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Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games

12-25-2021 , 07:30 AM
Crossfit Linchpin - D261

Accessory 1
Burgener Warmup Practice: 10 minutes

5 rounds for time:
15 Kettlebell Swings, 32kg (American)
15 Burpees

10:26 - 24kg, hard but not allout

Accessory 2
Side Plank: 1 minute per side (McGill style)


I squeezed this in on Christmas because I didn't want to miss another day. I tried to incorporate the cues from yesterday in the snatch warmup. My knees are extended now, so that's a good thing.

I did this metcon in 9:34 in March. I lose my cardio so quickly. Today wasn't allout, but hard. I did the first 2 rounds in 2 minutes each. Then slowed to 2:12 pace to finish under 11 minutes. I did the last round in 1:26 just to prove to myself that I could go fast. Swings were 8+7 except the last round was unbroken. I have 2 months to get my cardio back to its peak and more before the Open.

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
12-27-2021 , 09:15 AM

For time: (25 minute cap)
30 Power Snatches, 61kg
2,000 Meter Row
100 Wall Balls, 9kg

Partition However You'd Like

24:05 - 45kg snatches, moderate-hard pace

Accessory 1
OHP: 45x8x3

Accessory 2
Bulgarian Split Squat: 30x10x3 (2x15kg DBs)


Today was Fight Gone Bad, but the class was similar enough and had more of the movements I don't like, so I jumped in. I broke them up into 10 rounds and I started a round every 2:30 and it was a nice sweat - UT1ish. It ended up being work for 1:50 and rest 0:40. Snatches were unbroken, the row was around 2:15, and wall balls were unbroken.

There was a 15 minute break between classes, so I actually managed to squeeze in the Linchpin accessories in that time. This was actually tougher than the metcon because it was 9 working sets in like 11 minutes.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
12-28-2021 , 09:12 AM
Crossfit Linchpin - D262

Main - Limited Equipment
For time:
50 V-ups
Run, 800 m
-- Rest 1:1 to 1:2 (work:rest) --
35 Toes-to-bars
Run, 600 m

5:58, 5:47 (6 minutes rest inbetween)

Accessory 1
Double Under Practice: 200 reps (5 sets, 2 trips)

Accessory 2
Side Plank: 3 minutes per side (3x1 minute, alternating)


I did this at a track and it was cold, rainy, and windy. I didn't really warm up because I was freezing and just started. V-ups took around 2:10 and were broken up into 10-10-10-7-7-6. The run took around 3:40. I secretly wanted 35 unbroken toes to bar and ended up only doing 12!! It was 12-4-4-4-3-singles or something like that. IDK what happened. A combination of tennis elbow, the cold, v-ups earlier, and lack of training. It was really disheartening.

My tennis elbow is becoming pretty bad. I feel it when picking up random things, turning doorknobs, etc. It goes away after warming up. It then returns after I finish exercising. There are 27 muscle ups tomorrow. I'm in a **** it mood where I want to be forced to rest it or just work through it.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
12-29-2021 , 03:47 PM

On the 3:00 x 7 Rounds:
400 Meter Run
12 Chest to Bar Pull Ups

Rowed instead: 30/30/30/30/25/25/25 cal
CTB: 8/6/6/6/6/6/12


My body is falling apart and I am getting very disheartened. My tennis elbow on my right hand is pretty bad. My lower back dullness shows up every now and then. My left wrist is not 100%, I couldn't do one of the warm up exercises. My right ankle is not 100%. And this is after basically 2 weeks off in the last month. Everytime I've taken even 4 days off in the past, I've come back 100% and feeling incredible. I'm starting to think I had covid and this is some weird side effect, but I could have a wild imagination. Or maybe I'm just getting old.

