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Spyutastic wants to bench and press Spyutastic wants to bench and press

11-01-2020 , 02:26 AM
Monte takes them out back and makes them row a 10k while reading N1H posts to them.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
11-01-2020 , 03:08 AM
Originally Posted by Melkerson
So what happens when a mod posts in someone's log after they've been asked not to. Do they eat a ban? Infractions? De-moding?
I guess we'd cross that bridge when we got there. I'm not aware of any log owner who has requested any H&F mod not post, and it doesn't seem like it will happen with any of the current logs anytime soon. So, it would take that, and then that mod would have to, for some reason, decide to disregard the request. That's a pretty unlikely sequence of events.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
11-01-2020 , 09:44 AM
Hero here is now going to other threads, calling me a troll. And some other forums are calling me the worst poster in all of 2p2. I don't know how this became some dick waving prop bet. I never offered that. I stated the reality of losing strength while dieting and came up with a line beechnusts wanted to see. I don't care to prop bet on something that can easily be cheated. Sure I could be off 5 to 10 pounds and this guy could win but so what. That's not the point.

But here is the point. We are having a serious discussion on the effects of dieting on cholesterol and strength. It's like holy shiet, there is no more foremost authority on the subject matter. I literally know more than doctors. I have spent the last decade on countless bodyfat exams on different machines and 4 cholesterol tests, while getting my waist down to a low of 30.5". And I did all of this while strength training. On top of that, I have been a member of Lyle McDonald's forum for years and I subscribe to Alan Aragon's quarterly magazine. I have kept up with all the latest science that shows dietary cholesterol is not the real problem.

The only guys that have posted here that have somewhat of a clue on this subject matter are Renton and Montecore. Renton has actually dieted from 170 to 120. Kid was still fat at 120 even though he reps Spy's squat max for reps. He called this guy out, you definitely over 20% bodyfat at 190. That means to get lean, he is on board with me. Spy would have to cut to less than 170.

My man montecore also chimed in. This guy use to bench 300 at 235lbs and be a cholesterol making factory. The guy is 6'4" and thinks that maybe, maybe at 185 he can get off the statin. Lol!!! He is facking 6'4"!!!! Spy is 5'7" and his goal weight is 185!!!!!! WTF!!!!!

I am just glad we have knowledgeable Greens around here, or else I would get thrown out. Look at my man Aidan. Guy presses bodyweight and literally, no joke, squats and deadlifts SPY's max for 20 reppers!!!!! WTF!!! You seen the videos and pics, Aidan is 5'9" 180 pounds. He could easily drop 10 pounds to get healthier and some abs showing. But SPY is a genetic freak and 165 is impossible?!! Lol. Aidan's got more muscle mass on one butt cheek than your whole lowerbody, bro.

Of course, I was somewhat impressed by Spy's 190 pic. There are some abs showing, his fat distribution looks better than mine. But at same time, you could see a roll forming on his side. There are zero cuts anywhere to be found on his body. He looks closer to the marshmallow man than bodybuilder lean.

And I keep bringing up bodybuilder lean, because that's what is basically needed to get these cholesterol levels in check. I had the same numbers as this guy. At 27, I was only 170 and already had 260 cholesterol. I was over 300 at age 35. I was naturally able to get them to 120 by getting ripped out of my facking mind. I gained a little bit of weight back, and boom cholesterol levels over 200 again.

So I stand by my posts. This guy needs to cut to around 160-165. That's my recommendation. And along the way he is going to lose a shitload of strength. No way he hoists 200 over head when he is a tinybro. But of course, I have no issues if he prefers to be 185-200. My man beechnuts is 20+% bodyfat and is strong as bull at 210, I don't go into his log calling him fat nonstop.

20% bodyfat is fine. If your cholesterol is still high, take your statin and walk a lot. No big deal.

I rest my case.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
11-01-2020 , 09:57 AM
Also, since this thread is attracting newbs galore, I will clarify a point.

