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Shin Splints Shin Splints

02-04-2011 , 05:19 PM
I have been playing football (soccer) for ages now about 3 times a week on average but the last 2 or 3 weeks I have been getting these shin splints whilst I play, anyone had any experience with this and ways to cure it? I'm pretty sure this is cause by me being flat footed but I'm not sure because I've never had it before.

Also I have match tomorrow (I'm planning to take sometime off after this match), I want to know if there is anything I can do to ease the pain a bit?
I have a few heat and freeze sprays and just bought a heat and freeze ice pack which I could use before the game. which do you think is best heat or freezing it before a match?

If there is anything else you can suggest please do
Shin Splints Quote
02-04-2011 , 06:47 PM
Deal with it. :-D

I used to run track on a all gravel track (still the only one in the county/state if I recall)

Sometimes you can do everything in the book but it will still hurt or atleast annoy you while running, RICE will only take you so far.

How to treat MTSS
To relieve the pain caused by MTSS, ice massage and Achilles tendon stretching are performed 3 to 4 times a day. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories such as aspirin are recommended to relieve inflammation and pain. Gentle stretching of the leg muscles that includes the calf, heel cord, and hamstring is essential before and after exercising to treat MTSS. Any anatomic foot variation, such as a pronated (a foot with a low arch) flat foot, should be corrected with a semirigid foot orthosis (shoe insert). Runners should use a running shoe that provides shock absorption and has a firm heel support. Gentle flexibility and strengthening exercises for the muscles involved should also be added to the workout.

The key treatment for MTSS is rest from the activity that causes the pain. Once the pain has subsided, less stressful exercise can begin. For example, for the first week, biking and swimming can be substituted for running. Then the patient can start training again at about half the previous level of intensity (half the distance or pace). The exercise intensity should be gradually increased to the desired level over 3 to 6 weeks. Recurrence of pain is a signal that the level of activity has been resumed too fast.

Active individuals who have recurring MTSS need not stop exercising or running. They should first correct predisposing factors, such as wearing worn-out shoes, running on hard surfaces and pavement, or increasing training too quickly. If the pain does not subside with these changes and a reduction of activity, then a visit to their orthopaedist is warranted. Rarely, if the symptoms do not respond with long periods of rest, a patient may undergo surgery to release the soleus attachment to the tibia. Usually after surgery, the patient may walk as tolerated, and activity is gradually increased over the following 3 months.

---- excerpt/

I wouldn't say stop running, maybe just train on smooth surfaces and avoid inclines declines. do some minor stretch rehab work and you should be fine.

Replace your ****** shoes if that is the case as well
Shin Splints Quote
02-04-2011 , 06:57 PM
New/better shoes have solved 95% of all the problems I've ever had with shin splints.
Shin Splints Quote
02-04-2011 , 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by UnitedAs1
which do you think is best heat or freezing it before a match?
I'm just itt to read the responses, but to reply to this: don't ever freeze anything before a physical activity. Only after.
Shin Splints Quote
02-06-2011 , 03:03 AM
So I played the match yesterday now its time for the recovery stage...How should I go about this? I mean a lot of rest and Ice is on the cards but what about small exercises? Also how long should I be recovering for?

Originally Posted by Turn Prophet
New/better shoes have solved 95% of all the problems I've ever had with shin splints.
My boots/shoes are fine I think well I did spend like £90.00 on them reduced from £150.00 so I imagine there fine, But I don't think the insoles are brillant, where would I go to get new insoles? can I get some decent 1's online? I know you should get them properly fitted but where I live I wouldn't know where to go.
Shin Splints Quote
02-06-2011 , 03:04 AM
o btw thanks for everyone the replied yesterday
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