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Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games

04-25-2020 , 03:14 PM
Thanks monte, I see your feet out row went well. I'm hoping no back pain tomorrow during it.

Turf Games - Home Games 2.0 WOD 1

3 rounds of

In a 2 minute window athletes will complete;

40 alternating leg step ups (40cm minimum step height)
Remaining time max hand release push ups

Athletes will have 1 minute recovery between rounds

Score = Total hand release push up reps

71 reps RX - 29+24+18

First round was unbroken pushups
I think the second was unbroken but slower
Third was very broken

My stepups on the third round were actually the fastest, I didn't realize how easy they were. I even used something that was 43cm and not 40. Fun little workout

Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
04-26-2020 , 05:25 AM
PP - W6D2


I rowed 9400m or so and then quit. My feet were out of the straps. The dull lower back pain persisted and was getting too much to ignore. I really wanted to keep doing this plan for a while, but it looks like it's decision time. I'm leaning towards running and rowing 3x per week each and slowly building back my running volume. Another option is to not row for a week and run/crossfit, then ease back into Pete's Plan with lower volume.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
04-26-2020 , 06:01 AM
Here's my plan.


Rowing - Continute with Pete's plan. 1 week will take me 12 days instead of 7 or 8. Steady distance will be reset back to the minimum of 8000m and I will only increase it with 0 back pain. I'll keep the harder days as they are since I don't get back pain during intervals with the rest.

Running - Just slowly build up volume
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
04-26-2020 , 02:05 PM

Pistol Squat: 5x4 (with WL shoes, 2 failed reps in total out of 40)

15 minute EMOM:
Minute 1: 12 Goblet Squat (24kg)
Minute 2: 12 KB Swing (24kg)
Minute 3: 10 strict toes to bar

Pistols are getting better! I did 20 reps for each leg. The EMOM became harder towards the end, but still easy enough. Difficulty rating was 6/10, 4/10, 7.5/10.

I'm changing to an upper/lower split and eliminating the minor exercises. I'm really going to focus on pull ups, HSPU, and pistols and get them better. Losing weight would be the smart thing to do. I'm up to 76.6 (up 1kg from when I stopped lifting weights).
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04-27-2020 , 04:09 AM

5k, 5:58, 163 HR

That's my first proper run in over 2 months. Lungs seemed fine, my calves were annoying me. I've only taken 6 days off in the last 6 weeks. I'm going to take 2 rest days starting tomorrow, and then start the row/run plan.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
04-30-2020 , 04:51 AM
PP - W6D3

3k, 2.5k, 2k / 5min rest

7500m, 32:17, 2:09.1, 26spm

3000m - 2:09.7, 24spm, 179 HR
2500m - 2:09.5, 25spm, 185 HR
2000m - 2:07.8, 28spm, 188 HR

W3D3 - 2:10.0, 30spm

It was a disappointing session. Less than second faster than 3 weeks ago. There might be 3 reasons for that:

1. I just didn't have it today
2. I noticed my drag factor was 104, that seems too low
3. The first interval was fine, as noted by the ending HR. The second was awful, and the third was even worse. I noticed with a minute to go in the third interval that I was just going up and down with no real purpose. I slowed it down in that last minute and put more legs into each stroke. My breathing immediately came under control and the same pace was easier.

I need to remember to use my legs and power during the faster intervals.

No back pain, but there never really was any during intervals.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
04-30-2020 , 12:57 PM

Weighted Pullups: 16kg x 3,2,1,1 (Day 1b of fighter pull up program)
DB Press: 22.5sx 6,6,6,6,5 (120s)

12 minute EMOM:
Odd: 50s side plank
Even: 5 ab wheel roll outs

The days off helped so much. I feel mentally refreshed. I've decided to do the fighter pull up program for weighted and unweighted together.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
05-01-2020 , 02:46 AM

6k, 5:53, 166 AHR

This was so much better than the last run. The aches were way less. My heart rate strap doesn't seem to be accurate though. After 3.5k, it suddenly spiked to 178 and hovered around there when my pace was pretty easy. I then did a quicker 400m at the end and it didn't register. It seems to work well with rowing, so I'll try tightening it.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
05-01-2020 , 01:57 PM

Pistol attempts (no shoes): I tried around 20 and think I got a few!

