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Roger Carlson Modified Golden Six log Roger Carlson Modified Golden Six log

08-22-2009 , 10:11 AM
I walked downtown and back instead of using my car to drop off some paperwork. It took about 2 hours total, and I walked 13km. I didn't get out of breath, but I was pretty sweatty when I got home. Felt good.
Roger Carlson Modified Golden Six log Quote
08-23-2009 , 08:00 AM
Weighed in at 75.4kg, and I went biking today, did about 15 kilometers in an hour.

I've been reading some of the starting strength logs on here, and it actually looks really good, people are getting huge gains. Im getting stronger, but Im stalling a bit in bench press and pull ups. Could be the dieting or lifting too often. Im going to start doing some weighted pull ups, that might help, but Im not sure what um going to do about my benching. Ill probably try shorter sets.
Roger Carlson Modified Golden Six log Quote
08-24-2009 , 09:03 AM
Morning weight at 75.6kg.


Deaflift 3x5x80kg
Bench 3x10x70kg
Pull Ups 3x max with 5kg weight, 7,5,6
Pendlay Row 3x5x40kg
Overhead press 3x10x40kg
Dips 3x12
About 100 abs.

The deadlifts really took the wind out of my sails. I never knew it was this rough. I wasn't entirely sure about the technique in the pendlay row, but Ill get my friend to show it to me tomorrow. Am I supposed to pull the bar more towards my lower abdomen, or to my chest? I did it like the low pulley row more towards my lower abs.

I might be eating a bit too much at the moment, but I guess its ok since im eating healthy foods and not mcdonalds.
Roger Carlson Modified Golden Six log Quote
08-24-2009 , 09:17 AM
Don't start with the deadlift brah, that's gonna **** up the rest of your training.
Roger Carlson Modified Golden Six log Quote
08-24-2009 , 12:39 PM
With pendelay rows you should pull to your lower ribs/upper abs. Also keep your elbows relatively close to your body; do not flare them out while rowing or while benching.
Roger Carlson Modified Golden Six log Quote
08-24-2009 , 02:12 PM
Ok no starting with deadlifts any more. And I guess I was doing the pendelay rows wrong as well. I think next time I'll use less weight on that and the Press, and just concentrate on form.

Thanks for the help guys, to be honest I didn't think anyone would even check my log, but Im getting lots of useful info from everyone.

Last edited by Roger Carlson; 08-24-2009 at 02:37 PM.
Roger Carlson Modified Golden Six log Quote
08-24-2009 , 02:19 PM
Don't start with the deadlifts is good advice if your lift includes squats, power cleans, or other RFD movement.

With the training as lised above, starting with DLs is fine.
Roger Carlson Modified Golden Six log Quote
08-24-2009 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by anklebreaker
Don't start with the deadlifts is good advice if your lift includes squats, power cleans, or other RFD movement.

With the training as lised above, starting with DLs is fine.
Roger Carlson Modified Golden Six log Quote
08-24-2009 , 02:55 PM
Exercise prioritization typically puts the most important movement first in the workout, first in the week, etc etc.

On a beginner program Ankle's advice is sound. Though Mike Boyle prefers putting Oly lifts and all variants first in any program. But he's a freak.
Roger Carlson Modified Golden Six log Quote
08-25-2009 , 08:22 AM
Morning weight at 74.9kg.


Power Clean 3x5x65kg
Bench 3x10x60kg
Kipping pull ups, 10, 7, 5
Pendlay Row 4x5x40kg
Overhead press 4x10x30kg

Jumped rope for about 20 minutes before I worked out, pretty tough. I did bench and overhead press with less weight this time, but I concentrated on proper form a bit more. It actually felt almost as hard as usually. I'll have to start paying more attention to all that.

Also Im dreading this weekend, Im going to have to be drinking on friday and saturday for some birthday parties. I hope that won't screw up my diet completely and balloon me up to 80kg..
Roger Carlson Modified Golden Six log Quote
08-25-2009 , 08:48 AM
Originally Posted by Roger Carlson
Jumped rope for about 20 minutes before I worked out, pretty tough. I did bench and overhead press with less weight this time, but I concentrated on proper form a bit more. It actually felt almost as hard as usually. I'll have to start paying more attention to all that.