Anyway, I'm going to make it a priority to train easier for a while, so that I can at least be fully recovered for the Open in 7 weeks. My chest to bars were great during the warm up, and terrible during the metcon. I need to remember my cues. Rowed around 2:05 and finished each round in 2:35. I scaled it down midwod because it was getting difficult and I didn't want another hard day.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
12-31-2021 , 09:53 AM

Crossfit Total - (Did front squats instead of back squats, and deadlifts from blocks)

1RM Front Squat: 110, 115, 120 (2kg PR!)
1RM OHP: 60, 65, 69f 69f (failed on 0.5kg PR attempt)
1RM Deadlift (from blocks): 120, 130, 140 (very easy, 22.5kg under PR)


I needed a win, and got it today! My front squat PR going into 2021 was 115, so I'll take 120. 115 probably went up pretty quickly, but I didn't record anything and I was pretty nervous going into 120. It still went up fast enough and I think I have 2-3kg more in me. A 3 plate back squat is also probably there if I ever want to try it (which I won't).

Tennis elbow was definitely a play during OHP. I wanted 70, but 65 felt hard enough and I went for the baby PR. It stalled halfway up, so it was pretty close. I'm not bothered by this at all since vertical pressing is a strength of mine.

I played it safe with deadlifts and just did a very easy 140 and called it there. Smarter training ftw.

I may or may not do a detailed write up of 2021, but cliffs are strength is up, gymnastics is up, cardio was up until this last month of iffy training. I have 7 weeks to cut a little and smash that cardio to get ready for the Open.

Last edited by arjun13; 12-31-2021 at 10:00 AM.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
12-31-2021 , 06:03 PM
Congratulations on the PR! Happy New Year
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
12-31-2021 , 06:08 PM
Congratulations! A 120 kg front squat is extremely impressive - 140 kg in 2022?
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
12-31-2021 , 06:34 PM
Nice way to close out the year, congrats!
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
01-01-2022 , 05:31 AM
Probably high. No lift.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
01-01-2022 , 06:52 AM

5 Rounds For Time: (20 minute cap)
60 Double Unders
15 Overhead Squats, 52kg
3 Rope Climbs/9 Renegade Rows/9 x (1 Strict Pull-up + 1 Strict Knees to Elbow)

19:14 - 45 double unders, 40kg OHS (10 reps in last 2 rounds), 5 strict PU +5 strict K2E


I think I'm slowly getting back my cardio. The aches are going away and I feel much better. I thought I scaled this well to finish under the time cap, but I had to knock down the OHS reps in the last 2 rounds. It was so grippy. Double unders were in 2 sets unless I tripped. OHS were in 2 sets, except unbroken on the last. Fun workout, but hard.

Originally Posted by feel wrath
Congratulations on the PR! Happy New Year
Thanks! Happy new year feel!

Originally Posted by Montecore
Congratulations! A 120 kg front squat is extremely impressive - 140 kg in 2022?
Thanks Monte, I'll take 125 in a year! Still looking forward to your time trial in 2022.

Originally Posted by FloppyJ
Nice way to close out the year, congrats!
Thanks! Keep up the consistency.

Originally Posted by loco
Probably high. No lift.
Happy new year, my weird friend. We don't even have your marathon time, so pokerbob is still the best runner.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
01-02-2022 , 07:29 AM

Weighted Pushup: 15x5, 25x5, 35x5

21 Calorie Row
15 Kettlebell Swings, 24kg (American)
30 AbMat Sit-ups
15 Push Ups



I've got my nutrition back on track after the holidays and combining that with getting over the flu/covid, I'm starting to feel really good again. The tennis elbow is getting better as well, but is still pretty bad. I might keep going to classes for another week, and then back to Linchpin. Or not. This is fun for now.

I don't think I've done weighted push-ups, but 35x5 was easy. The metcon was uncomplicated and I just moved through it. HR got pretty high towards the end. So many people were doing half push-ups as usual.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
01-04-2022 , 10:02 AM

5 Rounds For Time:
15 Cal Bike/21 Cal Row
10 Burpees

8:35 - 17 cal row

Front Squats:
Set 1: 3 Reps @ 60% 1RM
Set 2: 3 Reps @ 68% 1RM
Set 3: 8 Reps @ 73% 1RM
Set 4: 8 Reps @ 73% 1RM
Set 5: 8+ Reps @ 68% 1RM

70x3, 80x3, 85x8, 80x8, 70x12


Going to classes is so much more fun than training alone. My fitness is coming back fast. The coach said aim to get the row/bike done in a minute, so I scaled to 17 cals. I did this exact metcon ages ago, but with a 15 cal row in 8:18. 10 cals is like 36 seconds at the pace I was going, so I would be sub 8 now. Progress.