8 Minute EMOM:
2 pistol squats per leg (failed around 4)

10 minute EMOM:
Odd: 15 KB Swing @24
Even: 3 laps Farmer's Carry @22.5s

Is there a valid rep in there? I can go down and get back up, but fall backwards. I think I did 2 in total which were 100% reps (not on video)
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
05-02-2020 , 05:03 AM
PP - W6D4


8000m, 37:42, 2:21.4, 21spm

4000m1 - 2:20.9, 20spm, 161 EHR (ending HR)
4000m2 - 2:21.8, 21spm, 169 EHR

Back pain is gone. It was maybe 0.5/10 for the last 1000m. I will do 9000m next. I was obsessing with my technique this entire row. I tie my feet in really tight but they still seem to be all over the place. After the row, I moved the foot strap from 3 to 2, and it seemed a lot more sturdy. If I can keep my back from opening up early, there will be no major flaws in my technique (just a lot of little ones).

HR was really high for the 2nd interval, I have no idea why.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
05-04-2020 , 04:47 AM
PP - W6D5

2k time trial

7:41.3, 1:55.3, 33spm (10 second PB)

500m1 - 1:55.0, 33spm, 181 EHR
500m2 - 1:54.8, 32spm, 186 EHR
500m3 - 1:54.3, 34spm, 187 EHR
500m4 - 1:57.4, 34spm, 187 EHR

30/03/2017 - 8:09.0, 2:02.2
01/12/2019 - 7:51.4, 1:57.8, 25spm

So that wasn't fun. I woke up with a bit of a cold (hayfever) that was mostly gone after coffee. I aimed for sub 7:40. I did a 2k warm up with some strokes at goal pace and it felt HARD. After a 5 minute break, I started and I felt great. The first 1000m was fine and I thought I was a lock to break 7:40. It then started going downhill. It looks like I sped up a little during the 3rd 500m. With around 300m to go, I nearly put the handle down twice. The pulls became really slow and my form was all over the place. I think I saw a few 2:04 splits before getting it back to just under 2:00. The last 300m, it was my legs burning that caused me to slow down, not lungs.

I was on the floor for a good 7 minutes afterwards. It was then my arms that were REALLY sore. I think I must have been yanking with my arms too hard. I really need to sort out my technique and go legs back arms.

I'm not over the moon, but satisfied. 10 seconds is a decent enough jump. My next 2k will be when I think I can break 7:30. I've gone from 49th percentile to 58th percentile on the C2 website without filtering for weight. I'll take that amongst recreational rowers.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
05-04-2020 , 02:02 PM

Pull ups: 12, 10, 8, 6, 6 (150s)

12 minute EMOM:
Minute 1: 5 strict HSPU (just 3 in last round)
Minute 2: 50s side plank
Minute 3: 8 strict toes to bar

Pull ups were really hard. It was meant to be an 18 minute EMOM, but after I failed the 4th rep of HSPU in round 4, I stopped after 12 minutes. I should have done an easier upper day after the row this morning.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
05-05-2020 , 04:13 AM

7km, 41:55, 5:59/km, 164 AHR

After 3k or so, I slowed down the pace by 10-15 seconds/km and it made all the difference. Running was fun again and my heart rate was under control. I was running my old easy pace which was not easy enough anymore due to the lack of running.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
05-05-2020 , 12:01 PM
I have never heard of any easy running pace at 165 avg heart rate. Probably exists for younger people and the truly abnormal.

Like I said, I estimate montecore is 194. I will give you 200+, but definitely not 210s. I know you have some data at 10k race but I would like to see the graph variance before I give you something closer to 210.

You probably a hair over 200, I mean you are dying after that last interval and you didn't even break 190. Obviuosly lactate buildup slowed you down and with lag, maybe you did break 190. Your running easy pace most likely 155ish. You can be more accurate by busting out the Karvonean formula.

