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Spyutastic wants to bench and press Spyutastic wants to bench and press

12-10-2020 , 08:37 PM
1x5 135

1x3 135

BB rows

Pull Ups

Too many to count
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
12-11-2020 , 02:50 PM
dont forget to work your forearms with sum wrist curls
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
12-11-2020 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by squid face
dont forget to work your forearms with sum wrist curls
They get plenty of work. Well my right one does anyways. You're right I need to work on my left.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
12-11-2020 , 09:06 PM

1x8 95
1x8 135
1x5 185
1x3 225
2x3 275
3x3 285
1x3 275

CG Pin press

1x6 135
1x7 225
1x3 275
2x5 260

Air Squats
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
12-12-2020 , 09:29 PM
I noticed my legs were already getting too big and muscular from the increased squat volume so have decided to back off on the weight so I can keep on track with my weight loss plan.

2x6 95
1x6 135
1x5 185
3x3 205

Air squats
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
12-12-2020 , 09:33 PM
Hows your front rack?
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
12-12-2020 , 09:57 PM
Feels a ton better, but still have to do the finger method.

I don't know if I'll ever be able to do the full hand Oleksiy Torokhtiy, but I'll keep working at it.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
12-13-2020 , 01:29 PM
Wk 7 weigh-In: 197.8

20lbs lost.

Will take a maintenance break mid January.

Too bad my knowledge is stuck in the 80s. I'm still only losing fake weight and gaining fake strength.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
12-13-2020 , 07:40 PM
Hmm the calculator says I can do 245.

I guess I should just take credit for it.
another PR woo hoo!
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
12-13-2020 , 08:52 PM
1x7 95
1x6 135
1x5 155
1x3 185
3x3 205
2x3 210
1x10 145 Got to take the new plates out for a spin. No helium in these.

Press Starts
3x3 260

Push Press
1x5 185
4x3 205

Push press felt much better today. More coordinated.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
12-13-2020 , 08:57 PM
If you spent 800 dollars on plates because I threw shade on your xfit plates then I just don't know what to say to that.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
12-13-2020 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by Renton555
If you spent 800 dollars on plates because I threw shade on your xfit plates then I just don't know what to say to that.
I’m here to not get ridiculed by you. I will pay whatever it takes.

Also I guess since these are still Rogue plates they would still be considered XFit. So it was all for nought. fml
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
12-13-2020 , 09:43 PM
Renton must have missed the 100k in 5 weeks stuff. You should go for 245, DT has the current record with 242 (not counting G4S). What are “press starts”?
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
12-13-2020 , 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by beeschnuts
Renton must have missed the 100k in 5 weeks stuff. You should go for 245, DT has the current record with 242 (not counting G4S). What are “press starts”?
Yeah I think I’ll try for 245 when I hit either 195 or 190. Depending how the weight loss and training coincide. I feel like I can get it.

Press starts are basically like what squat walk outs are in terms of the purpose, but also with an isometric aspect.

Just take a weight heavier than your max, walk it out and press as hard as you can for about 5 seconds. The bar should only move an inch or two or else the weight is too light.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
12-14-2020 , 08:19 PM
Curls at girlie man weights.

1x7 with helium plates

I probably didn’t go low enough as my butt is still above my ankles at the bottom.

Curls are improving every week. I think it time to move up soon.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
12-14-2020 , 08:52 PM
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
12-14-2020 , 08:55 PM
lol reminds me of this one.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
12-15-2020 , 09:44 PM

1x8 135
1x5 185
1x1 225
1x2 255
1x3 275
5x3 285

Bench red SS
1x6 285
3x4 315

Walked 100m.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
12-16-2020 , 11:20 PM
Flexed my back a few times today.

Also did a couple pull ups.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
12-17-2020 , 09:54 PM
1x8 95
1x5 135
1x5 155
1x3 185
2x3 205
3x3 210
1x10 150

Push Press
3x3 205
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
12-18-2020 , 04:37 PM
Re: Stretching

Surprise surprise the water boy doesn't know all.

Here's a decent primer.

But bottomline, it increases ROM, this is not disputed by anyone that understands science. So if you need to increase ROM for anything specifically, you need to stretch. If not, then you don't.

There are mixed results with regards to injury prevention. So this aspect is unclear and like many things will vary according to individual since there are a ton of other variables to control for. You're not going to get a clear result from any single study.

There's a reason it's used in rehab for hamstring injuries. But I guess the doctors must be wrong and we should trust the word of the waterboy.

If you need to increase ROM, then it is beneficial. i.e. gymnast, BJJ practitioner.

If you're just an avg gym bro w/ no special needs then you likely don't need it.

But to say that something is fake just because it doesn't apply to you is funny.
He probably heard someone say it one time in passing on some BBM podcast and extrapolated it to mean it's fake.

Fake weight loss, fake strength, fake stretching. Everything is fake with this guy lol.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
12-18-2020 , 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Spyutastic
Re: Stretching

Surprise surprise the water boy doesn't know all.

Here's a decent primer.

But bottomline, it increases ROM, this is not disputed by anyone that understands science. So if you need to increase ROM for anything specifically, you need to stretch. If not, then you don't.

There are mixed results with regards to injury prevention. So this aspect is unclear and like many things will vary according to individual since there are a ton of other variables to control for. You're not going to get a clear result from any single study.

There's a reason it's used in rehab for hamstring injuries. But I guess the doctors must be wrong and we should trust the word of the waterboy.

If you need to increase ROM, then it is beneficial. i.e. gymnast, BJJ practitioner.

If you're just an avg gym bro w/ no special needs then you likely don't need it.

But to say that something is fake just because it doesn't apply to you is funny.
He probably heard someone say it one time in passing on some BBM podcast and extrapolated it to mean it's fake.

Fake weight loss, fake strength, fake stretching. Everything is fake with this guy lol.
Is this the forum board equivalent of a subtweet?
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
12-18-2020 , 11:06 PM
Stretched for an hour. Felt good.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
12-19-2020 , 12:35 AM
Just to be a devil's advocate, I don't think just because rehab does it then it must be effective. A lot of people do a lot of ineffective bunk ****. Look at chiro.

It just seems to me to be a very poorly developed discipline and hard to sift the bunk from the stuff that actually has evidence backing it. I see top WL athletes doing loaded stretches to warm up so I assume it's effective, but a lot of top athletes believe in MFR and ART and adhesions and stuff, which seems to not be real. I don't really have a dog in the stretching fight but I guess I'm wondering what you say to all of this.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
12-19-2020 , 01:47 AM
Here's the thing, if you like stretching do it, if you think it's a waste of time don't.

I don’t need 100 scientific studies to tell me why getting a blow job feels good before I decide I want one.

I don’t understand why people get so paralyzed over something as simple as stretching and act like you can't do it unless Albert Einstein proves it cures cancer or something.

If flexibility is important to you and you also enjoy the way it feels, it's probably time well spent. If not then no. Do you really need a 100yr longitudinal study of world champion weightlifting quintuplets to make an assessment on this?
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