I could have hit the lifting percentages if I really wanted to, but it would have been a struggle. I decided to be smart and drop the weight in sets 4 and 5. I stopped in the AMRAP when my back started to cave. I had many more reps in me. It is no fun lifting after a metcon. I don't know what the thinking is, if it is strategic variance or clicking buttons. But who cares. I lifted and fitnessed and had fun.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
01-05-2022 , 09:57 AM

Strict Pull-ups
Dumbbell Bench Press, 22.5kg

After Each Set:
100 Meter Farmers Carry, 22.5kg

DNF after 18:30 - Stopped after the set of 4 pull-ups, 20kg DBs. Did 60m carries after the round of 6


Sometimes I see a workout, and I can't resist/am stupid when I know I shouldn't do it. This was all grip and was always going to be horrible for my tennis elbow. The only good thing I did was to stop before it became too bad. I don't think there was much harm done. Pull-ups felt great, bench presses were really easy at that weight. Farmers carries were no fun. This was a really badly designed workout. Farmers carries are so much harder than everything else. Keeping the bench presses at 10 throughout, and making the farmers carries descending would have made sense.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
01-06-2022 , 09:57 AM

For time: (38 minute cap)
5k Row
300 Double Unders
100 Single Dumbbell Box Step Ups (22.5kg, 24" box)

36:58 - 250 DU, 80 step ups with 17.5kg DB


That was the most fun I've had in a while. I need these longer metcons to get my cardio back. I did the row in just under 22 minutes (2:12 pace) and it was pretty easy. The coach kept telling me to go faster, but I had to pace it because of all the double unders. I did sets of 15 and stopped just before 30 minutes at 250. This was hard. I scaled on the fly to a 17.5 and 80 reps just so I could feel like I "finished". I scaled it well though - not crazy intensity and left feeling good.

The guy next to me cheated so blatantly. He finished it RX in under 30 minutes. His row was just under 19, which was legit because it is hard to cheat when there is a monitor. But then he did double unders in 4 minutes and the step ups in 7. He was taking long breaks with double unders as well. Ridiculous. Apparently it is well known that he shaves reps. He needs judge loco by his side.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
01-08-2022 , 06:51 AM

4 Wall Walks
8 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches, 32kg
12 Toes to Bar

4+4 - 25kg DB


Arms still hurt a decent amount, but it was fine for this. I enjoyed today - some good open prep. It was my first time going heavier than the standard 22.5kg DB and I think I could have managed 27.5 for this volume. Toes to bar was a huge win today. I've noticed two different kipping styles for toes to bar and somewhere in the 3rd round I switched to the second one without thinking and they felt amazing. First 2 rounds were in 3 sets, and the last 2 rounds were in 2 sets! All the movements jacked my HR, and I probably went at like 85% effort. Nothing crazy, but a good sweat.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
01-09-2022 , 07:57 AM
Crossfit - Strength

Front Squat: 95x5x3
OHP: 50x5x3
Sumo Deadlift: 100x5x2 (off blocks)


Deload incoming. My left wrist hurt a lot when front squatting. The tennis elbow in my right hand is not getting better and is bad. My back was very iffy while deadlifting. I was really scared of tweaking it again so I stayed very light.

I am not sure why all this is happening after all the time off, but I don't want to go into the Open broken. I am going to keep the weights and the movements light and easy for however long, until I start feeling better.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
01-09-2022 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by arjun13
Crossfit - Strength

Front Squat: 95x5x3
OHP: 50x5x3
Sumo Deadlift: 100x5x2 (off blocks)


Deload incoming. My left wrist hurt a lot when front squatting. The tennis elbow in my right hand is not getting better and is bad.
Yeah, but it also doesn't really read like you are actually doing anything to get it better. You are continuously aggravating your tendonitis, why would it get better?

