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Snipe's 5/3/1 Log (for now...) Snipe's 5/3/1 Log (for now...)

04-22-2011 , 11:37 PM
Session 17:

Set 1: 150 x 5
Set 2: 170 x 5
Set 3: 195 x 10

135+15 (chains) x 3 x 10
4: 135+15 (chains) x 9
5: 135 x 10

Pendlay (Misread numbers)
1) 140 x 5
2) 160 x 5
3) 160 x 7+1

1) 50 x 20
2) 50 x 17
3) 50 x 12

Overall felt pretty strong. I'm glad I deloaded as my shoulders felt good as did everything else. Was happy with this session even though I might be overdoing the assistance work.
Snipe's 5/3/1 Log (for now...) Quote
04-24-2011 , 09:54 PM
Session 18:

Power Cleans
Set 1: 95 x 5
Set 2: 115 x 5
Set 3: 135 x 5 (Vid)
Set 4: 145 x 5 (Vid)

Set 1: 185 x 5
Set 2: 215 x 5
Set 3: 245 x 10

Felt pretty sluggish today after an evening of drinking, but was surprised at how much better I felt after getting started. Pretty happy with my PC progress, even though they're certainly not perfect. After just one session with Jared, marked improvement!!! Very happy. Now if only the Lakers can beat the spread AND go over, it'll be a decent day for me.
Snipe's 5/3/1 Log (for now...) Quote
04-25-2011 , 02:01 AM
lakers choose to lose basically.
Snipe's 5/3/1 Log (for now...) Quote
04-25-2011 , 02:16 AM
;asdkfj;alsdjflda;sjfl; kj - I mean - if you're gonna **** the bed on the spread, at LEAST get to over time so I can win my OVER!!! FML!!!! That's what I get for betting on the Lakers. UGH!!!

Then my buddy pointed out that I need to lower my ass on my PCs, which after watching them more, I think I agree with. Ugh.
Snipe's 5/3/1 Log (for now...) Quote
04-25-2011 , 02:21 AM
Oh - also snapped this one the other day

I actually didn't know who your namesake was, but listening to him on youtube - I dig his stuff (that I've heard). Perhaps I'll go.
Snipe's 5/3/1 Log (for now...) Quote
04-25-2011 , 02:24 AM
Sick that you're working out at Cal strength. Couple things I noticed in your clean that a pic can illustrate pretty well:

1) Your back angle is almost completely flat by the time the bar is 1/4" off the ground. I'm pretty sure you want to be a lot more vertical than this at the start. I think if you can get farther back and engage your hamstrings in the start position (externally rotate your hips and possibly bring your feet a bit farther together to really feel this) you'd be a bit better off.
2) Bar is pretty far in front of your shins when you start, despite rolling it towards you in your setup. I know a lot of people roll the bar some before they start but for you it looks like it puts you on a path you either keep the bar in front of you or you pull it inwards before you start the second pull.
Snipe's 5/3/1 Log (for now...) Quote
04-25-2011 , 08:50 PM
Yeah, I was consciously trying to do a couple things different with these reps (that I felt better about before watching them over and over).

A) I was trying to really 'maintain' my back angle and not get too upright (which it appears I over did)

B) I was trying NOT to hit my knees on the way up (which embarrassingly enough, I do fairly often).

C) I was trying not to 'deadlift' though the first pull (kinda redundant I guess as really, this was just my attempt to maintain my back angle).

It really does look like I got lazy and let my back round. I think if I flatten it out, it will pull my ass down and give me a more correct angle over all. Oh well - a long way to go, but showing improvement.

Now time to go Press.
Snipe's 5/3/1 Log (for now...) Quote
04-25-2011 , 09:57 PM
you will hit your knees way more often if you try to avoid hitting them. if the bar is too far forward (like you have it), the path initially will be mostly vertical but with a horizontal component toward you. many elite lifters do have that going on during the first pull, but it would probably be best for you to learn with the bar around midfoot to start.
Snipe's 5/3/1 Log (for now...) Quote
04-25-2011 , 11:10 PM
Session 19:

Set 1: 85 x 5
Set 2: 95 x 5
Set 3: 110 x 9 + 1 Push Rep


75 x 3 x 10
75 x 1 x 8
65 x 1 x 10

Chins (@217.5 lbs)
1) 7 + 1
2) 5 + 4
3) 4 + 6
4) 1 + 8
5) 0 + 10 (Pull / Wide)

Felt decent today. Chest and delts are still super sore / tight from Friday's Bench Session. Warmed up on the bike, did a couple super painful shoulder dislocates. Not much else to report.
Snipe's 5/3/1 Log (for now...) Quote
04-29-2011 , 01:07 AM
Cal Strength Session 2:

Great session at Cal Strength today. Did a lot of PC work and deads. As mentioned above, I really needed to get my ass down, push with my legs, and quicken the transition through the 2nd pull. I also need to work on getting under the bar more. That said, more promising steps. Def PR'ed both PCs and Deads (though I don't really feel like my form was anything to brag about on either, a PR is a PR I suppose).

