the crotch etc.
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02-20-2013 , 07:18 PM

Press: 2x5x130, 1x6x130

Squat: 2x5x250, 1x8x250

Chins: 1x8x15, 1x6x15
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02-23-2013 , 02:10 AM

Bench: 2x5x172.5, 1x10x172.5

DB bench: 1x10x45,1x12x45, 1x10x50

DL: 1x7x265
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02-27-2013 , 10:28 PM

Fat bro gave me squat advice today. I've seen him in there a lot but I've only ever seen him do bench and curls. I've seen him bench 3 plates. He came up to me after my first set and said "I don't wanna be the guy that tells people how to lift but I've seen so many guys blow their knees out squatting the way you are. Keep your feet pointed straight ahead and don't shove knees out."

I just said thanks dude, but I was taught to do it this way.

Cool story bro.

Press: 3x5x132.5

Squat: 2x5x255, 1x8x255
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03-02-2013 , 02:23 AM

Bench: 2x5x175, 1x10x175

DB Incline: 3x10x50s

DL: 1x8x270
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03-04-2013 , 09:11 PM

Press: 3x5x135

Squat: 2x5x260, 1x8x260

Chins: 1x8x17.5, 1x7x17.5
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03-08-2013 , 12:04 AM

Bench: 2x5x177.5, 1x9x177.5

Squat: 2x5x265, 1x8x265

DB incline: 2x10x50, 1x9x55

My squat is nearly as good as my dead lift. Is there something fishy about that?
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03-08-2013 , 09:56 AM
Not fishy imo. If it had been the other way around your squat would prob not be deep enough. Most likely causes:
- Anthropometry issues (short arms e.g.) means your DL isn't your best lift
- Squats have been trained more than DLs due to <whatever reason>
- Bad DL technique
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03-11-2013 , 07:55 PM

Press: 3x5x137.5 - I may be arching my back too much I need to post a video. I'm really focusing on not using my legs to press it up though.

Weighted chins: 2x7x20 lbs

DL: 1x7x275
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03-11-2013 , 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by Soulman
Not fishy imo. If it had been the other way around your squat would prob not be deep enough. Most likely causes:
- Anthropometry issues (short arms e.g.) means your DL isn't your best lift
- Squats have been trained more than DLs due to <whatever reason>
- Bad DL technique
I have definitely trained squat more than DL (SS & gslp)

My technique is passable I think. I've posted vids before.
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03-11-2013 , 08:34 PM
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03-14-2013 , 07:45 PM

Bench: 2x5x180, 1x9x180 - The last rep was a huge struggle, bar was flailing all over the place but i'm still counting it. OFC I didn't have a spotter or set the pins. I also tweaked my lower back in the process.

Squat: 2x5x270, 1x6x270 - Wasn't on my "A" game for these. Maybe the aforementioned back tweak, maybe lack of sleep, or maybe not eating enough (or all 3). Every time I venture into this territory on the squat, it seems like I hit a wall, not sure why.

DB incline bench: 3x7x60s, 1x8x60s - I read (I think on T-Nation) that doing 4x6 on these is optimal for strength gains. Confirm/deny?
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03-14-2013 , 09:06 PM
Good looking deadlifts bro. You tighten that shieet beautifully before every rep. Teach me.

Chunking up though. I'll teach you.
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03-15-2013 , 05:31 AM
DLs confirmed awesome. Top 10 H&F DL form.

lol t-nation I guess, re: 4x6.
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03-15-2013 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by loco
Good looking deadlifts bro. You tighten that shieet beautifully before every rep. Teach me.
Originally Posted by Soulman
DLs confirmed awesome. Top 10 H&F DL form.
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