My back was very iffy while deadlifting. I was really scared of tweaking it again so I stayed very light.

I am not sure why all this is happening after all the time off,
When did you take "all the time off"? Looks to me like you have been going at it 4+ times/week for months and months, continuously talking about tendonitis problems, outside of the very occasional deload week. Or are you talking about your back only here?

As far as I know, chronic tendonitis recovery requires prolonged rest and very gradual reintroduction.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
01-11-2022 , 11:21 AM

E2MOM - Thrusters

For time: (10 minute cap)
30 Dumbbell Thrusters, 2x22.5kg
70 Calorie Row
150 Double Unders

Time capped with 3 double unders remaining! - 17.5kg DBs, 60 cal row


Another pretty fun day, and no movements that aggrevate my tennis elbow. I have never done heavy thrusters before and 70x2 wasn't too hard. 30x10 and 40x8 OTOH was miserable cardio.

I went a bit too light with the thrusters. I did them 20+10. They were too light, but I also did them too fast - I should have done 3 sets. I was out of breath too soon. I rowed around 900 cal/hour and finished at 6:30. I did sets of 15 and 20 double unders and choked right at the end.

Originally Posted by xukxuk
Yeah, but it also doesn't really read like you are actually doing anything to get it better. You are continuously aggravating your tendonitis, why would it get better?

When did you take "all the time off"? Looks to me like you have been going at it 4+ times/week for months and months, continuously talking about tendonitis problems, outside of the very occasional deload week. Or are you talking about your back only here?

As far as I know, chronic tendonitis recovery requires prolonged rest and very gradual reintroduction.
Come on man, give me a little more credit here. I am not logging boring tendonitis rehab stuff. I have had this for over 8 years now and will always have it. Even if I rest completely for 6 months, it will come back when I exercise.

I took a week off when I went on holiday and did some no equipment workouts which shouldn't have aggravated it. I also took 5 days off when I had a cold. In the past, 3 days off and my tennis elbow was great again. This time, it got worse after time off. That was a mystery and the real problem.

Chronic tendonitis does not require prolonged rest. It requires you to not do anything that aggrevates it or to cut down volume on that. You may find some older articles recommending total rest but it is outdated.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
01-12-2022 , 09:51 AM

For time: (30 minute cap)
5 Rounds:
30 Calorie Row
1 Round of DT

Rest 2 Minutes Between Sets
Round 1: 84kg
Round 2: 75kg
Round 3: 70kg
Round 4: 61kg
Round 5: 52kg

1 Round of DT = 12 Deadlifts, 9 Hang Power Cleans, 6 Push Jerks

27:41 (including rests) - 62.5, 55, 50, 45, 40kg


I was a bit nervous about what today would do to my tennis elbow, but the workout looked so fun and it has been feeling better, so I went. It was so well designed - it made you go a bit heavier than your DT weight to begin and then speed up as the rounds went on.

My rounds went from 4:30 in the beginning to just under 3:00 at the end. The first 3 rounds were 11 DL, 1DL + 4 HPC, 4 HPC, 1 HPC + 6PJ. In the last 2 rounds, I did the hang power cleans unbroken and the rest was much shorter. That last round of DT with 40kg took like 45 seconds! The rows started at 950 cal/hour and went down to 850 towards the latter rounds. This was really fun and I'm really pleased with how I did. I could have gone a bit heavier and finished under the time cap.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
01-14-2022 , 10:10 AM

Snatch: Build to a heavy set of 3
50x3, 52.5x3

For time: (10 minute cap)
Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Squat Snatches, 43kg

Time capped with 8 reps left - 30kg, started with the round of 9


Another fun day, body is holding up so much better. I haven't snatched in a while and was pleased to hit a comfortable 52.5x3.

