Recommendations for a lifting schedule
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 1,368
A friend and I would like to start working out regularly. I'm looking for a particular kind of workout. We'd just like to gain some muscle/tone. I had a workout from years ago I remembered I really liked. I'll describe it as best I can. I'd like to workout Mon-Fri and work a different part of the body each day.
Mon - Chest
Tues - Back
Wed - Legs
Thurs - Shoulders
Fri - Arms
I'd like each day to be around an hour and Thurs to probably be a half hour. We probably are going to do some physical activity after workouts like play basketball or whatever. Does anybody have a workout plan in mind that would fit this description?
Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 13,431
Read the faq. Like actually read it, it's a lot of reading, but it answers just about everything.
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 23,856
Mon - Chest (bench)
Tues - Back (deadlift)
Wed - Legs (squat)
Thurs - Shoulders (press)
Fri - Arms (chin)