I struggled to make gains this year but then came back with a vengeance once I lost weight and returned to more polarized. I will easy train at 138 but consistently hit 95% of max on my intervals (even though just briefly). Gains off the roof.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
05-05-2020 , 12:09 PM
Anyways, not suggesting you add running intervals right now. I am just saying if rowing program is your focus, then cross training with running should be at an easy pace.

I don't believe over training exists for me, but it might for you.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
05-05-2020 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by loco
I have never heard of any easy running pace at 165 avg heart rate. Probably exists for younger people and the truly abnormal.

Like I said, I estimate montecore is 194. I will give you 200+, but definitely not 210s. I know you have some data at 10k race but I would like to see the graph variance before I give you something closer to 210.

You probably a hair over 200, I mean you are dying after that last interval and you didn't even break 190. Obviuosly lactate buildup slowed you down and with lag, maybe you did break 190. Your running easy pace most likely 155ish. You can be more accurate by busting out the Karvonean formula.

I struggled to make gains this year but then came back with a vengeance once I lost weight and returned to more polarized. I will easy train at 138 but consistently hit 95% of max on my intervals (even though just briefly). Gains off the roof.
I'm actually pretty concerned about how high my heart rate is for easy runs and rows. I went back to 2 races (one) and (two) where I used a chest strap. Max heart was 202 and 201 in 2012 and 2015. I stopped using a strap after that, so no data. In today's run, my HR was 160 after 1km at 6:00 pace. If I keep it to 150, I will be running at 7:00 pace or something which is ridiculous.

I've been worried about this for years, so I've checked numerous run pace calculators. The most recent was Jack Daniels after a 22:30 5k. My easy run pace was exactly what he recommended and fell in the right range according to most calculators. Even when rowing, the pace seems to me correct, but my HR cannot stay low.

I'm open to help on what to do. Maybe my resting HR is really high? I've never measured that. How would I go about finding what HRs to train at for easy running? Should I follow that even if I'm running stupidly slower than all the calculators recommend?

edit - just noticed Karvonen formula in your post. Looking
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
05-05-2020 , 02:38 PM
So Karvonen is just heart rate reserve. I'll measure my resting heart rate in the morning for the next few days. Once I get that, what's the heart rate zone for easy running? Rowing seems to be 70%
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
05-05-2020 , 05:14 PM
I have looked at your Strava. Your max heart rate is approximately 204, as I suggested before. A 10k race you will be able to average mid 180s, which is exactly what you did. Your lactate threshold is low 180s, probably 181. That's what you can average for about an hour of running. Your marathon pace is about 173 heart rate avg.


That's your easy running pace heart rate but you can get aggro and go up to 89% of lactate threshold. So you can finish some runs at 160. But average 165? Hard pass.

I wouldn't be able to give you any rowing data. For example, my cycling lactate threshold is like 10 beats below my running. I suck, lactate explosion.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
05-06-2020 , 02:12 AM
Originally Posted by loco
I have looked at your Strava. Your max heart rate is approximately 204, as I suggested before. A 10k race you will be able to average mid 180s, which is exactly what you did. Your lactate threshold is low 180s, probably 181. That's what you can average for about an hour of running. Your marathon pace is about 173 heart rate avg.


That's your easy running pace heart rate but you can get aggro and go up to 89% of lactate threshold. So you can finish some runs at 160. But average 165? Hard pass.

I wouldn't be able to give you any rowing data. For example, my cycling lactate threshold is like 10 beats below my running. I suck, lactate explosion.
I just measured my resting heart rate. First thing in the morning with the strap, lying down for 5 minutes. Lowest heart rate recorded was 60. Does that change things?

