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Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games

10-10-2022 , 11:48 PM
Originally Posted by arjun13
I complained a little over the last couple of years of having zero energy and hence also being lazy. All that has gone away now. It's amazing how much more active and energised I am, now that I'm not in a draining relationship.
Get back to me when you have kids. That's some real draining. Not all bad, just not a lot left in the tank for H&F. Maybe there are some Montecore types that can pull it off, but definitely not me.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-11-2022 , 04:43 AM

For time: (14 minute cap)
Push Ups
Calorie Row

10:45 - 400/300/200/100 run

Lying DB Pull-over on Bench: 15x10x2, 17.5x10x2
Elevated Heel Goblet Squat: 32x10x4 (paused last 2 sets)


RHR continues to be through the roof. Tennis elbow showed up during my first set of push-ups. It's a bit deflating after deloading a couple of weeks ago, but we keep grinding. I signed up for a team competition this weekend called Battle Cancer. It is not competitive and is more of an all inclusive, fun, day. I've got a good group of 4 guys, and I'll just try and take it easy before then and train hard again afterwards.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-11-2022 , 04:48 AM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
having complex and problematic personal situations is certainly draining and it definitely impacts on training plus diet & lifestyle. I have challenges that I suspect will be ongoing for many years to come and my major victory to date (albeit it's a battle so far and not the war) has been to manage the urge to reach for some booze when it gets too bad. I've kind of accepted that it will impact training from time to time but also that doing something...even if it isn't as hard/good as what was planned will minimise the impact.

sounds like you're through the worst of it with your break up, which is good. You need to find yourself a crossfit girlfriend next, so you can weigh and measure your food and go to Saturday morning mobility classes together
Sorry to hear that you're going through something hard. I think the most important thing in these scenarios is to be self-aware of how these things affect you. It is so easy to let the emotional stuff take over and our logical side goes away. You sound like you're in control though and I'm happy to hear that! Looking back, I didn't realize how much it all affected me and it's been a huge learning experience in many different ways.

I could use a girlfriend who will weigh out my ice cream and put me in my place if I eat more.

Originally Posted by Melkerson
Get back to me when you have kids. That's some real draining. Not all bad, just not a lot left in the tank for H&F. Maybe there are some Montecore types that can pull it off, but definitely not me.
I don't want kids. It's a hard no from me. One improvement I've seen in the dating apps when compared to 5 years ago is that it's matching me only with girls who don't want kids.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-11-2022 , 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by Melkerson
Get back to me when you have kids. That's some real draining. Not all bad, just not a lot left in the tank for H&F. Maybe there are some Montecore types that can pull it off, but definitely not me.
not sure how old your kids are, but it does get better/easier. Little kids is a large volume of relatively fixable issues and significant time commitments. Older kids is a far lower volume of more complex and less easy to fix issues and fewer time commitments.

also think the wife management part gets easier as the kids get older too, because the missus has more time for herself, she's generally happier with her fella taking more time away too.

when we were really in the trenches with our kids (we had 3 in 4 years), the only way I could train was very early am. I used to wake at 5.15 and go to the gym then. Definitely not conducive to high level performance, but enough to get things done with the minimal disruption to family and work life. And given we never did anything in the evenings, it was fine to go to bed at 9.15 anyway
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-11-2022 , 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by arjun13
Sorry to hear that you're going through something hard. I think the most important thing in these scenarios is to be self-aware of how these things affect you. It is so easy to let the emotional stuff take over and our logical side goes away. You sound like you're in control though and I'm happy to hear that!
sadly, I'm not in control at all (wife has developed a significant issue with alcohol that affects me/the family but I really can't do anything about). but to the first point, I am aware and that at least means I can do the best job of looking after myself
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-11-2022 , 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by Melkerson
Get back to me when you have kids. That's some real draining. Not all bad, just not a lot left in the tank for H&F. Maybe there are some Montecore types that can pull it off, but definitely not me.
Just be a worse father and you'll be able to fit it in.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-11-2022 , 09:07 PM

Not looking for an answer or justification, but people that don't want kids mystify me - probably more than a little nature and nurture in our respective opinions, but I just don't get not wanting a family. Maybe I'm just a pollyanna about it.

