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Spyutastic wants to bench and press Spyutastic wants to bench and press

10-31-2020 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Spyutastic
What I'm saying is that I don't think I can get low cholesterol #s naturally regardless of my weight or diet. I need the statin.
This was (is?) also true for me, fwiw; I got to 200 or a tick below statin free a few years back, albeit before I transitioned to full cardiobunny status due to olds/pandemic. Given I'm now 10-15 lbs less than what I was then, I think there's an argument to be made that I could theoretically forgo the statin now, but why bother. I actually haven't had a physical for a few years, so I'm interested to see what the numbers actual are now.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
10-31-2020 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by loco

Prop bets like this can't happen because it's too easy to cheat.
What cheating exactly are you thinking of? With 10K on the line you can easily fly out to an agreed upon location (just have loser pay costs or something). See the weigh-in in person, watch the lift, check the weights, etc.

The only thing I can think of is if you think he's going to get on PEDs to win the bet. If he's smart about it he could time his regimen so even a blood test may not detect anything.

So, is that what you're saying? You're afraid that Spuy will get on the sauce to win the bet? If there is some other form of cheating, what is it?
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
10-31-2020 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
This was (is?) also true for me, fwiw; I got to 200 or a tick below statin free a few years back, albeit before I transitioned to full cardiobunny status due to olds/pandemic. Given I'm now 10-15 lbs less than what I was then, I think there's an argument to be made that I could theoretically forgo the statin now, but why bother. I actually haven't had a physical for a few years, so I'm interested to see what the numbers actual are now.
Would you plan to be off the statin for a few months before you tested?

Even if your numbers are super low on the statin, if you test while on it, it's hard to say what they would be if you were off of it.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
10-31-2020 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by Melkerson
I do think that if you followed an insanely restrictive diet with no cheating you could do it. But compliance is near impossible.
I have no problem complying to any diet. I've done it plenty of times in my life.

But yeah 140 would be stupid for me. I weighed that my freshman year in high school during wrestling season. I was a twig with no muscles.

In other words Loco's ideal body type.

I eat this twice a day. Day 5 now.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
10-31-2020 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by Melkerson
Would you plan to be off the statin for a few months before you tested?

Even if your numbers are super low on the statin, if you test while on it, it's hard to say what they would be if you were off of it.
Obviously; I'm saying I'm interested in what they are now with on + cardio + further weight decrease. Even if I'm at higher than 1:1 HDL:LDL with total cholesterol at 140, is it really worth going off the statin at that point to see? IANAD, but from everything I've read the long term risks from statins don't occur all that frequently.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
10-31-2020 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by Melkerson
What cheating exactly are you thinking of? With 10K on the line you can easily fly out to an agreed upon location (just have loser pay costs or something). See the weigh-in in person, watch the lift, check the weights, etc.

The only thing I can think of is if you think he's going to get on PEDs to win the bet. If he's smart about it he could time his regimen so even a blood test may not detect anything.

So, is that what you're saying? You're afraid that Spuy will get on the sauce to win the bet? If there is some other form of cheating, what is it?
All this is pretty moot anyways.

1. He likely doesn't have any money he can afford to part with to use for any bet. Hence his track record of accepting prop bets is 0fer even when he's allowed to dictate most of the terms.

2. He doesn't really believe in the statements he's making. Not with any real conviction anyways. In his true mind I could do 205 at 180 bw pretty much a lock no question. But it hurts his ego to admit that.

As is typical with these donks his actions don't correspond with his words.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
10-31-2020 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
Obviously; I'm saying I'm interested in what they are now with on + cardio + further weight decrease. Even if I'm at higher than 1:1 HDL:LDL with total cholesterol at 140, is it really worth going off the statin at that point to see? IANAD, but from everything I've read the long term risks from statins don't occur all that frequently.
I used to have a buddy who was a cardiologist who would say that "statins should be in the water", so I think he would agree with your risk/benefit assessment. Obviously there is a bit of hyperbole in that statement as he wasn't on them himself (but he was early 30s and a tiny bro).

The only thing that would determine whether it is worth it to come off for 3 months is your level of curiosity. 3 months off is almost certainly going to do nothing to your mortality risk. Especially if you're planning to resume unless your numbers are unbelievably good.

I'm almost certain that if you stopped the statins but otherwise maintained your diet and exercise regimen there would be no "need" for statins. But even if you don't meet the usual criteria for statin use, is it possible you might benefit slightly from further LDL reduction by taking them? I don't know if that's true and I haven't really looked into the issue in a long time, but it seems plausible.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
10-31-2020 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Spyutastic
All this is pretty moot anyways.

1. He likely doesn't have any money he can afford to part with to use for any bet. Hence his track record of accepting prop bets is 0fer even when he's allowed to dictate most of the terms.

2. He doesn't really believe in the statements he's making. Not with any real conviction anyways. In his true mind I could do 205 at 180 bw pretty much a lock no question. But it hurts his ego to admit that.

As is typical with these donks his actions don't correspond with his words.
I have little doubt that loco can afford the bet. It's not like we're talking about millions or whatever he was referring to with Thremp.

It's more related to your #2. He's gonna have to walk something back, and no one likes to do that. Fear of cheating is a good cop out. And it's not like it's isn't a legit concern for these types of bets. But when you have that kind of money on the line, the safeguards are cheap enough that you can't really hide behind them any more. Unless he's going to go with the PED excuse.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
10-31-2020 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by Melkerson
Unless he's going to go with the PED excuse.
Even then I'd be willing to take regular blood tests every 3 months and post the results.