I keep bringing up lowerbody lifts, because that's where the largest muscles of the body are. And this guy, basically has schoolgirl lifts. Hoisting some actual real weights in that department would go a long way in making his 180 and jacked dream come true. The push muscles are tiny. His biggest asset is his press strength but those are tiny, tiny muscles relative to the glutes, quads, and hams.

Obviously super obvious, but I see a lot of donk traffic.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
11-01-2020 , 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by loco
I don't know how this became some dick waving prop bet. I never offered that.

Yeah cause the unanimous consensus is that you'd lose. No mystery there. Thanks for admitting that.

Sure I could be off 5 to 10 pounds and this guy could win but so what. That's not the point.

You're actually closer to off by 20-25 lbs but that's not the point since you're talking out your azz.

I literally know more than doctors.

lol thanks for this.

he reps Spy's squat max for reps.

Shall we prop bet on this that this is not true? We can take care of this today if you want. Since you're broke I offer not a money bet, but your account gets banned if you lose. Mine gets banned if I lose. Simple. My prediction, another back pedal and decline for the 2nd time in a couple days. Guy's a gambling god for real.

He called this guy out, you definitely over 20% bodyfat at 190.
Shall we prop bet again? I'll get a dexa or bodpod or whatever you want when I hit 190. Prediction, another back pedal and decline from our gambling god.

This guy use to bench 300 at 235lbs and be a cholesterol making factory.
And I benched 350 at 210 so what's your point?

Guy presses bodyweight and literally, no joke, squats and deadlifts SPY's max for 20 reppers!!!!!
Here's another prop bet we can make. Nah? thought so.

Aidan's got more muscle mass on one butt cheek than your whole lowerbody, bro.

Dude has never seen my lower body lol.

He looks closer to the marshmallow man than bodybuilder lean.
Your jealousy really coming out now here.

I was naturally able to get them to 120
Yes we should all be 120 to be truly ripped. That is the way of people who know more than doctors.

I rest my case.
Thanks for all the gems Loco, truly more hilarious each time you post.

Let me know if you want to bet on any of the BS you said today gambling god.

k thanks.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
11-01-2020 , 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by loco
I keep bringing up lowerbody lifts, because that's where the largest muscles of the body are. And this guy, basically has schoolgirl lifts.
What's hilarious is that you keep saying this thinking that the things I do is because that's my max.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
11-01-2020 , 11:38 AM
Loco please don't post anymore unless it's about something you're willing to bet on.

Otherwise it's not really worth the read.

Moving on... wk 1 weigh in. 212.4

5.6lbs lost so seems like I'm on track.

I think I'll see another 3 lbs or so for next few weeks and then start slowing down to a lb maybe 1.5lb per week the rest of the way.

Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
11-01-2020 , 11:42 AM
I already rested my case. If you feel I am totally wrong then you can start presenting your case soon.

There is Renton right there on video squatting three wheels. There is my man Aidan right there deadlifting 550. They are both overweight at your goal weight. In fact, besides a couple of true freaks like G4S and maybe Cha and Beechnusts, we are all overweight at your goal weight. So yeah don't take it the wrong way, we all look like the Michelin Man at your goal weight. And most of us are taller than you.

I got my dexas at the Washington Institute of Sports Medicine. Have at it.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
11-01-2020 , 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Spyutastic
Loco please don't post anymore unless it's about something you're willing to bet on.

Otherwise it's not really worth the read.
Well, you do control who posts here. If you don't want someone to post, simply make a non-conditional request either in your log or through a PM.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
11-01-2020 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by loco
There is Renton right there on video squatting three wheels.
All I'm saying is you know and I know you are just spewing BS.
I just want some compensation for it.

Your claim(and you get a chance to correct me if I'm wrong though anyone can just read what you posted.):

Renton can rep my squat max.

My claim: This is false.

Pretty simple no? If you truly believe this to be true let's wager. Or else be a man and say you said something that was grossly incorrect and apologize. Or stfu.

Seems pretty reasonable to me. I'm shocked that you as a gambling god would continue to make statements and not be willing to stand behind a single one.

