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should i get breast reduction? should i get breast reduction?

09-11-2007 , 01:55 PM
I'm 6'0, 180lbs, so Im not a fatty. In fact, I would say I am in pretty good shape. I don't have man boobs as im sure you are imagining.

Since i was like 12, i have had puffy nipples. Now, everything looks fine when its cold and I get fripply nipplies, everything looks great.

But if left to their own devices, my nipples sorta puff out and make my pecs look somewhat triangular. i can even see it through my shirt sometimes.

Bottom line is that when I was 15/16 (25 now) in the best shape of my life (6'0 probably 170 or so) I still had these nipples. I'd have a rippled six pack and puffy nipples. I am not sure that they are a spot that I can make significant work on by staying in shape. My search on the internet has somewhat confirmed this kind of situation with many other people.

my skin doctor (i get checked up for skin cancer like every 3 months) is also a plastic surgeon. I asked him about removing the fat under the nipple. he tells me he has to take all teh fat out of the pectoral area otherwise it will look weird. 1.5 hrs, $3800 up to $5800 (he is going to see what $$$ he can do it for when i go see him this week for mole removal shiz). i can pretty much only swing this because of poker - but will put significant dent in my BR

alright, sorry for long read, but curious on what your 2 cents are 2p2. i am kinda on the fence about this right now. I really don't like plastic surgery, but if this is the only way then....?
should i get breast reduction? Quote
09-11-2007 , 01:58 PM
if its actually gyno then i think surgery is the only way to get rid of not sure if its common, but i've read they can be cancerous...good luck...
should i get breast reduction? Quote
09-11-2007 , 02:04 PM
yeah if it's gyno then surgery is all you can do. i'd get a second opinion to make sure and also to see how much someone else would charge.

as for whether or not you should... that's only a decision you can make because it's your body and your money. just weigh the pros and cons.
should i get breast reduction? Quote
09-11-2007 , 02:37 PM
im not sure if its common, but i've read they can be cancerous...good luck...
should i get breast reduction? Quote
09-11-2007 , 04:11 PM
Agreed with the second opinions/pricing thing. At least that many.

Mine are a little puffy too, have been since I was a very skinny and extremely athletic kid. Nobody has ever commented on it or even looked more than glancingly, though. Pretty minor. But it's still distressing when you know it yourself. I'm not sure how bad yours are, but as long as you keep skinny, it might be worse in your mind than it is in real life. If it's that bad, I'm assuming you talked to a doctor and made sure it's not something funny with your hormones or anything, but purely cosmetic.
should i get breast reduction? Quote
09-11-2007 , 04:29 PM
Puffy Nipples - 5 page thread on subject
should i get breast reduction? Quote
09-11-2007 , 05:08 PM
Holy crap some of those pics are gross.
should i get breast reduction? Quote
09-11-2007 , 06:02 PM
very good link ty
should i get breast reduction? Quote
09-11-2007 , 08:48 PM
I wouldn't do it, just because it seems terrible to me to spend money on cosmetic surgery when you could use those dollars to save the lives of starving children.
should i get breast reduction? Quote
09-11-2007 , 09:00 PM
You could use those nipples to feed them, too.
should i get breast reduction? Quote
09-11-2007 , 10:41 PM
I wouldn't do it, just because it seems terrible to me to spend money on cosmetic surgery when you could use those dollars to save the lives of starving children.
i dont even know how to respond to this
should i get breast reduction? Quote
09-12-2007 , 03:08 AM
I wouldn't do it, just because it seems terrible to me to spend money on cosmetic surgery when you could use those dollars to save the lives of starving children.
i dont even know how to respond to this
Tell him to keep spending his money on posts in SMP or books about working out or to keep making money from online gambling. Any would be A+
should i get breast reduction? Quote