But yeah he's not going to accept any terms no matter how accommodating because at the end of the day he knows I'd win the bet.

Which is my whole point that everything he says is just keyboard warrior nonsense.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
10-31-2020 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Spyutastic
I have no problem complying to any diet. I've done it plenty of times in my life.
Well, the major difference is that now it wouldn't be a "time". It would be for life. Diets are much easier to comply with when there is an end in site.

Extremely low carbs, no alcohol, just very lean protein and veggies forever. Maybe we'll allow a small amount of oil for food prep. You probably don't actually need to be that restrictive, but if you did exactly that, I'm nearly certain your lipid profile would be fine. Hardly seems worth it over just taking the statin.

But I agree that it is possible that you could do that for a year or two and still have bad numbers. I just think that outcome is a less likely one, even with your history.

Last edited by Melkerson; 10-31-2020 at 04:03 PM.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
10-31-2020 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Spyutastic
Even then I'd be willing to take regular blood tests every 3 months and post the results.
He'll say even that can be gamed or falsified and he wouldn't be wrong.

But yeah he's not going to accept any terms no matter how accommodating because at the end of the day he knows I'd win the bet.

Which is my whole point that everything he says is just keyboard warrior nonsense.
Agreed. It's mostly this.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
10-31-2020 , 04:04 PM
Yeah they're willing to say everything is fake no matter how much proof you provide I've found.

Like this isn't even a screen shot. It's a picture of my phone taken with another phone.

But I'm sure this would be unacceptable to him. Probably even if I made it a video of me logging into my account and pulling up the results.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
10-31-2020 , 04:06 PM
I must be expert at photoshop. Amazing how I'm always able to doctor all these photos in a matter of seconds and post them.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
10-31-2020 , 04:13 PM
In some bizarre universe where this bet did happen, in Loco's mind it's more likely that I have good connections with Doctors at Standford Health who falsified blood test results to help me win a prop bet.

Not that, you know I didn't take any peds lol.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
10-31-2020 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Spyutastic
All this is pretty moot anyways.

1. He likely doesn't have any money he can afford to part with to use for any bet. Hence his track record of accepting prop bets is 0fer even when he's allowed to dictate most of the terms.

2. He doesn't really believe in the statements he's making. Not with any real conviction anyways. In his true mind I could do 205 at 180 bw pretty much a lock no question. But it hurts his ego to admit that.

As is typical with these donks his actions don't correspond with his words.

so you’re saying he’s a coward and he’s full of shi t?

Because that’s what he seems like to me
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
10-31-2020 , 06:10 PM
lmao at citing athlean X

Sick fake weights and PEDs. He’s your typical fake natty con-man. He just also happens to be articulate and good at business.

If you think Athlean X is natural. Big yikes.

He looks great for his age don’t get me wrong, but that certainly wouldn’t be the guy I’d cite as “god”
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
10-31-2020 , 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Spyutastic
Which is my whole point that everything he says is just keyboard warrior nonsense.
Loco trains for marathons and thinks everyone should aspire to that type of physique. He kept on you and got what he wanted...a bunch of emotional replies to his posts.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
10-31-2020 , 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by Rich Muny
Loco trains for marathons and thinks everyone should aspire to that type of physique. He kept on you and got what he wanted...a bunch of emotional replies to his posts.
Nah I was just really wanting the bet to go down.

Don't really care about the other stuff.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
10-31-2020 , 10:24 PM

1x8 135
1x8 185
1x5 225
1x3 275
3x3 315
1x5 295

First weigh in check up tomorrow morning after wk 1 of the cut.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
10-31-2020 , 11:44 PM
Originally Posted by bwslim69
See I’d like to put up a thread to track some offseason golf related training I’m gonna do but these things seem to devolve into nonsense every time so now why bother?
Prob addressed elsewhere, but in H&F you set the terms of your thread and can ban people/topics etc from it no ifs, buts or ands.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
11-01-2020 , 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by Aidan
Prob addressed elsewhere, but in H&F you set the terms of your thread and can ban people/topics etc from it no ifs, buts or ands.
You can ban mods from your log?
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
11-01-2020 , 12:22 AM
Of course. I mean, we could still ban you for being a see you next tuesday, but wouldn't post if it was requested not to.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
11-01-2020 , 01:05 AM
Originally Posted by Aidan
Of course. I mean, we could still ban you for being a see you next tuesday, but wouldn't post if it was requested not to.
I didn't realize that.

I figure the mods we've got are they type of people that would not post in a log if requested. But I did not realize it was an actual rule and thought it would just happen because you are reasonable people.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
11-01-2020 , 01:17 AM
Yes, but of course there are the obvious limits. Someone (I won't mention names) couldn't ban all the mods from their log and have a unmoderated log. We'd still moderate. In fact, we'd still post moderation-related stuff to such logs if we felt it to be necessary. But, yes, if someone asked me to stay out of their log, outside of moderator stuff I'd certainly honor the request.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
11-01-2020 , 02:22 AM
Originally Posted by Rich Muny
Yes, but of course there are the obvious limits. Someone (I won't mention names) couldn't ban all the mods from their log and have a unmoderated log. We'd still moderate. In fact, we'd still post moderation-related stuff to such logs if we felt it to be necessary. But, yes, if someone asked me to stay out of their log, outside of moderator stuff I'd certainly honor the request.
Yeah, it goes without saying that you can still moderate a log.

I'm talking about non-moderation posting.

So what happens when a mod posts in someone's log after they've been asked not to. Do they eat a ban? Infractions? De-moding?

I realize this is all theoretical as I'm sure all current greens would just stay away if asked.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
