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09-24-2017 , 12:28 AM
Originally Posted by Renton555
You do a ton of stuff, I wouldn't be surprised if 3000 calories were still cutting for you.

Which is to say good job dude! How do you manage to do all this stuff?
Idk probably just a bunch of average exertion tbh, not particularly good at anything.

There is something in the back of my mind pushing me to do as much as I can now while I'm completely healthy. There were days when I couldn't walk when my arthritis was bad, so I use that at a motivator. I work about 55 hours a week and will travel 100+ days this year. Exercise is a great distraction and break from everything.

Originally Posted by nuclear500
Lying down facepulls. Seems like it would be restrictive to the rotator cuff.

I'll have to try that sometime
Got it from my favorite YouTube Broscience guy, Jeff Nippard. His channel has a a lot of good stuff.
Spenda's Totally Livin...with Colitis Log Quote
09-24-2017 , 08:20 PM
Yesterday ended at 4,200 calories then I slept for 11 hours. So i felt pretty damn good this morning.

Last meal was at 10pm, had a protein shake post climbing at 630 but wasn't really hungry at all. The joys of IF I guess.

Exercise 238

Bouldering 2.5 hours

Decided to make Sunday climbing a technique day. Didn't try a anything over a V2. Major focus was on proper footwork through the session. Sent about 20 different problems multiple times each. I'd guess it was over 50 sends. Also did the easiest circuit on the system board without issue.

I like this for Sunday as a bit of a rest day for my body but I still get to do something fairly active.

Did abs to finish, about 10 total sets.
Spenda's Totally Livin...with Colitis Log Quote
09-25-2017 , 09:25 AM
1,000m repeats (3min rest)

4:40 (warm-up)

Much better pacing, legs feel a lot better now that deadlifts are on Saturday.

This adds up to a 21:16 5k which is about 6:51/mile pace. My heart rate was right about 150bpm after each one of these. I'd like to get this workout down to 4:10 average before attempting my next all out 5k.
Spenda's Totally Livin...with Colitis Log Quote
09-25-2017 , 08:35 PM
Exercise 239

Incline bench

Did 4,5,6,7,8,9,10xBW wide grip chins between bench sets

SS1 4 sets
Incline DB bench
BB rows

Cable flys 4 sets

SS2 3 sets
BTN press
Side raises

Random delt work 3 sets

Cut the back stuff short today, left elbow not happy after chins. Think it's related to lock off work might need to suspend that for a while.
Spenda's Totally Livin...with Colitis Log Quote
09-25-2017 , 09:43 PM
The parallel grip chin is the safest.
Spenda's Totally Livin...with Colitis Log Quote
09-25-2017 , 11:05 PM
Originally Posted by loco
The parallel grip chin is the safest.
I was doing fine on the wide palms facing away before I introduced lock off work. I haven't had great success on the parallel grip, it has led to elbow issues. Plus the only apparatus on my gym that allows it is super narrow.
Spenda's Totally Livin...with Colitis Log Quote
09-26-2017 , 09:18 AM
20min tempo run

4.29km in 20:00 (4:40/km)

Easier than first tempo run, each km was slightly faster than the previous one. Don't need to get much faster at these, they aren't supposed to be overly taxing.
Spenda's Totally Livin...with Colitis Log Quote
09-26-2017 , 11:53 PM
Exercise 240

Bouldering gym 2.5 hours

Supposed to be my day projecting harder stuff but my left elbow wasn't having it. Warmed up on every V1 and V2 in the gym (24? Total routes?) and typically once it gets warm the pain subsides. Sent a few V4's I've done before but those even felt rough.

Decided to do some endurance stuff then went to the exercise area and messed around with a bit of leg work. Did the following.

KB overhead squats
KB one leg RDLs
KB step ups
KB lunges
KB swings

Not a bad day glad I didn't push myself too hard need to make sure the elbow recovers.
Spenda's Totally Livin...with Colitis Log Quote
09-28-2017 , 12:08 AM
Exercise 241

Press 5x5x105
Chins 4x5xBW+15, 6xBW+15

SS2 4 sets
Incline bench
BB rows

SS3 3 sets
Rope pulldowns
Seated DB presss

BTN press 3 sets

Curls 6 sets
Spenda's Totally Livin...with Colitis Log Quote
09-29-2017 , 12:42 AM
Was raining hard this morning, tried to run outside but roads just too wet.

Decided to try my luck on the treadmills in my apartment gym. Worked up to 11.1mph quarter mile repeat at 1% grade but my shins did not like it at all.

Did a bunch of ab work after that.

Total running stats for September:

Distance run 79km (80km August)
Average pace 4:39/km (5:01 August)

Pretty happy with running profession, no complaints.
Spenda's Totally Livin...with Colitis Log Quote
09-29-2017 , 12:44 AM
Exercise 242

Bouldering gym 3 hours

Main gym was prepping for a comp tomorrow so went to sister facility. Turns out everyone else had that idea too, place was packed.

Worked on some tough overhang circuits, did a lot of traverse work on good holds, and projected a few V4's with minimal success. Not a bad session just kinda random and basically went where the wasn't a crowd.
Spenda's Totally Livin...with Colitis Log Quote
09-30-2017 , 01:39 AM
Exercise 243

Did 10x5 wide chins in between sets

Flat bench

Incline DB bench


SS1 3 sets
Cable flys
Push ups

Triceps 4 sets
Spenda's Totally Livin...with Colitis Log Quote
09-30-2017 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by Spenda
Was raining hard this morning, tried to run outside but roads just too wet.

Decided to try my luck on the treadmills in my apartment gym. Worked up to 11.1mph quarter mile repeat at 1% grade but my shins did not like it at all.

Did a bunch of ab work after that.