Is 70% a rough guide for easy running? That would put my eay runs at 162, which seems more reasonable
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
05-06-2020 , 04:46 AM
PP - W6D6


10000m, 47:51, 2:23.5, 19spm

2500m1 - 2:23.6, 19spm, 157 EHR
2500m2 - 2:23.6, 19spm, 159 EHR
2500m3 - 2:23.5, 19spm, 161 EHR
2500m4 - 2:23.3. 19spm, 163 EHR

I've read everywhere that lowering your stroke rate forces you to be more powerful with your stroke and be efficient. It is also easier to focus on technique with a lower stroke rate. I did that, and overall went a little slower, but with a lower heart rate. Back pain was 1/10 during the last 2 intervals, not too bad.

With rowing, I think my easy rows' paces are fine. Using % of watts of 2k time, it is 2:20 to 2:25 and using 70-75% of HR reserve, it is 158-165 (using 60 and 200). So being in the middle of both those gives me confidence it is correct.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
05-06-2020 , 11:00 AM
I don't know what the suggested training percentage is for Karvonean. I don't use that because I am so normal.

.75 of max heart rate is 153. Seiler reccomends 70-75% of max heart rate for aerobic training.

And .70 of heart rate reserve is like you said, 160.

All I know is that your easy pace is 145-160, Jack Daniels does have easy pace up to .79 of max heart rate (which would match Karvonean). Use RPE to find your personal sweet point. But the main point here is that closer to 170 is the hell zone because that's close to marathon pace. I would quit running if everyday felt like marathon pace.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
05-06-2020 , 01:04 PM
Thanks loco. I'll aim to have my HR never go above 165, that should give me an average of around 160. I'm not too bothered if that's a little too fast because I will regain my lost running quickly and should improve and get it to where I want anyway.


Pistol Squats: 5x5 (with WL shoes, only failed 1 rep)

15 minute EMOM:
Minute 1: 12 goblet squats (24kg)
Minute 2: 15 KB Swings (24kg)
Minute 3: 5 ab wheel roll outs

I used my HRM for fun. Average HR 161, max 172. It was well within control, never felt horrible.

Pistols are my biggest lockdown gain. I was cranking out the 10 reps in each set pretty easily. I can do them now in a metcon.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
05-07-2020 , 03:57 AM
PP - W7D1

10 minute warm up to video below (1707m)

4000m, 15:16, 1:54.5, 34spm, 177 AEHR

500m1 - 1:55.9. 33spm, 170 EHR
500m2 - 1:55.7, 33spm, 172 EHR
500m3 - 1:55.6, 33spm, 174 EHR
500m4 - 1:55.3, 33spm, 177 EHR
500m5 - 1:54.9, 33spm, 179 EHR
500m6 - 1:54.8, 34spm, 180 EHR
500m7 - 1:54.4, 33spm, 181 EHR
500m8 - 1:49.7, 36spm, 185 EHR

W1D1 - 1:58.9, 33spm
W4D1 - 1:57.0, 32spm

2 cycles done, and more big gains. I think I've FINALLY figured out the optimal drag factor for me. It would be around 115-120 with no injuries at all. Given that my lower back is sore a lot, I will use 110 for steady state, and between 115 and 120 depending on intervals (115 for longer ones, and 120 for 2k test).

I decided to go a bit faster today on all intervals, instead of going at 1:57 for the first 7 and all out on the last. I went sub 1:56 and then 95% on the last. I slowed down my SR on interval 7 and concentrated on a powerful stroke and it seemed so much more efficient than interval 6, where I had a faster SR and weaker stroke.

I'm chuffed about 1:58.9 -> 1:57.0 -> 1:54.5. More gains to come!

I did my warm up while watching this video. It's a 10 minute row along video with various drills. So useful! Monte, check it out.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
05-07-2020 , 04:14 AM
After 500m of my 2k test, my HR was 181, pace 1:55.0
After 500m of my FIFTH interval today, my HR was 179, pace 1:54.9

Drag factor 110 for the test, 114 today.

It also might have just been a bad day at the test.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
05-07-2020 , 02:25 PM

Weighted Pull ups: 16kg x 3,2,2,1
DB Floor Press: 22.5sx15x5
Side Plank: 60sx2 (per side)

Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