I rest my case.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
11-01-2020 , 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by loco
I don't care to prop bet on something that can easily be cheated.
Any chance you can elaborate what the "easily cheated" entails?

I have kept up with all the latest science that shows dietary cholesterol is not the real problem.
LOL, "kept up with the latest science". Dude, this has been known for at least 20 years (probably longer). Welcome to the '90s, I guess.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
11-01-2020 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by loco
In fact, besides a couple of true freaks like G4S and maybe Cha and Beechnusts, we are all overweight at your goal weight.
I would look sickly at almost everyone's starting weight, not to mention their goal weight, lol.

But, I have enjoyed the last couple days of posts here.

Last edited by Gorilla4Sale; 11-01-2020 at 01:14 PM. Reason: Also, I pressed 292 dammit. Don't take those 7lbs from me, I earned them.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
11-01-2020 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by Melkerson
Any chance you can elaborate what the "easily cheated" entails?
That's of course not his real concern. His real concern is the likelihood that he would legitimately lose the bet which would be pretty close to a 100% certainty.
He knows this of course and it's painfully plain to everyone.

It's pretty cringe that he thinks that's a good excuse as if he really believed what he was saying, he would have no problem wagering and be willing to talk through how we can address the cheating concerns he has.

Like you said, easiest thing would be to just meet up at a gym of his choosing, do the weigh in and then do the lift. Simple. I would also video myself getting blood drawn and also logging into my account for the results if his concern is peds. (and also you can look at my marshmallow man body to see there's no way I'd be on any peds. He can't have it both ways.) I'd also be willing to take a urinalysis or whatever day of, or however often would make sense as well.

Of course the bet would have to be large enough to warrant all of this, but I wouldn't mind. I actually thought even without saying all of this that these types of details would be pretty much expected and standard for any real bet. Odd that a gambling god wouldn't know that.

But since he's a coward he wants to hide behind the guise of "omg he can cheat, that's why I won't bet." and also not willing to even entertain the solutions.

Anyways back to my main point, all his posts are just boring fiction. The only thing that would make it interesting is him actually putting some skin into the game behind anything he says. Which clearly he's not willing to do on any level.

Last edited by Mr Spyutastic; 11-01-2020 at 01:48 PM.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
11-01-2020 , 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by Gorilla4Sale
I would look sickly at almost everyone's starting weight, not to mention their goal weight, lol.

But, I have enjoyed the last couple days of posts here.
Don't feel bad. For a guy who's a self supposed expert on the press and everything else in life(he knows more than doctors yo), Loco throws around 5-10lbs like it's nothing.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
11-01-2020 , 06:11 PM

2x5 135 RPE 10
1x5 185 RPE 10

Curls RPE 1

Also did some cardio:

Jumping jacks 3x10

Last edited by Mr Spyutastic; 11-01-2020 at 06:34 PM.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
11-02-2020 , 09:17 PM

1x10 95
1x8 135
1x5 155
1x5 170
1x5 185
1x3 205
1x3 210
2x3 215
2x3 205
1x5 185
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
11-02-2020 , 09:49 PM
fake weights
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
11-02-2020 , 10:21 PM
I'm trying to model myself after my new fitness god Jeff Cavalry.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
11-02-2020 , 11:14 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Spyutastic

1x10 95
1x8 135
1x5 155
1x5 170
1x5 185
1x3 205
1x3 210
2x3 215
2x3 205
1x5 185

Leg press?
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
11-02-2020 , 11:40 PM
Originally Posted by bwslim69
Leg press?
Is there any other press?
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
11-02-2020 , 11:58 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Spyutastic
Is there any other press?

* French
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
11-03-2020 , 10:20 PM
BB rows


BB curls

A couple
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
11-04-2020 , 12:07 AM
did you drop weight last week?
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
11-04-2020 , 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
did you drop weight last week?
Yeah, a little over 5lbs.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
11-05-2020 , 12:43 AM

1x8 135
1x8 185
1x5 225
1x3 275
1x3 295
2x3 315
1x1 325
1x1 335
1x3 315
1x3 275

3x10 225
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