Total running stats for September:

Distance run 79km (80km August)
Average pace 4:39/km (5:01 August)

Pretty happy with running profession, no complaints.
Screwed up and thought the month ended Friday (pains of being in sales lol)

Long conversation pace run

14.54km (9.02miles) in 1:15:00 (5:10/km or 8:20/mile)

Pretty easy, left hip bothering me past few days but didn't really impact the run.

Final stats are now:

Distance run 90.6km (80km August)
Average pace 4:44/km (5:01 August)
Spenda's Totally Livin...with Colitis Log Quote
09-30-2017 , 07:30 PM
Well this workout was supposed to suck, and it did. Decided to go easy after DLs due to hip and elbow discomfort. For the best I imagine.

Exercise 244

Sumo DLs
5x265 @8
5x265 @8
8x265 @9 (WR!)

Back was probably less AIDSy than last weeks 10x255

Leg curls 3 sets
RDLs 3 sets
Shrugs 4 sets

Now to watch the Aggies get embarrassed by Muschamp.
Spenda's Totally Livin...with Colitis Log Quote
09-30-2017 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by Spenda
8x265 @9 (WR!)
Just gonna beat my PR by one pound, eh? I see how it is.
Spenda's Totally Livin...with Colitis Log Quote
10-01-2017 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by Renton555
Just gonna beat my PR by one pound, eh? I see how it is.
That's what you get for leaving USA#1. You do weigh a lot less than me though so you win...for now.

Decided to weigh in and take waist measurements. Haven't measured since August 1st.

Bodyweight 148 (150 on Aug 1st)
Waist at navel 30" (31" on Aug 1st)

Visually I look decent, a little skinny but whatever. Since DEXA seems to be all the rage I might go soon to see if I'm lol skinnyfat or just lol skinny.
Spenda's Totally Livin...with Colitis Log Quote
10-02-2017 , 12:12 AM
Exercise 245

Bouldering 3 hours

Supposed to be a lighter day but there were a couple of projects I wanted to work on and I felt pretty good.

To no surprise I failed both. One is a 15-move circuit on a 45 degree overhang system wall. I've now completed every move but the second to last is the sure crux but when I get there I'm gassed and can't keep my feet on the wall even with a solid heel hook.

Not sure how you rate problems like this, but there isn't a single move tougher than a V3 graded problem but you put 15 in a row together on a massive overhang and it's pretty tough. Hope to get it next time.

Sent a few V3 comp style boulders that were still up from a competition the day before.
Spenda's Totally Livin...with Colitis Log Quote
10-02-2017 , 12:35 AM
Rofl 30" waist. I think a side by side comparison to the machinist would be a more accurate bf% estimation technique.
Spenda's Totally Livin...with Colitis Log Quote
10-02-2017 , 09:23 AM
Originally Posted by Renton555
Rofl 30" waist. I think a side by side comparison to the machinist would be a more accurate bf% estimation technique.
Lol so you're saying I'm like 4% bf? Perfect.

1,000m repeats (3min rest)

4:50 (warm-up)

That's a 21:15 5k combined. Getting closer to where I should be.

Legs felt awful but happy I got this one done. Really need to work down to these around 4:10 average.
Spenda's Totally Livin...with Colitis Log Quote
10-02-2017 , 09:48 AM
Spenda's Totally Livin...with Colitis Log Quote
10-02-2017 , 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by loco
14% sounds right, have abs but not enough LBM to look like an adult male.
Spenda's Totally Livin...with Colitis Log Quote
10-02-2017 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by Spenda

Not sure how you rate problems like this, but there isn't a single move tougher than a V3 graded problem but you put 15 in a row together on a massive overhang and it's pretty tough. Hope to get it next time.

Sent a few V3 comp style boulders that were still up from a competition the day before.
I used to think it was supposed to be the hardest move on the boulder but doesn't seem right nor make sense.

There is a famous boulder at a local place here at Stone Fort, Chattanooga called Super Mario boulder (just in case you wanted to see it). Super Mario goes at a v4 and moves across, you can add on the extension that goes up, which goes at a v6. It's basically 2 v4s imo. There is also v7, named redhouse, that you have to pull off the ground and basically links into Super Mario. Add the extension, and it gets a v8. Idk its a bit arbitrary and weird.
Spenda's Totally Livin...with Colitis Log Quote
10-03-2017 , 09:41 PM
Life curveball yesterday afternoon, grandmother was rushed to the ER and I went to hang out with her for 12 hours until family came to relieve me. Her hospital happens to be right next to my gym which helped me blow off some stress for a couple hours this afternoon.

Exercise 246

Bouldering gym 90 minutes

Gym still has all the comp problems up from the past Friday so got to try all the intermediate ones. Of the ~16 problems I tried I only failed to send 2. Flashed/onsighted more than half also. These are supposed to be V3-V4+ in rating.

I am getting better for sure, stuck some moves I'd typically think I would fall on in the past. Also was able to not only complete the crux but finish the problem which was nice.

Finished with abs.
Spenda's Totally Livin...with Colitis Log Quote
10-05-2017 , 12:43 PM

Exercise 247

SS1 5 sets
Press 5x105
Weighted chins 5xBW+20

SS2 3 sets
Incline bench
BB rows

SS3 3 sets
BTN press
Delt work

Quick session between work and the hospital, whatever.
Spenda's Totally Livin...with Colitis Log Quote
10-05-2017 , 12:48 PM

20:00 "tempo run" shooting for 4:35-4:40 pace

4.48km in 19:59

That's 4:28/km or 7:11/mile pace. Slightly too fast and right at current 5k PR pace. Wasn't as difficult as the 5k but was a solid tough effort.

Came back to apartment gym and did three rounds of

DB overhead squats
DB lunges
DB step ups
Spenda's Totally Livin...with Colitis Log Quote