Also Im dreading this weekend, Im going to have to be drinking on friday and saturday for some birthday parties. I hope that won't screw up my diet completely and balloon me up to 80kg..
do the jump roping AFTER the workout. Why fatigue yourself for the lifts? I agree cardio is important.

some tactics i have been using the past couple weeks to avoid alcohol being too detrimental:

no pregaming.
beer only
club soda or water every 3 drinks or whenever I feel thirsty.

no one notices i am being a puss and i feel good in the morning. plus i still get drunk somehow
Roger Carlson Modified Golden Six log Quote
08-26-2009 , 09:07 AM
Morning weight at 75,3 kg.

I went to have some fun at the track today with some old running friends, I was slow as ****, and I have no cardio. I guess its good to notice, I can work on all that now that I have some motivation to do something other than play wow all day.

I'll probably go jump some rope, jog or do something else later, it might be relaxing.

And thanks for the advice silkyslim, I'll try that at the party on friday, and if It doesn't work out well then I'll just get hammered on saturday..
Roger Carlson Modified Golden Six log Quote
08-26-2009 , 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by Roger Carlson
And thanks for the advice silkyslim, I'll try that at the party on friday, and if It doesn't work out well then I'll just get hammered on saturday..
Thats usually what ends up happening.
Roger Carlson Modified Golden Six log Quote
08-27-2009 , 09:40 AM
Morning weight of 75.6


Bench, 3x6x85kg
Lat Machine, 3x10x55kg
Pendlay Row 3x5x50kg
Overhead press 4x10x35kg
Some ab stuff, planks and that.

Pretty short workout because my friend was in a hurry. I didn't do any squat deadlift or powercleans, because im going to go running tomorrow again.

And I couldn't pay attention to my diet today, I was on a date so had to eat junkfood, icecream, a tuna sandwich, and pastries. Kinda meh to be honest.
Roger Carlson Modified Golden Six log Quote
08-28-2009 , 12:29 AM
Morning weight of 75.5.

I guess I have been eating too much since its been a week of tracking and I haven't lost any weight yet. It hasn't been hard though, so after a weekend of drinking im sure I can eat a bit less. I think its mostly because I eat muesli all the time, I should substitute some of it for bread/cottage cheese.
Roger Carlson Modified Golden Six log Quote
08-28-2009 , 06:31 AM
FWIW bread and cottage cheese have very different macro breakdowns.
Roger Carlson Modified Golden Six log Quote
08-29-2009 , 10:30 AM
75.4 morning weight after a night of drinking and eating junkfood. Too hungover to go to the other party, resting for the day, Ill get back to fitness tomorrow.
Roger Carlson Modified Golden Six log Quote
08-30-2009 , 09:41 AM
76.1kg Morning weight.

Im hoping that at least some of the weight that i've put on since I weighed 72kg in the beginning of the summer is muscle, but yeah, im tightening up my diet starting now.


Jogged to the gym and back, about 5km total. I was really pleased that I ran almost all the way there, I walked up one big hill, but other than that I was running. I was really winded after that, so it might still be better to walk more. But at least my cardio is improving..

Bench 4x10x60kg
Squat 3x5x110kg
Leg curls in a machine, 4x10x40kg
Leg abductors in a machine, 4x10x50kg
Pull ups, wide gripped and slow, 3x5
Dips, 15 and 3x10
Pendelay Row 3x5x50kg
Press 3x10x35kg

This was pretty grueling, but felt really good to be back in the gym after two days of being sloppy.
Roger Carlson Modified Golden Six log Quote
08-31-2009 , 12:56 PM
Morning weight at 75.6kg again.


Jogged to the gym and back, walked quite a bit more than yesterday.

