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SS progress question SS progress question

03-27-2011 , 10:13 PM
Hi all,

So I decided about a month and a half ago that the "African child" look wasn't working for me anymore, so i gave SS a go. and while i know my progress is probably somewhat hampered by my high-stress low sleep, poor diet lifestyle, my squats are still making some progress (5lbs every workout) as is my DL (15lbs every week). My question is about the upper body lifts.

My bench is improving slowly but my OHP really isnt moving much at all, i started at 75 lbs, progressed up to 90 and then lost strength ? and am now sitting at 85 lbs. This is after only 1.5 months on the program, any reason why i might be stalling so early on? Also my chin/pull ups are staying at around 10 first set, 8 second set 6 third set. Any ideas?

progress so far

squat: 115 -> 165
DL: 135 -> 180
bench: 95 -> 125
ohp: 75 -> 85
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03-27-2011 , 10:29 PM
Drink more milk, eat more food(protein), sleep more.

also bla bla multi vitamin / fishoil.

It could also be a form issue, if you haven't read the book / DVD, it could be hampering your progress.
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03-27-2011 , 11:23 PM
Eat more + lift more
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03-27-2011 , 11:54 PM
and sleep more
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03-28-2011 , 10:16 AM
I think most people's OHP stalls pretty early on, you should try microloading (using 1.25 lb plates if you have them).
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03-28-2011 , 10:50 AM
I think like 5% of all guys doing SS catch this, but Rip mentions that microloading typically needs to start after a few weeks on the press.
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03-28-2011 , 11:45 AM
People are really hesitant to microload for some reason. My buddy has been doing ss/tm/stuff for a whole year now, and has refused to micro load the whole time. Combination laziness/ego I guess.
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03-28-2011 , 04:00 PM
alright thanks for the replies everyone, im working on improving my diet atm since i know im not getting enough calories (some days im fine and get 4000+ and then other days im in a rush and get like 1500, if that, so need to work on some consistency). As for microloading, ill look into it but i think the smallest plates my gym has are 2.5lbs but ill check.

One more question:

lately with squats i find my hips are really painful/stiff at the start during the my warmup and first workout set (esp with just the bar) then after my second set and final set the pain eases up a bit to mild discomfort. I'm assuming this isn't normal and probably a form issue, any ideas what i may be doing wrong?
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03-28-2011 , 04:18 PM
Your "hips" is a bit too vague, you'll have to specify.

Look in the FAQ for ways to microload. Cliffs: washers, ordering online, using extra clips.
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03-28-2011 , 10:54 PM
load a 2.5lb on only one side. slightly shift grip toward that side. that is sufficiently micro imo, no need for washers. not sure what to make of your press improving 10lb in 1.5 months. takes one week for basically everyone.
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03-29-2011 , 05:35 AM
OP prob eats less than he thinks. Add bad sleep.

...and even with those two factors, pretty much anyone should be able to add 10 lbs in two workouts.
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