Originally Posted by feel wrath
sadly, I'm not in control at all (wife has developed a significant issue with alcohol that affects me/the family but I really can't do anything about). but to the first point, I am aware and that at least means I can do the best job of looking after myself
Sorry to hear that - if you ever need to chat or unload, drop me a line. We went through something like that with my wife's little brother a while back, and it was a huge stressor on everyone. Balancing taking care of yourself and the kids with trying to support your wife must be rough.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-11-2022 , 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
You need to find yourself a crossfit girlfriend next, so you can weigh and measure your food and go to Saturday morning mobility classes together
Gotta be careful with the crossfit relationship, imo. I don't have a huge sample size, but I feel like a huge percentage of these end with one of the parties cheating with someone else at the crossfit gym. I've heard that story a lot.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-11-2022 , 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
Just be a worse father and you'll be able to fit it in.
I'm not exactly great as is. Not sure how much lower I can go.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-12-2022 , 01:00 AM
Originally Posted by Melkerson
Gotta be careful with the crossfit relationship, imo. I don't have a huge sample size, but I feel like a huge percentage of these end with one of the parties cheating with someone else at the crossfit gym. I've heard that story a lot.
introducing gymnastics to take it from a couplet to a triplet?
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-12-2022 , 01:03 AM
Originally Posted by Montecore

Not looking for an answer or justification, but people that don't want kids mystify me - probably more than a little nature and nurture in our respective opinions, but I just don't get not wanting a family. Maybe I'm just a pollyanna about it.

Sorry to hear that - if you ever need to chat or unload, drop me a line. We went through something like that with my wife's little brother a while back, and it was a huge stressor on everyone. Balancing taking care of yourself and the kids with trying to support your wife must be rough.
thanks and yeah, it's not fun. you realise when you're dealing with someone with an addiction that there's really nothing you can do if they don't want to change. If someone wants to buy booze in our society, they can always find a way.

she's doing a lot better...recognises she has an issue, is now using the A word and going to meetings and trying very hard to cut it out. but it's not linear and success isn't guaranteed and the toughest thing is knowing that if she can't get on top of it, then it's a nuclear bomb detonating on my life and ****ing up plans for the future etc, because I'm not gonna live with someone with a drink problem for the rest of my life.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-13-2022 , 04:59 AM

5 rounds for time: (18 minute cap)
20 Alternating V-Ups (each)
* Partner Hold Plank while other is doing V-ups
15 Synchro Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)


6 minute EMOM: 2 ring muscle ups per minute


Had a partner similar to me and it was pretty fun. Muscle ups felt good.

Originally Posted by feel wrath
sadly, I'm not in control at all (wife has developed a significant issue with alcohol that affects me/the family but I really can't do anything about). but to the first point, I am aware and that at least means I can do the best job of looking after myself
What Monte said. If you feel like you need to talk/message someone who is completely separated from you - hit me up.

I don't want to say too much because it is pretty easy to find me on here, but I went through something in my relationship that I think is more common than people realize and is stigmatized quite a lot. I went through it in relative silence, which was my mistake.

Originally Posted by Montecore

Not looking for an answer or justification, but people that don't want kids mystify me - probably more than a little nature and nurture in our respective opinions, but I just don't get not wanting a family. Maybe I'm just a pollyanna about it.
It's a combination of things. I like not giving up a lot of my freedom and flexibility. I like dogs more than babies. And I just don't have the "thing" in me that wants the whole picture perfect family. It's a lot more common these days than you would think.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-13-2022 , 05:57 AM
Yeah I'm not saying I don't understand people like you/that exist - I obviously understand and have encountered many of them. It was more a comment that I just don't grok it on an instinctual level. With that said, people that don't want kids obviously shouldn't have kids, so mazel tov on that.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-14-2022 , 03:13 PM
Crossfit - Open Gym

Front Squat: 70x10, 80x8, 90x6, 97.5x4, 105x2

For time:
15 Bench Press, 60kg
2000m row
15 Bench Press, 60kg
2000m row
15 Bench Press, 60kg

21:57 - easy pace


I wanted to squat, bench, and do some easy cardio and this is what I came up with. I quite enjoyed it. Bench presses were 9+6 for 2 rounds and unbroken for the last! The row was around 2:13.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-14-2022 , 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by arjun13
I don't want to say too much because it is pretty easy to find me on here, but I went through something in my relationship that I think is more common than people realize and is stigmatized quite a lot. I went through it in relative silence, which was my mistake.
whatever that was for you and it doesn't sound pleasant, the good news is that it's in the rear view now and I'm not surprised you're feeling liberated now.

I spent 18 months in an incredibly debilitating relationship with a girl who was truly ****ing nuts. Major daddy issues, emotionally manipulative and a total ****ing mess. Probably undiagnosed bipolar tbh but IANAD. But she also looked like peak Elizabeth Hurley and worked with me and I couldn't shake her. Moved to Australia to get away from her and the relief I felt afterwards was incredible.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-14-2022 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
whatever that was for you and it doesn't sound pleasant, the good news is that it's in the rear view now and I'm not surprised you're feeling liberated now.
A big +1 to that; glad you're in a better place.

Originally Posted by feel wrath
I spent 18 months in an incredibly debilitating relationship with a girl who was truly ****ing nuts. Major daddy issues, emotionally manipulative and a total ****ing mess. Probably undiagnosed bipolar tbh but IANAD. But she also looked like peak Elizabeth Hurley and worked with me and I couldn't shake her. Moved to Australia to get away from her and the relief I felt afterwards was incredible.
Good Lord, having to move to upsidedownland to get away is hard to comprehend. Where specifically on the hot/crazy matrix was she? Feel free to post the graph.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-14-2022 , 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
whatever that was for you and it doesn't sound pleasant, the good news is that it's in the rear view now and I'm not surprised you're feeling liberated now.