Power Cleans, 1x5x60kg, 3x5x70kg
Bench, 3x10x65kg
Tried to do some muscle ups, I can kip myself on top of the bar, but its not pretty, and its probably not even a real muscle up.
dips, 3x10
Pull ups, kipping 10,7,5.

I dislocated my shoulder while I was stretching it a bit too hard, luckily there was a wrestling coach there who put it back in. I've dislocated it plenty of times, so im used to it by now, but it still feels really bad if I have to put it back in by myself.

And after that I was done..
Roger Carlson Modified Golden Six log Quote
09-01-2009 , 01:49 PM
75.6 morning weight. Since I can't go to the gym everyday, ill start going to the morning athletics practice at my school again. Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday morning is gonna be cardio, co-ordination training, and running around.

I think athletics will be much more fun now that not being serious about it, and I won't have real coaching, just the school coach who is really laid back. That **** sucks with practise 8 times a week, and a coach yelling at you all the time. If I screwed up at a competition, and got shouted at some more. I used to be a champion at sprinting, but my coach sure did take out all the fun in that by laying down really unrealistic goals, overtraining me, and in general being way too harsh. Im really laid back in real life, so Im not a real fan of competitiveness or taking things seriously.

Im pretty sure that I've got my diet fixed up as well, from now on Im only going to eat 6 times a day, and slightly smaller portions, when before I usually had 7-8 small meals.


School morning practise for athletics, we did some cardio stuff and all that. Im still pretty out of shape, but the coach is really laid back and some of my friends are coming off injuries so they suck too. And I'll get what little cardio I used to have back in a few months I think.

I went for a jog of about 25 minutes, half walking half jogging in the evening.
Roger Carlson Modified Golden Six log Quote
09-02-2009 , 04:02 PM
75.1 morning weight.


Athletics in the morning.

Tried for some new personal bests at lifting weights:
100kg bench, failed 105kg
22 dips
17 pull ups
After that I was really tired so the rest of my lifting was just trying to do different stuff, mostly too tired to do anything.

Im def gonna rest tomorrow.
Roger Carlson Modified Golden Six log Quote
09-03-2009 , 11:27 AM

And I got a job today, gonna work a few nights a week selling fast food at events.
Roger Carlson Modified Golden Six log Quote
09-04-2009 , 12:38 PM
Had a few beers and ate at mcdonalds yesterday, forgot to check morning weight.


Athletics in the morning, lifting in the evening.

Deadlift 5x90kg, 2x5x100kg
Bench, 4x5x70kg, feels good with proper form for once
Lat Machine, 3x8x60kg
Pendlay Row 4x5x50kg
press 4x5x50kg
dips, 15,12,10
ab stuff

The morning cardio was pretty sucky since I was still a bit hungover, but I feel great now.
Roger Carlson Modified Golden Six log Quote
09-05-2009 , 09:08 AM
75.4kg, had some pizza yesterday.


I probably wont do pull-ups that much any more, my hands are getting too sore from doing them. I'll replace them with the lat machine.

Jogged to the gym and back.
Squat, 3x5x120kg
Leg curls, 4x10x40kg
Leg abductors, 4x10x50kg
Lats, 4x10x50kg
Pendlay rows, 4x5x50kg, this is getting pretty easy.
Incline bench press, 10x40kg, 3x10x50kg
Press, 4x10x40kg
Dips, 10,12,15

The last couple times i've lifted have been awesome. I really feel great once I get out of the gym and have a body full of pump.
Roger Carlson Modified Golden Six log Quote
09-07-2009 , 08:36 AM
74.5, and 73.9 morning weights.


Power clean 3x5x75kg, im powercleaning more and more every week, even though im only doing it once a week. Pretty cool.
Bench, 3x6x70kg, this is starting to piss me off again because i could do 15kg more without proper form restricting me..
Lat Machine, 3x10x50kg
Pendlay Row 4x5x55kg still easy..
press 3x5x50kg
dips, 15,12,12
Some planking at the end..

Hopefully the weight will keep coming off now that im eating less. I haven't been doing cardio as much as I should have though, I might go jogging later today or something..
Roger Carlson Modified Golden Six log Quote