The metcon says x-y minutes on the program. So today was 40-51 minutes in the hour. One of the coaches always thinks it is 2 minutes less. She did 10 minutes today, instead of 12. I pointed it out, but no dice. So I cut the round of 10 and went super light. It was a sufferfest, 2 terrible movements. I liked it though. Chest to bars held up for the first 2 rounds, then singles. Snatches were all in sets of 2 and 3.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
01-15-2022 , 08:29 AM

22 minute AMRAP (Teams of 2):
22 Box Jump Overs
22 Wall Balls
22 Handstand Push Ups/Hand Release Push Ups
22 DB Clean & Jerks
-Partners switch after full rounds

2 rounds - 15/12 HSPU, last round - 15 of everything except 8 HSPU (15kg DB)


Another fun day, got some cardio and gymnastics in. My tennis elbow rehab with the flex bar seems to be working wonders. I do it for 2 minutes and it gives me instant relief. HSPU felt good - I did 15 in 45 seconds in the first round as 10+5. I reduced the reps on the last round to squeeze it in.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
01-16-2022 , 09:44 AM
Crossfit - Strength

Front Squat: 90x3, 95x3x2, 97.5x3, 100x3
Bench Press: 60x8x3
Pistols: 4x5 (per leg)
Ring Dips: 4x6


Sunday's strength class is basically do whatever you want. So I did.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
01-18-2022 , 10:31 AM

10 Wall Balls (9/6kg)
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24"/20")
20 Wall Balls (9/6kg)
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24"/20")
30 Wall Balls (9/6kg)
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24"/20")
Add 10 Wall Balls Per Round


Strict Press:
5 Reps @ 40% 1RM
5 Reps @ 50% 1RM
5 Reps @ 60% 1RM

30x5, 40x5, 45x5


I'm continuing to enjoy not planning and just showing up to class. I cheated a bit with the OHP %s and went a bit heavier. Knowing me, I will get tired of this and will start to question the programming in a month or so, and then I'll switch it up.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
01-20-2022 , 10:39 AM

3 Rounds For Time [40 Minute Cap]
500 Meter Bike Erg
1,000 Meter Bike Erg
1,500 Meter Bike Erg

Round 1: 10 AbMat Sit-ups
Round 2: 20 AbMat Sit-ups
Round 3: 30 AbMat Sit-ups

P1: 500 Meter Bike P2: 10 AbMat Sit Ups
P2: 500 Meter Bike P1: 10 AbMat Sit Ups

P1: 1,000 Meter Bike P2: 20 AbMat Sit Ups
P2: 1,000 Meter Bike P1: 20 AbMat Sit Ups

P1: 1,500 Meter Bike P2: 30 AbMat Sit Ups
P2: 1,500 Meter Bike P1: 30 AbMat Sit Ups

P1: 500 Meter Bike P2: 10 AbMat Sit Ups
P2: 500 Meter Bike P1: 10 AbMat Sit Ups

31:30 - 250m/500m/750m row instead


Nice, long, hard, cardio session. My partner did it on the bike and that was always going to be quicker, so I got less rest. I rowed the first round in 1:44/1:52/1:57 and then stayed at 1:57 for the longer intervals and low 1:50s for the 250m. Situps were fine.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
01-21-2022 , 10:51 AM

Deadlift: 1x2 (build to over WOD weight)

100x2 (off blocks, back felt tweaky so stopped here)

For time: (15 minute cap)
Wall Walks
Deadlifts (124kg)
Double Unders (10x)

14:41 - 1/2/3/4/5 WW, 90kg DL off blocks


Another good session, where I was smart about my back. It was an ambitious time cap, so I heavily scaled. Wall walks were fine, but tiring. DLs were all unbroken and felt okay on my back. The first rep felt iffy, but the remaining fine. Weird. I actually got through 300 DUs in this one, which I'm happy about.

I now have confirmed 3 cheaters in my gym. 1 does less reps and logs it as RX. 1 does the workout RX, but logs a higher score. 1 does a combination of both. I always beat 2 of them in the Open, but they absolutely slaughter me in a normal training day. The other one doesn't do the Open because he knows he will get caught out.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