I spent 18 months in an incredibly debilitating relationship with a girl who was truly ****ing nuts. Major daddy issues, emotionally manipulative and a total ****ing mess. Probably undiagnosed bipolar tbh but IANAD. But she also looked like peak Elizabeth Hurley and worked with me and I couldn't shake her. Moved to Australia to get away from her and the relief I felt afterwards was incredible.
Can I get her number from you
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-14-2022 , 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
A big +1 to that; glad you're in a better place.

Good Lord, having to move to upsidedownland to get away is hard to comprehend. Where specifically on the hot/crazy matrix was she? Feel free to post the graph.
she was at least a 9 on any scale looks wise and definitely a 9 on the crazy scale. As above, just like peak mid 90s Liz Hurley. a true sack artist too and looked at me every day as if I was the only person in her world. Would tell me each day that she wanted to marry me, only I could make her happy etc etc. But prone to huge mood swings, totally irrational, very good at laying blame putting on guilt because.....if you're the only person in her world then of course if she was upset or sad it was your fault etc. I was trying to finish with her from maybe 2 months in but couldn't do it. And we worked in the same place so even if I tried, she'd be there every day and putting guilt on me. (and offering to **** me in meeting rooms etc etc which....can be quite persuasive!)
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-15-2022 , 01:14 AM
Originally Posted by BrianTheMick2
Can I get her number from you
she's back in Australia now (I came here originally because her issues with her parents were so bad it was the only place she told me she wouldn't follow me too) and I know she's divorced because 1. she sat next to my parents on a plane a few years back and 2. she's hit me up for a coffee a few times.

so...get your mick behind over to Sydney and I'm sure we can work it out
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-15-2022 , 01:15 AM
(sorry for thread derail Arujun)
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-15-2022 , 08:25 PM
If peak Liz Hurley is accurate, I'm not sure you had any choice. Especially with that skill set. It was a mistake that you had to make. Maybe not even an actual mistake.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-16-2022 , 03:12 PM
Battle Cancer

Super fun day. 4 person teams. 4 workouts, 9 minutes each. Short and intense. No barbells. Simple movements. I am exhausted now and maybe deaf from listening to music all day.

Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-18-2022 , 05:17 AM

5 rounds for time: (30 minute cap)
21 Calorie Row
15 Pull-ups
9 Strict Handstand Push Ups
-rest 1:1 between sets-

28:10 - rounds started at 2:40 and ended at 3:45


My lower back is wrecked from Sunday. There was just SO many DB/KB squats/deadlifts/hinging. I also might be coming down with something, but I'm keeping it at bay.

I was so, so, so, happy to finish this Rx. Only one other person so far has done that and I doubt many other people will. Pull-ups were in 3 sets to 5 or 6 in the end with flailing. Strict HSPU were actually really easy and in 2 sets, except for the last round which was 5+2+2. The limiter was the cardio from the row and pull-ups, especially with me hiding a cold.

I figured out my stomach can't handle prawns, which I was eating everyday. I've eliminated that and dairy, and thing seem to be good.

Feel and Monte - thanks for the support. Feel, what you experienced is IDENTICAL to what I experienced. I feel like I got a mini psychology degree at the end of it. I will message you.

On a positive note, dating is so fun and going really well. The matches I'm getting now are so much better than 5 years ago. I looked at my pictures from back then, and that's when I gave myself a little pat on the back for grinding away at exercising. Sometimes it's easy to lose sight of long term progress.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-20-2022 , 05:09 AM

For time: (15 minute cap)
Teams of 2
50 Synchro Toes to Bar
50 Power Cleans (70/48kg)
50 Synchro Toes to Bar

14:00 - 60kg

DB Good Morning: 15x10x4
Seated Arnold Press: 12.5x10, 15x10x2, 12.5x10


My resting heart rate is still pretty high, but I'm feeling better and getting over this cold. First set of 50 toes to bar were in 3:10 and quite easy! 9 sets of 5 and 5 singles. We did 25 power clean singles each and that took 5:00. The last set of toes to bar took 5:50 and were 6 sets of 3 and then 32 singles! Brutal.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-21-2022 , 04:44 AM

For time: (18 minute cap)
1000m Run
75 Thrusters (20/15kg)
25 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)


7 minute EMOM: 2 ring muscle ups per minute


Another fun day. I gave it close to everything in the metcon. The run was in 4:44, thursters in 4:36, and BBJO in 2:16. I still have a lingering cold, so I was wiped out afterwards. RMU EMOM was easy enough.

Sunday is the end of the 2 weeks of no barbells between Mayhem cycles and we start a strength cycle on Monday! I am excited.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