Power Cleans
165 x 4 x 3
176 x 1
187 x 1
194 x 1
176 x 3

220 x 3
264 x 2
286 x 1
308 x 1
330 x 1
341 x 1
264 x 10

186 x 10

Medicine Ball Situp / Throw thing
10 x 25

I really wish I lived closer to Cal Strength (and could afford to somehow go every day). I'm really loving my time there and everyone is great.
Snipe's 5/3/1 Log (for now...) Quote
04-29-2011 , 06:47 AM
I thought Pendlay hated power cleans for beginners (prefers the full version). Is the guy teaching you not as opposed to them?
Snipe's 5/3/1 Log (for now...) Quote
04-29-2011 , 03:13 PM
I always assumed (and fairly sure I'm right) our milesdyson's namesake is the guy from Terminator.
Snipe's 5/3/1 Log (for now...) Quote
04-29-2011 , 03:59 PM
i didn't even catch that in the post with the picture, so i was like wtf snitch? then i found it, so i was like oh yeah. snitch is right.
Snipe's 5/3/1 Log (for now...) Quote
04-29-2011 , 04:05 PM
I think milesdyson has an automatic script which searches 2p2 for mentions of his name and sends him and sms... unless... HE IS THE REAL MILES DYSON AND HAS ALREADY CREATED SKYNET AND SKYNET ALERTS HIM! OH F*CK!!!!

ps. gunna throw it out there that the dj miles dyson is probably named after the terminator dude too.
Snipe's 5/3/1 Log (for now...) Quote
04-29-2011 , 05:16 PM
Bold predictions itt
Snipe's 5/3/1 Log (for now...) Quote
04-29-2011 , 06:12 PM
Nice job upping the PCs!

And for an additional bold prediction to toss in the mix: I predict it will go higher, .

And that I'll be back looking in this for Snipe's avatar, .
Snipe's 5/3/1 Log (for now...) Quote
04-29-2011 , 06:34 PM
Wow - I didn't even remember the Miles Dyson character.

As far as the cleans go, we seem to be getting closer and closer to full cleans as the weight goes up. My first attempt at 194 got up to about rib height and I dropped it. My second attempt I pulled harder and got under the bar more aggressively and got it.

For what it's worth, I don't really consider myself a beginner though as I've been training pretty hard for a couple years. I'm not as beast as some, and am sure I can improve my form everywhere - but definitely wouldn't consider myself a beginner.

Also, if a guy comes in like 'I want to pay you to teach me what you're known for' - there's not a lot of places that will say 'Nah, keep your money. We good."
Snipe's 5/3/1 Log (for now...) Quote
04-29-2011 , 10:11 PM
Session 20:

Set 1: 160 x 3
Set 2: 185 x 3
Set 3: 205 x 6

135+15 (chains) x 4 x 10
5: 135+15 (chains) x 8

1) 135 x 3
2) 150 x 3
3) 170 x 7

1) 80 x 8
2) 80 x 6
3) 70 x 4+1

So I'm going to see some people I haven't seen for a couple years, and have really felt like bro'ing out with some curls lately, so **** it - I did. Figured after watching the Arnold vid where he discusses the pump - I wanted to feel like I was cumming while my muscles tore through my skin.

It didn't work, but at least my arms are a little swole for when I go see everyone.

Otherwise, I felt pretty ****ty tbh. I was trying my belt out for the first time, AND trying all the stuff that Dave Tate discusses in his So you think you can bench series - and generally just didn't quite feel right.

Oh well.
Snipe's 5/3/1 Log (for now...) Quote
05-02-2011 , 11:46 PM
Session 21:


Set 1: 165 x 3
Set 2: 190 x 3
Set 3: 215 x 9


Front Squat: 115 x 10 x 2 (Vid)

For whatever reason, I felt kinda light headed on my last heavy set or I think I coulda got a rep or 2 more out. Then, after cleaning the bar to my shoulders for the 3rd set of squats, I felt a little light headed again, and my back was tired, so I called it a day. :/
Snipe's 5/3/1 Log (for now...) Quote
05-03-2011 , 05:36 AM
Hard to tell because vid was really slow for whatever reason but the clean looked a lot better.
Snipe's 5/3/1 Log (for now...) Quote
05-03-2011 , 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by dtemp
Hard to tell because vid was really slow for whatever reason but the clean looked a lot better.
Yeah, thank you!!! I think it IS getting a lot better, though I still need to bang the bar harder and be more explosive into the 2nd pull.

I'm REALLY loving these knee sleeves as well. The belt, I'm not sure about yet.
Snipe's 5/3/1 Log (for now...) Quote
05-03-2011 , 11:28 PM
Session 19:

Set 1: 90 x 3
Set 2: 105 x 3
Set 3: 115 x 8 + 1 Push Rep


75 x 5 x 10

Chins (@217.5 lbs)
1) 8
2) 6
3) 4 + 6
4) 1 + 9
5) 0 + 10
Snipe's 5/3/1 Log (for now...) Quote
05-06-2011 , 05:00 AM
Cal Strength Session 3:

Worked on full cleans today. Can't really recall how many I did working up, but ended up doing several work sets at 80 kg. Strangely, it was a LOT easier to power clean than full clean @ 80 for me, as I think when catching the bar low, I don't finish the pull. I equated it to an inbetween iron shot in golf. It was tough for sure, but I made some progress. Actually lost one in the hole for the first time and ended up on my ass.

Moved onto HBBS where I worked up to 110 kg, and did a work set of 5, then 3+1 before moving down to maybe 80 kg (I don't really recall) and finishing with a set of 9. I was AMAZINGLY gassed today for whatever reason (been sleeping like **** lately - breakup / standard insomnia, etc).

Finished with a set of abs.

Definitely my toughest session so far as I couldn't finish some of the sets he gave me. Absolutely loving the place tho, and Jared is pretty great to workout with.
Snipe's 5/3/1 Log (for now...) Quote
05-06-2011 , 12:50 PM
I don't know how I missed that you were starting training at Cal Strength, but that is very cool. Gl.
Snipe's 5/3/1 Log (for now...) Quote
05-06-2011 , 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by downtown
I don't know how I missed that you were starting training at Cal Strength, but that is very cool. Gl.
Thanks man!!! Yesterday was definitely the hardest day so far, and I'm HURTIN today. My old, basketball / volleyball worn and surgically repaired knees are feelin rickity and I can't quite tell if these Rehbands are helping.
Snipe's 5/3/1 Log (for now...) Quote
